30 September 2013

Notes - Grandma 3 completed

        Mid-afternoon. You had a late lunch at Panera/Chipotle after watching the last BBC episode of “Broadchurch” and both were surprised at the conclusion of the wonderfully enacted production. Presently you are in the far north parking lot of Pine Hill Lakes Park looking west onto the bottom of the hill. Carol has opened a ‘new’ book (to her from Linda) by Brad Thor, Black List. Let’s go to Grandma three. – Amorella

         2137 hours. Grandma 3 is complete and is a strange tale if there ever was one to come out of me. I sense a reality in or between the words. I am not sure which. I am not sure either, that I am not mistaken.

Grandma’s Story 3 ©2013, rho (final) draft GMG

            “Sometimes children,” instructs Grandma, The geology of the heart translates to where the heart is born. In this case a girl child’s heart is born from sheets of ice piled over solid stone depressed by the weight of white. Warmed, watery tears flow inward, creating a landlocked seacoast with green hills, a place subset between two deep faults of consciousness.”

“I am in view of a young woman consciousness,” continues Grandma, “Qwinta is her name, and she is standing, staring at a multi-shaded orange tinged maple leaf in her hand. Qwinta stands within sight of a body of lake water, some eight thousand years after her lifetime on Earth, is identified as Lake Champlain, which sets between the heart eastern Canadian provinces and two U.S. states. Today the world understands the orange shading in the maple leaf is caused by a complex of the photosynthesis of carbohydrates using the energy of sunlight not by the color of magic in a suggestive thought.

            Eight thousand years ago, Qwinta imagined the orange hue of the beautiful autumn maple leaf to be that of the ghostly kneeling Princess, a royal canoeist, in an artfully decorated sun regal dugout. Touching this enchanting and perhaps magical maple leaf Princess Qwinta creates the self-imprinting of an inner fantasy  . . .

            The maple wood paddle the Princess is using and I, the Quinta, become as one-in-mind . . . I am the paddle’s head, its grip. I am the head; the shaft-and-blade become two . . . The royal hand on the grip, my head, becomes one with the drop and swirl movement of the paddle through the water. When the paddle is lifted from the water, a ripple ensues. The ripple is a wave with a reflected orange in the Maple leaf . . . The very spirit of the one whose hand dips like a paddle into the River of the Dead also lifts up and leaves a ripple as it passes from one side of the profound and ethereal current to the other side. The swirling spirit, the sculling spirit also manifests itself into the maple tree reflected water is swirled into this lone maple leaf as the paddle rises . . . I, Qwinta, a Princess spirit and mind, am the causal connection between the Living and the Dead just as the once decorated tree, the wood paddle and canoe, are the causal connection between the sun, orange and this fallen maple leaf. To doubt this is sensation of being is a truth is to doubt my own existence because to do so I would have to deny that I hold a truth between finger and thumb. The sun touches the leaf to gold before it falls.

Grandma all wonderfully black, full bosomed, full hipped, and colorfully costumed in Caribbean Island attire sashays and ripples her own waters by suggesting, “There isn’t a reason on this Earth for people to be touched by Perfection. I dance the physical sciences – matter and spirit each has her own interests and this can be observed still, in Quinta’s ghost.”

Quinta, while once living, is abruptly interrupted by three squawks of a crow then silence like the black eyes of night. Doubt and perfection cannot coexist like the color of sun and leaf. My family has light skin and blue eyes. No one knows why. Some say we are the children of the blue sky and white clouds come to life, but why would that be? Family tears are not the rain and this is plain to see. The greater family rule is to avoid contact with outsiders. The sun and moon do not avoid us and they are the outsiders. We have a sun and moon inside as the Earth has a sun and moon outside. Body and spirit, spirit and body, who sets these rules?

Human species, be they marsupial or primate in these books, enjoy imagination and reason. I, Grandma, operate by Necessity and you have the necessity to operate.

 Muddy waters run full and fast
And show a future from this woman's past,

Thus from old Grandma’s waves of rain
A maple leaf and imagination sprang.

            Long ago, a memory stirs, at once, a ghostly thought re-occurs, ‘I, once a Quinta, become a leaf and princess both.’

715 words

         You wonder how this story play the way it is presented by the sewing of the material to the spiritual. This is so because in a shrinking reality the world is the other way ‘round; the spiritual is first and is threaded unevenly through a loose distribution of originally haunted and sometimes headless matter. – Amorella

         2228 hours.  Something here is being lost in translation. (I will re-read and perhaps re-construct in the morning.)

         The universe is not being lost, boy, you are. – Amorella

         The darkest of dark humor without the reek of madness.

         October is on the morning’s rise, my young man, and slipperiest of spirits rise with it. Post. – Amorella

         2234 hours. I find neither a Heaven nor a Hell on the earthly place where we were all born to exist, ever, as a light burning itself out. If this is a madness, it is an honest madness.

29 September 2013

Notes - helpers

         You arrived home from Columbus after dark, fed the cats, cleaned their litter box, and took out the trash for tomorrow morning. During your morning walk in the park Kim called and suggested lunch. It was too late but you decided to take the car for a good spin on the interstate so Carol drove half way up and you the other half. Your driving (both) has been your usual driving. You both drove between seventy-five and seventy-seven on the freeway and with what appeared to be half a tank left you stopped at Flying J on the way back as it was three dollars and twenty-nine cents a gallon. The car took eight gallons at three hundred and eighty miles. Sometimes you gunned it up to ninety and Carol up to eighty to see how it would do. Both of you are quite pleased with the smooth ride on the straightaway and curves. The car kicks up when you floor it and actually presents more power than then Honda Accord six. You decided to go your own way on the radio stations and have filled twenty-four of them with a mix of what you both listen to. You have never owned a car that was quicker, quieter, roomier and more comfortable. The average mileage at the pump (not digital) was thirty-six/thirty-seