29 May 2015

Notes - good Friday AM / a human attribute

         A busy day so far – you and Carol have been packing and straightening up the place. Mary Lou and Carol are at the pool; Linda is finishing her book. After the pool you four are driving to Linda and Bill’s to have lunch at the Colonnade then only you and Carol will be returning to the condo. You will be leaving in the morning with a planned stop for the night at Exit 60 in Tennessee. Amy texted and said all is fine at home. – Amorella

         1056 hours. A pelican just flew over; the Gulf is a beautiful blue green once again. We have had a good time so far. We love coming to Meibers’ condo in Madeira Beach. Everyone has a good time.

         Post. - Amorella

          1117 hours. The beach is filling up quickly – mostly young women with children and beach umbrellas. A cute little two to three year old girl with a blonde ponytail, red swimsuit and blue T-shirt is diligently taking her blue bucket into the surf, filling it, and bringing it up to the dry white sand and dumping it in a hold she dug for her grandma to inspect. She is really focused. Up the beach about thirty feet a Mom is trying to coax her four year old into the water. So far she’s not having much luck.

         Late afternoon. After a good lunch you and Carol came to the condo, relaxed, then hit the pool one last time for thirty to forty minutes; she swam and you ‘bicycled’ and paddled about the entire time for your daily exercise. Packing is coming along and the plan is leave before eight and stopped at the local MacDonald’s for breakfast before driving to I-275 for the return. The weather has been bright and sunny until about an hour ago when you came in from the pool. – Amorella

         1834 hours. It has been another pleasant Florida day. We will load most of the car before bed. I filled up the car; it took seven gallons during our stay. We are good to go.

         Have a safe trip home, boy. Post. – Amorella

         1839 hours. Let’s hope, Amorella. I’ll drive professionally and defensively, at least that is always the plan.

         I don’t hope, boy. That’s a human attribute. - Amorella

28 May 2015

Notes - construction / no complaints

         You microwaved a sausage and egg Cuban from Port Tampa for breakfast. Conversation at the breakfast table during breakfast was very unusual for you. The sisters are readying to go to the pool. – Amorella

         Rather than exercises you ‘bicycled’ in the pool for more than thirty minutes and added supplemental hand paddling along the way. You had lunch (you ate half a turkey sandwich and an Irish Whiskey cake and cream dessert). Each sister had something different but each also got a dessert. Presently they are chatting in the living room. You are ready for a nap after an exhausting last night. – Amorella

         1409 hours. Carol has always made me tired. Sometimes life is hard, sometimes it isn’t. Nothing new one way or the other. I read a short article today about how science can show the direction a person is going to go (through brain scans) before the person knows this consciously. This is a similar article.

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Left or Right? The Brain Knows Before You Move

Scientists at Janelia Research Campus have identified a neural circuit that connects motor planning to movement.

With half a second’s planning, an animal’s brain prepares it to quickly and precisely execute complex movements. Scientists at Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus have identified a neural circuit that transforms the flurry of activity that occurs during this preparatory period into commands that direct muscle movements.

The research by the Janelia scientists explains why injuries that disrupt the brain’s ability to carry out movement planning typically impair a person’s ability to make movements on just one side of his or her body. Janelia group leader Karel Svoboda and his colleagues reported their findings in the February 26, 2014 issue of the journal Nature.

Neurons in the brain’s premotor cortex are active during the planning period that occurs a fraction of a second before a person or other primate initiates a movement. Those neurons do not directly receive sensory input, nor do they directly stimulate movement of the body. Instead, Svoboda says, their activity represents a cognitive phenomenon. “You can actually read out from the neurons what the animal will do in the future,” he says. “In humans, you can record this activity with an EEG electrode and read out in coarse terms when and how a person will move, before he or she is aware of where they will move.”

Still, Svoboda says, there had been no direct evidence that the brain translated this pre-movement signaling into motor commands. Furthermore, seemingly conflicting observations about how the left and right side of the premotor cortex affect movement had left scientists puzzled.

Most of what is known about the premotor cortex comes from observations of patients and experiments with primates. Patients whose premotor cortex is damaged during a stroke lose the ability to plan movements on the side of the body opposite the injured side of the brain. “So when a person has a lesion on one side, there is a strongly lateralized effect. But the dynamics of the neurons that people have found in neurophysiology experiments really don’t jibe with that,” Svoboda says.

Scientists had found about an equal number of cells on both sides of the premotor cortex whose activity was associated with movement to the left side of the body; the same was true for neurons associated with movement to the right side of the body. “It looks like the planning activity is completely distributed for both sides in both hemispheres,” Svoboda says.

About a year ago, Svoboda’s team identified a region in the brains of mice that behaves like the premotor cortex in humans and other primates. That, he says, opened the opportunity for more precise experiments.

To learn more about how neuronal activity during this preparatory period affect movements, the team used a technology called optogenetics, in which a light-sensitive protein is genetically introduced into neurons so that experiments can switch the cells on or off with a laser pulse. Postdoctoral researchers Nuo Li and Zengcai Guo developed a behavioral task in which they trained mice to respond to a sensory cue – a pole whose position an animal could detect with its whiskers – by licking to either the right or the left, following a delay of 1.3 seconds to allow for movement planning.

Li then silenced neurons on either side of the premotor cortex-like part of the mouse brain, known as the anterior lateral motor cortex. Optogenetics allows for millisecond precision, so Li could silence the neurons specifically during the movement-planning period. Silencing neurons on the right side impaired the animals’ ability to lick towards the left, whereas silencing neurons on the left side impaired their ability to lick toward the right. But just as other scientists had observed in primates and humans, when Li monitored neural activity in the animals’ anterior lateral motor cortex, about the same number of neurons on each side fired in advance of movements toward either side of the body.

Many types of cells wend their way through this part of the brain and previous experiments were unable to sort out different neurons in the mix. By applying new optogenetics tools to examine activity in specific cell types, the team found a small group of neurons whose activity was associated only with future movements on the opposite side of the animal’s body. These were pyramidal tract neurons, which extend to the motor centers that produce movement. Research specialist Tsai-Wen Chen used imaging to follow the activity of the pyramidal tract neurons, and found the same relationship with movements on the opposite side of the body.

“In the cortex, we have neurons that project to half a dozen different brain areas,” Svoboda says. “These output neurons are a small minority of cells in this region, so if you record indiscriminately from all neuron types, they get washed out,” Svoboda says. “To understand how the brain works, we really have to study the neural code at the level of defined neural populations.”

The scientists found that they could influence the direction of an animal’s licking response by stimulating the pyramidal tract neurons. “If we stimulate these neurons during motor preparation, seconds before movement, this causes the animal to move into the contralateral [opposite side] direction much more often than it would otherwise,” Svoboda says. “This really shows these brain areas and these neurons are causally related to planning these movements.”

“So a very simple picture arises,” Svoboda says. “The motor plan is distributed across both hemispheres, which talk strongly to each other. Activity is widely distributed, involving neurons that interact with sensory areas. Just before movement, this motor plan is effectively downloaded into the pyramidal tract neurons. And it’s in these neurons that we see strongly lateralized population activity.”

With a new understanding of the circuit that connects motor planning to movement, Svoboda’s team is eager to begin investigating how that planning activity is generated, how the motor cortex participates in decision making, and how information about the plan is stored until a movement is executed. “You cannot write a computer program to generate this based on what we know about neurons,” he says. “There are real mysteries there.”

Selected and edited from - http://neurosciencenewsDOTcom/motor-movement-planning-neural-network-1810/

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         1421 hours. What does this have to say about free will? Obviously the brain comes up with a solution but only when you have time to be conscious of it can you change your mind. I think of someone going in to a burning building to rescue someone. Sometimes, in a quick moment perhaps a person does not know what she or he is doing – it is just done – for good or bad consequences. I suppose this is what we have judges and juries for.

         What you really wonder is, “Is thinking really a form of coding?” And, you think, ‘Does big Blue play real chess or is it all mathematics (probabilities).

         Outside of fewer mistakes what is the real difference between a computer playing chess and a chess master playing chess? Where and what is the evidence one-way or the other? It is back to definition. (1432) Sometimes we do not only know the right questions to ask, we don’t even know the right words to construct these [right] questions. More and more I side with Socrates – “I [Richard] know little to nothing and neither does anyone else.”

         This fact can be used as an advantage, orndorff. – Amorella

         1437 hours. I am not interested in power, Amorella. Besides, I don’t know that the above is a fact. How can it be? It is comment. All we can do is construct good questions and go about answering them the best we can. That’s my opinion. I need a nap.

         Post. - Amorella

         Bill and Jen came over late this afternoon and everyone spent at least a half in the pool. You did ‘bicycle’ exercises during this time, thus you spent an hour on exercises today. Tonight, you all went to The Original Pizza for supper. This is up in the 15,500 block of Gulf Boulevard in Indian Shores Beach area. You brought home the leftovers and sent today’s lunch leftovers (quite considerable) to Bill, Jen, Jean, and James for tomorrow’s lunches. The sisters are talking in the living room as they have been. – Amorella

         2152 hours. I am glad they are enjoying themselves. I join the conversations once in a while, but I don’t have much to say so I mostly listen. They are polite while I am in the room, but the tempo heightens when I leave. When I first met Linda, Gayle and Mary Lou, Linda was in the seventh grade, Gayle in the ninth and Mary Lou was a junior at Fort Hunt High School near Alexandria, Virginia. Carol was a freshman at Otterbein. That was quite some years ago; 1966. We married 25 November 1967 in Alexandria and have had a good life and marriage. No complaints. I cannot really imagine my life ever being any different than it has turned out so far. At the same time, at the beginning, I could not have imagined how our life was going to be. 

         All for tonight, boy. Post. - Amorella

27 May 2015

Notes - Stephenson, Kahn and Huachuca / supper and music / life is good

         The sisters talked most of the morning. You did your forty minutes of exercises. No one went to the pool or the beach. Lunch, at Mary Lou’s request, was at Conch Republic Grill. The girls had salmon; you had chicken quesadillas. You and Carol had unsweetened ice tea; Linda and Mary Lou had daiquiris.  French pastries for dessert (once again) were at 2600 Gulf Boulevard (almost to the Clearwater City Limits). A final stop at John’s Pass shops then you stopped at the condo for the rest of the afternoon. Everyone was going to take a nap but so far no takers. – Amorella

         1438 hours. I am looking out at the Gulf from my makeshift table/chair desk in the bedroom. The girls are still talking. You’d think they’d be all talked out by now. I talked for five minutes at the restaurant before the food arrived. That was it. Carol told me I didn’t have to stop but I didn’t have anything more to say. That’s what’s nice about rolling and or focused thoughts – I can write in silence and readers, if they like, can read them in silence or not read them at all. No one is disturbed by my interruptions, not even myself since I wasn’t doing anything anyway. I did buy another cap, this time a black one – “Conch Republic ” above and “Grill & Raw Bar” below in white. Above the words is a centered ‘pirate’ skull and bones icon. In small white print on the back the cap says, “North Redington Beach”. Now I have enough caps. The last two are propaganda for seafood. They fit my personality, which make them a lot more authentic me than the CIA cap (which I still think is cool).

         Being on a secret mission has been a long time favorite fantasy for you orndorff. One of the highlights of your life was smuggling in a package from a colleague in Sao Paulo’s “Graded” to the far west countryside of Montevideo to his long time friend from their twenty to thirty years of rural communal living in Paraguay. – Amorella

         1505 hours. Roger Allain taught French at Graded, his wife was English; they and other Quakers left Europe. They wanted to raise their children in peace. We played chess and discussed philosophies. We had a home cooked dinner with his family of a wife and ten some children adorned with charming Old World style and grace. I am still impressed with the man among others who lived life as he/they saw fit. –  Just saw two pods of dolphin swimming by in opposite directions, very cool. Life can be momentarily good and pleasurable – in this case memories and the dolphin make it so.

         Don’t you find it strange, boy; that you, a man of few if any secrets, would have had such a desire to have been a real spy in a real governmental agency? – Amorella

         1527 hours. I was influenced by the James Bond character and MI5 and MI6 but later I was more influenced by the book A Man Called Intrepid by William Stephenson and The Codebreakers by David Kahn. 

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Sir William Samuel Stephenson, Kt, CC. MC, DFC (23 January 1897 – 31 January 1989) was a Canadian soldier, air, businessman, inventor, spymaster, and the senior representative of British intelligence for the entire western hemisphere during World War II. He is best known by his wartime intelligence codename Intrepid. Many people consider him to be one of the real-life inspirations for James Bond. Ian Fleming himself once wrote, "James Bond is a highly romanticized version of a true spy. The real thing is ... William Stephenson.”

As head of the British Security Coordination, Stephenson handed over British scientific secrets to Franklin D. Roosevelt and relayed American secrets to Winston Churchill. In addition, Stephenson has been credited with changing American public opinion from an isolationist stance to a supportive tendency regarding America's entry into World War II. . . .

Selected and edited from Wikipedia

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The Codebreakers – The Story of Secret Writing is a book by David Kahn, published in 1967 comprehensively chronicling the history of cryptography from ancient Egypt to the time of its writing. The United States government attempted to have the book altered before publication, and it succeeded in part.


Bradford Hardie III, an American cryptographer during World War II, contributed insider information, German translations from original documents, as well as intimate real-time operational explanations to The Codebreakers.

The Codebreakers is widely regarded as the best account of the history of cryptography up to its publication. William Crowell, the former deputy director of the National Security Agency, was quoted in Newsday magazine as saying "Before he (Kahn) came along, the best you could do was buy an explanatory book that usually was too technical and terribly dull.”

Kahn, then a journalist, was contracted to write a book on cryptology in 1961. He began writing it part-time, and then he quit his job to work on it full-time. The book was to include information on the NSA, and according to the author James Bamford, in 1982, the agency attempted to stop its publication. The NSA considered various options, including writing a negative review of Kahn's work to be published in the press to discredit him.

A committee of the United States Intelligence Board concluded that the book was "a possibly valuable support to foreign COMSEC authorities" and recommended "further low-key actions as possible, but short of legal action, to discourage Mr. Kahn or his prospective publishers". Kahn's publisher, Macmillan and Sons, handed over the manuscript to the government for review without Kahn's permission on 4 March 1966. Kahn and Macmillan eventually agreed to remove some material from the manuscript, particularly concerning the relationship between the NSA and its counterpart in the United Kingdom, the GCHQ.

The book finishes with a chapter on SETI. Because of the year of its publication, the book did not cover most of the history concerning the breaking of the German Enigma machine, which became public knowledge during in the 1970s). Hence, not much was said of Alan Turing. Nor did it cover the advent of strong cryptography in the public domain, beginning with the invention of public key cryptography and the specification of the Data Encryption Standard in the mid-1970s. The book was republished in 1996, and this new edition includes an additional chapter briefly covering the events since the original publication.

Selected and edited from Wikipedia

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         1600 hours. Craig, Alta, Carol and myself went to Fort Huachuca to see the little known museum on code-breaking.

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Fort Huachuca is a Untied States Army Installation in Cochise County Arizona. The base lies approximately 15 miles north of the Mexican border and is within the city of Sierra Vista. Home of the Army Intelligence Center and the Network Enterprise Technology Command, Fort Huachuca is a hub of United States Army communications technology and training. The base shares nearby Libby Airfield with the civilian Sierra Vista Municipal Airport. Though never used, the Libby Airfield runway served as a backup landing location for United States space shuttles. . . .

Points of Interest on Fort Huachuca

Fort Huachuca has all the amenities of any modern city. Soldiers and families stationed at the base can enjoy a wide range of facilities including housing, pools, gyms, a PX with adjoining food court, gas stations, banks and the William Bliss Army Community Hospital. The base is also home to two museums. The United States Army Intelligence Museum displays the development and evolution of Army intelligence operations and technology. The Fort Huachuca Museum covers the history of the United States Army in the American Southwest. . . .

Selected and edited from -- http://militarybases.com/fort-huachuca-army-base-in-cochise-az/

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         Interest in the subject continues, orndorff – the interest is authentic no question about that. Carol want to check her email. Later, boy. Post. - Amorella

         Jean called and said she, James and Bill were coming over for supper. You decided on Daiquiri Shak. You and Carol split a wrap with sweet potato fries and you both had unsweetened ice tea. The others went back to Port Tampa. The sisters are going to the pool for a bit. You declined for a second night reasoning you already had your exercise for the day. Part of the supper conversation was on sharing your first meeting and/or date with one another. This added to the fun. You are listening to your Pandora private station “Traveling Wilburys” and are into “Free Falling” at the moment. – Amorella

         1843 hours. I have some wonderfully mellow songs on my “Traveling Wilburys”. Listening to “From Me To You” at the moment and now “Runaround Sue”. Okay, off goes the music because I need to focus on what’s coming up.

        Nothing much, orndorff – a few people are on the beach, four at present with one in the water. You have a few high dark-bottomed Cumulus in blue appearing sky at three thousand five hundred feet or so as dusk approaches. The girls return. Later, dude. - Amorella

You found an article worth reading in your mailbox. Here it is. - Amorella

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May 27, 2015


A Conversation with Sean Carroll

SEAN CARROLL is a research professor at Caltech and the author of THE PARTICLE AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE, which won the 2013 Royal Society Winton Prize, and FROM ETERNITY TO HERE: THE QUEST FOR THE ULTIMATE THEORY OF TIME. He has recently been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Gemant Award from the American Institute of Physics, and the Emperor Has No Clothes Award from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

I've always studied the laws of physics. I've always been curious about how the universe works, where it comes from, what are the rules that govern the behavior of the universe at the deepest level, so I do physics for a living. I study cosmology and the Big Bang and what happened before the Big Bang, if anything. It's a system of things that hooks up in very complicated ways to our human scale lives. There's the natural world that scientists study, and we human beings are part of the natural world.

There's an old creationist myth that says there’s a problem with the fact that we live in a universe governed by the second law of thermodynamics: Disorder, or entropy, grows with time from early times to later times. If that were true, how in the world could it be the case that here on Earth something complicated and organized like human beings came to be? There's a simple response to this, which is that the second law of thermodynamics says that things grow disorderly in closed systems, and the earth is not a closed system. We get energy in a low entropy form from the sun. We radiate it out in a high entropy form to the universe. But okay, there's still a question: even if it's allowed for a structure to form here on Earth, why did it? Why does that happen? Is that something natural? Is that something that needs to be guided or does it just happen?

In some sense this is a physics problem. I've become increasingly interested in how the underlying laws of physics, which are very simple and mindless and just push particles around according to equations, take us from the very simple early universe near the Big Bang after 10 to the 100th years to the expanding, desolate, cold and empty space in our future, passing through the current stage of the history of the universe where things are rich and intricate and complex.

We know there's a law of nature, the second law of thermodynamics, that says that disorderliness grows with time. Is there another law of nature that governs how complexity evolves? One that talks about multiple layers of the structures and how they interact with each other? Embarrassingly enough, we don't even know how to define this problem yet. We don't know the right quantitative description for complexity. This is very early days. This is Copernicus, not even Kepler, much less Galileo or Newton. This is guessing at the ways to think about these problems.
You can think about the universe as a cup of coffee: You're taking cream and you're mixing it into the coffee. When the cream and the coffee are separate, it's simple and it's organized; it's low entropy. When you've mixed them all together, it's high entropy. It's disorganized but it's still simple everything is mixed together. It's in the middle, when the swirls of cream are mixing into the swirls of coffee, that you get this intricate, complex structure. You and I—human beings—are those intricate swirls in the cup of coffee. We are the little epiphenomena that occur along the way from a simple low entropy past to a simple high entropy future. We are the complexity along the way.

That's a nice physical description. It also makes you think about things beyond the simple physical description. It's talking about human beings suddenly. There're questions here about the origin of galaxies, the origin of stars, the origin of life. There're also questions about the origins of thought and cognition. There're also questions about the origin and the role of meaning and mattering and purpose in the world.                                 

My medium-scale research project these days is understanding complexity and structure and how it arises through the workings out of the laws of physics. My bigger picture question is about how human beings fit into this. We live in part of the natural world. We are collections of molecules undergoing certain chemical processes. We came about through certain physical processes. What are we going to do about that? What are we going to make of that? Are we going to dissolve in existential anxiety, or are we going to step up to the plate and create the kind of human scale world with value and meaning that we all want to live in?                                 

My own work is that of a traditional pencil and paper theorist. I own a computer. I mostly use it for email and looking at the Internet. What I do for a living is take pieces of paper, or a blackboard, and I write equations. My job is to take an idea, turn it into equations and then use those equations to make predictions, hopefully to connect with the world that we see around us. I'm a member of the Physics Department and the Theoretical Particle Physics Group at Caltech in Pasadena. Most of us in that group are people like me: We're sitting at our desks, we're chatting to each other at whiteboards, or going to Starbucks over coffee and saying, "What if we added a certain field to the inventory of the universe that interacted with other fields in such-and-such a way? Would that help us understand the dark matter? Would that help us understand the dark energy? Would it help us understand the mass of the Higgs boson for example?"                           
The general fields in which I've been working—theoretical particle physics, cosmology, and gravitation—are ones that are significantly influenced by experiments: Discovering the Higgs boson, discovering the patterns in the microwave background, the leftover radiation from the Big Bang. We would like to take these clues that the universe is giving us and turn them into quantitative theories for how the universe works, and that's the traditional understanding of what my job is.         
A lot of my work is talking. I talk to other theorists. I have graduate students, postdocs, colleagues. People always ask whether I have a lab—no, I do not have a lab. I have an office with a desk. I am lucky enough to be sitting at the desk that Richard Feynman sat at back when he was a professor at Caltech. When people ask me why, I explain to them that Feynman's desk gets given to the most senior physicist who's not senior enough to warrant a brand new desk. That turns out to be me at Caltech right now.            
I am increasingly getting interested in a different kind of physics theorizing that is not just writing down a new set of fields or a new model for particle physics or cosmology, but taking the models we already know and looking at them at a slightly different level of abstraction: Thinking about robust features of entropy and complexity and how they play together. Just as one example, some colleagues of mine and I are writing a paper which we call "The Bayesian Second Law of Thermodynamics." This is taking Bayes's theorem, which is a result in statistics. You want to update your likelihood, your belief in a certain theory based on the information that you get—the data—the observational outcome. Bayesian statistics is a very traditional way of thinking about the increase of scientific knowledge. We start from possibilities. We learn more and more because we collect new data. In some sense this is what you do every time you look at any physical system. You thought it had certain properties, you measure something about it, you learn more about it. We're marrying Bayes's theorem in statistics to the second law of thermodynamics in physics, and we're getting a new way to think about microscopic systems that you can measure in the lab.           
We're learning a lot about how the fundamental laws grow into the macroscopic laws. One of the interesting things, at a philosophical level just as much as a scientific level, is the role of causation or causality. What causes what in the natural world? It's fascinating to a lot of people. When you open up a book on quantum field theory or particle physics, words like cause and effect appear nowhere in the book. The traditional notion of causality is just not there. The word “causality” might be misused a little bit to stand in as something that says signals do not travel faster than the speed of light. But the idea A precedes B and, therefore, A causes B is a feature of our big macroscopic world. It's not a feature of particle physics. In the underlying microscopic world you can run forward and backward in time just as easily one way as the other.                                 

This is something we all think is true. It is not something we understand at this level of deriving one set of results from another. If you want to know why notions of cause and effect work in the macroscopic world even though they're absent in the microscopic world, no one completely understands that. It has something to do with the arrow of time and entropy and the fact that entropy is increasing. This is a connection between fundamental physics, and social science, and working out in the world of sociology or psychology why does one effect get traced back to a certain kind of cause. A physicist is going to link that to the low entropy that we had near the Big Bang.      

Cosmology, which is my home turf, is in a very interesting situation right now. Remarkably, to anyone who was around when I was in graduate school, we understand so much about the universe now that we didn't understand twenty, twenty-five years ago. We understand its overall density, its likely future fate, we know a lot about the primordial conditions and so forth, and it's put us physicists in an awkward position. We love understanding things, but it makes it hard to make progress. You make progress when there's something you don't understand, some puzzle that is being given to you. The kinds of puzzles we have from the data right now in cosmology are so big picture, so non-detailed, that it's hard to know how to move forward. Why does the energy of empty space have the value it does? Why did the early universe have such a low entropy?      
We have ideas about this. The most famous single idea in modern theoretical cosmology is inflation: The idea that the very early universe was almost unimaginably tiny, but it inflated by an enormous amount in a very short period of time and it smoothed out and became the universe we see today. It's a very powerful idea traced back to Alan Guth in the late 1970s.

Inflation seems to have an unfortunate or fortunate consequence, depending on how you want to spin it—namely, that inflation takes this tiny region of space and makes it really big. Part of that big region becomes our universe, but another part of it just keeps inflating. It just keeps going, and more and more little parts of the universe drop out and become regions of space like our own, or regions of space similar to our own but different in other ways, maybe different local laws of physics even. That rubs people the wrong way. Think about how this picture developed: we have our observations, we have our universe, and we're trying to explain it. We come up with a theory to explain it, and we predict the existence essentially of other universes, and then the question is a combination of science and philosophy once again. What do we make of these other universes that we don't see? They're predicted by our theory. Do we take them seriously or not? That's a question that's hard to adjudicate by traditional scientific methods. We don't know how to go out and look for these universes. We don't even think it's possible maybe to do so.             
I'm on the side that says you get to take your theory seriously until a better theory comes along. We can't say there are definitely other universes, but we can say it's very possible and we should take that seriously. Of course, it all depends on inflation being right, which is why people were very excited when a little while ago there was a claim by the BICEP2 collaboration—a radio telescope that was looking at polarization of the leftover radiation from the Big Bang—that they seemed to see a certain very faint signal which is exactly what would have been predicted if inflation had happened. In fact, it was maybe a little bit stronger than you would have expected, but you could find wiggle room to make sense of that.                

People got very, very, very excited because it was the first direct evidence in favor of inflation. That's a too-lucky-to-be-true kind of thing, like our meager human intellects apparently successfully reached back to the first trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang and figured out what was happening. Unfortunately, the exciting result is probably not right. The better data that has come in since then seems to say that what we thought was a faint signal from inflation was in fact schmutz in the middle of the universe. It was stuff from our galaxy, dust and magnetic fields getting in the way. You know what? That's how science works. We make observations, we interpret them, we make better observations. We learn more. Right now we're back to where we were. Inflation might be right, it might not be right, we don't know. Taking it seriously is definitely our job.                 
One of the struggles that we have as modern physicists and cosmologists, is that the conventional ways we have of talking about how to do science might be too simplistic. One way we can put this that is very dramatic is, there is a t-shirt or bumper-sticker-sized motto that was given to us by Sir Karl Popper about what demarcates science from non science, namely, scientific theories are falsifiable, which doesn't mean you can prove them wrong, it means that if they were wrong you could prove them wrong. A good scientific theory according to Popper sticks its neck out. It says, here's what I think is true about the universe. There's something very definite that I'm saying. If you look for this aspect and don't find it there, then that theory is not correct.                          

What Popper had in mind was attacking things like Freudian psychoanalysis. He thought that there was nothing that a patient could tell a psychoanalyst that the psychoanalyst would not be able to say, "Ah, yes. I have a perfect theory that would explain that." Popper felt that if you could explain everything, you're explaining nothing. You're not sticking your neck out. This idea that scientific theory should be falsifiable has caught on. Popper was not completely right about that. He's not taken as the last word by any respectable philosopher of science, but he was onto something important. He was pointing out that a good scientific theory should be carefully definite. It can't have infinite amounts of wiggle room.        
Some scientists, bless their hearts, have taken this subtle piece of philosophy of science and made it a little bit overly simplistic. When we have a theory now, like string theory which says that there's little loops of string at a submicroscopic scale, or the inflationary universe scenario that says there are other universes that we can't see, these theories are saying something very definite. It's not like anything goes in these theories, but what they are saying seems to be inaccessible to our practical experimental abilities. Maybe even our impractical ones if you're talking about the multiverse that is further away than we can possibly see.                                 

In some weird overly literal sense, these theories are not falsifiable because we just don't know how to do the experiments to falsify them even though they're saying something definite. In my opinion, if you ask Karl Popper about that, he would say these theories are perfectly scientific, there's nothing wrong with them. He never said it would be easy to falsify things, he just said that a theory should make definite statements. But certain zealous colleagues of mine are saying that because you can't see the other universes in the multiverse or because you can't see the little super strings moving around, these theories are not falsifiable and, therefore, should not count as science.                        
It's a bit of a tempest in a teapot because science is going to march on one way or the other. The overwhelming majority of physicists and cosmologists do not spend their time thinking about string theory or the multiverse. This isn't what most working scientists do. It gets a lot of public attention, but there're a small number of people who work on these ideas seriously. I'm one of them. They will either pay off or they won't. They will either continue to be fruitful and drive forward new research ideas or they will just fade away and die. There is no danger to the scientific enterprise posed by people thinking about the prediction of inflationary cosmology that there are other universes out there.    
Sometimes the cosmologists or physicists who talk about these speculative ideas—the multiverse, string theory, extra dimensions and so forth—they catch a bit of heat from their friends and colleagues in the physics department back home because if you look at the membership of the American Physical Society, the percentage of people in the APS who are working on these ideas is very tiny, but the percentage of popular physics books that talk about them is very large.                                  

I think that's fine, personally. I would think that; I'm writing books that are exactly in this vein. The way that the person on the street is interested in physics is never going to match exactly the research interests of the working physicist, but the people on the street like the outputs of the typical working physicist because they help build better machines, better technology, things that change their lives. People thinking about the multiverse do not change anyone's lives, but it provokes us to think about our place in the universe. It's part of who we are as human beings. We should be asking these big questions. It makes perfect sense for a physicist to share with the wider world their speculative ideas as long as they're honest about the fact that they are speculative, and maybe fifty years from now we'll know whether we were on the right track or not.  
There's something interesting going on where there's a whole community of physicists, advisors and students, who have been doing theoretical physics with very little direct connection to observations. String theory in particular is like this. In cosmology, which is closer to what I've been doing, people are pretty close to experiments. We get new data in from the microwave background, from large-scale structure, whereas in string theory there's been essentially no data or observationally-oriented result that has changed the course of the field. That's not surprising in retrospect. It's very hard. They're asking questions that are very far away from the energy scales that we can reach in accelerators.   
One could reasonably worry that they forget what it is like to try to match the data. The world is tricky. It's very rare that our ideas simply fit the right way the first time. If you spend decades trying to come up with the right mathematical description of nature without worrying about fitting the data, you might forget that challenge and be satisfied for the wrong reasons. All the work done by string theorists could, in the end, mean very little.                          
String theory is a weird theory. It popped into our laps. Again, it makes predictions about energies that we have no access to in our current experiments. It might be wrong, but it's amazingly good. A theory in physics has a feeling about it. It seems to make sense and work well and fit, or it just seems to crash and burn very easily. String theory makes sense as a theory. It matches on to things that we think are true about the world. It seems to be very, very robust, very flexible. A lot of things can happen.           
It's hard to bring it down to earth. It's hard to connect it to the world we see. Either we will bring it down to earth and connect it to the world we see or people will lose interest. People cannot maintain this optimistic idea that we're going to get the right theory of quantum gravity, the theory of everything, if it's literally decades and decades of people writing down equations and never predicting the experimental outcome of anything. But we're not there yet. It would be a terrible shame if we gave up on string theory when maybe next year someone will figure out how to bring it in connection to observations, or maybe ten years from now it will happen. This is how science works, and this is it at work.      
There's a great story about this woman, Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia. In a slightly different world than our world, she would be known as a great philosopher, but she was a woman in the 17th century, and there was no chance of becoming a famous intellectual. Her father was very briefly the King of Bohemia, so she became Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia. Then the Thirty Years' War started and they went into exile because he was on the losing side of the first early skirmishes. Growing up, her family, including her bothers and sisters, made fun of Elisabeth because she was overeducated. She was very good at foreign languages and geometry and astronomy. They called her "La Grecque" for "The Greek." In exile she got to meet and got to know René Descartes who was also in exile, from France. He was accused of being an atheist because he thought too hard about the nature of God and so forth. They struck up a friendship, but it was a combative friendship because Princess Elisabeth didn't understand a fundamental part of Cartesian philosophy. It's not that she didn't understand what Descartes said, she didn't believe it; she thought it was flawed. She said, "You're a dualist. You think that there's a body, and there's a mind—a spirit, a soul—immaterial, separate from the body. But the body obeys the laws of nature." This is what we would now call the laws of physics. "How does this mind, this soul that is not made of material, how does it affect the body? How does the mind talk to, how does it causally influence the body?"

Basically Descartes never found a satisfactory answer to this question. He tried. He took her criticisms very, very seriously. He imagined specific glands in the human nervous system. The pineal gland was his favorite example of a way that signals from the immaterial soul might be coming to you and giving you instructions. In the modern world he would be very much against artificial intelligence. Descartes didn't think that machines could think, so he needed some way that the soul—the mind—could talk to the body, but it didn't work.                                

Princess Elisabeth's objections form a very solid basis for inspiring the kinds of objections we have today to dualistic versions of the world, to theories of the world that put consciousness or mind in a separate category or box than the physical world. Everything that we've done in science for the last 300 years has given us reason to believe that minds—consciousness—are not separate from the stuff out of which we are made. It is an emergent phenomenon, if you like. It is something that happens because of the collective interactions between all the stuff that we are made out of. We are nowhere near understanding all of this. There's a lot of research to be done.
A bunch of people, Stuart Kauffmann, Ilya Prigogine, there are many people who have talked about self organization and how individual, mindless pieces can come together to make something that looks like it's thinking. But I would say that this remains ill-understood. Very few our current ideas are going to last. This is a great fertile ground for young scientists to think about. Academia is a funny thing of course. Young academics, you would think, if they're studying physics or chemistry or biology or whatever, they're spending their time thinking about these deep questions of nature. Really they're spending their time thinking about getting jobs because there are many more graduate students who get PhD's than we can possibly turn into tenured professors.  
In my field, and if you go to a good place—Harvard, Princeton, Caltech—you may, if you get your PhD, have a 25 percent chance of someday being a tenured professor somewhere. Everyone knows that and it causes for some nerve-wracking interactions. In 1992 when I was still a graduate student, I got a phone call and it was Stephen Hawking on the line. Sadly I wasn't there in my office. It was Brian Schmidt, my officemate, who took the call. Stephen wanted to offer me a job, a postdoctoral research job, and for various reasons I ended up saying no. I went to MIT instead.                           
Three years later, again Stephen Hawking offered me a job. I had applied all over for postdocs, and again I said no. I decided that I needed to go where I thought the hottest, best work was being done right at that moment, and that was at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara where it's an amazingly wonderfully interactive place in modern physics. That was where I finally met Stephen Hawking. He visited Santa Barbara because that's where the good physics was being done, and he had come there with his retinue of graduate students. One of the graduate students was Raphael Bousso who is now a famous professor in his own right. I was talking to Raphael and I said, "You should introduce me to Stephen. I've never actually said hi to him." As a joke I said, "I hope he's not mad at me because he did offer me a job and I turned him down." Raphael said, "Oh, don't worry about that. There's this one guy who turned him down twice." I said, "Yes, that was me." Raphael's response was to run up to Stephen Hawking going, "Stephen, Stephen. This is the guy. This is the guy who turned you down twice!" And that is how I got to meet Stephen Hawking.     
The good news was that it was my second postdoc in Santa Barbara. I'm looking for a faculty job, a permanent position. Back in the early Nineties when I was first applying, there was nothing interesting going on in fundamental physics or cosmology. You could be a hot property in the job market just on the basis of your promise and good letters. But in the meantime, while I was a postdoc, interesting things started happening. The second superstring revolution happened. We discovered the perturbations in the microwave background in cosmology. Soon, the only people getting jobs were people working on that stuff. I realized that in order to get a job I would need to start working on something that other people thought was interesting, not just what I thought was interesting.                            
Unfortunately, I was not an expert in anything that was thought to be interesting. All of the things I was an expert on were my own quirky little interests that no one else cared about. Fortunately, in 1998, the year before my post doc would have run out, my old office mate, Brian Schmidt, helped discover the acceleration of the universe. The fact that the universe is not only expanding, but expanding faster and faster due to what we think is called dark energy; this was a discovery in 1998. Brian shared the Nobel Prize for his efforts in the year 2011, but I like to remind him that in 1992 he was answering phones for me and picking up the phone call from Stephen Hawking.     
The good news for me was I was a world expert in dark energy and the acceleration of the universe before they discovered it. Suddenly I went from being ignored to once again being a hot property on the job market. I got a wonderful set of faculty job offers. I accepted a job at the University of Chicago, and I worked hard on figuring out why the universe is accelerating. The bad news is I didn't figure it out and neither did anybody else. These days I've moved on. It's still just as good a problem as it was in 1998 or whenever, but it's hard to make progress on that problem. We need to take a step back and do a little bit more deep thinking about the underlying rules of quantum mechanics and gravity before we're going to understand this problem.          
It's a very weird relationship that academics have with the outside world, with the wider world, especially in a field like particle physics where the last time that an experiment or a theoretical discovery in particle physics had any impact on anyone's everyday life was probably some time in the 1950s when we were discovering nuclear physics and pions and things like that that might possibly give rise to new technologies. These days the reason we do particle physics or cosmology is purely for the sake of discovery; it's not for any practical application in the future. We're being paid to do stuff because the human race has decided that these questions are worth addressing. If we address them and then don't tell anybody what we found, there's no reason for people like me to exist.   
There's a great argument to be made that as a field we have an absolute obligation to reach out to the broader public. This is part of the human project to understand our world and we scientists are trying to contribute to that. Part of that contribution is not only making the discoveries but sharing them as widely as possible. Yet, within academia there's no question that it hurts your career to write books, to go out there and to talk to the public. There're two aspects to that. One is you're taken just a little bit less seriously because you're spending time talking to the person on the street rather than to your academic colleagues. I'm a straight, white male doing this and I get some disrespect for it. I cannot even imagine what it is like for women, for example, who do this because they're already looked at with suspicion by the paternalistic dominant number of people in the field. That's one thing. The other thing of course is that when it comes to getting jobs and getting tenure, universities are governed by fear. They're very fearful that they will hire you, give you an academic position, and then you will stop doing research. You'll have tenure and you'll be there for decades, and they will have wasted a slot on you. If you let them believe that you had any interests in addition to doing research, then they'll be worried. They'll be worried that you'll take up those interests and do them more full-time once you have your tenured job. Yes, you're doing research now, but once we give you tenure you'll just write books and go sailing around the world or something like that. They're very afraid of that.     
It's very unfortunate. We need outreach. We need education. We need public engagement and excitement. The public is there. They're ready. They like it. They are underserved by us talking about these wonderful ideas in physics and science more broadly, and yet academia doesn't reward it. There are some people who will just do it anyway because we're stubborn and we like doing it, and we think it's important. I would be much happier with the future of my field if I thought that, in a more systematic level, we were ready to support people who spent time and some of their effort doing outreach and talking to the public as well as doing cutting edge science.            
I'm in a funny but wonderful position. I'm a research professor in physics at Caltech. There are few research professors in the world at all and very few of them are theorists. Usually a research professor is a job for an experimentalist working on some big apparatus or something like that. Fortunately for me, Caltech has a big pile of money that they're using to pay my salary. I'm a professor. I have students. I could teach classes if I wanted to, I don't have to teach any class that I don't want to. In many ways, for someone who wants to spend time also writing books and reaching out to the public, it's a wonderfully flexible position, and in the meantime I get to do research.              
If there's any one thing, if I had restrictions that I was only allowed to do one thing, it would be doing scientific research. That's what makes me most excited—writing papers, trying to figure out new laws of physics. In my current position I get to take those hours of the day that a regular professor would use teaching or doing service to the university, and I get to use them writing books, giving lectures, trying to reach a broader audience. That will last as long as Caltech tolerates me.                                 

It's very strange because if there are other physicists who aren't reading my papers because they're not exactly in my subfield, a lot of them just don't know I'm doing research at all because they don't read my papers, but they do know about my books. The books have a broader impact than the papers do. I had colleagues who were surprised I'm writing books. I've had other colleagues who were surprised I'm writing papers.

I like to think that the book writing, public outreach activities can be not oppositional to doing research. I have been inspired to do research projects by thinking about different ways of talking to the public, and I think that you can get the word out there even to your own scientific colleagues by writing a good book.        

To me, the perfect popular science book is one that anybody can read, but your professional colleagues can read with enjoyment and getting some benefit out of it. You're talking about ideas in a way that they might not have heard of from you giving a seminar or something like that. Especially in the Internet age, we should go for the richest, thickest possible ecosystem of communication. We should communicate through books, through videos, through Twitter, through science publication, through seminars. These are not in competition with each other; they are all moving in the same direction.
Selected and edited from – EdgeDOTcom – “Layers Of Reality” A Conversation With Sean Carroll [5.28.15]

** **

         2047 hours. I like the above essay. I did not watch the video because it takes too long to do so. It is optimistic about science even though the fields of science have human problems.

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         2053 hours. The blog allows me to feel that I am the classroom and the class at the same time. Interested readers are appreciated. For me, at this time in life, I am in a good place partially of my own making, and partially of Amorella’s making. Life is good. Thank you, Amorella.

         Post. - Amorella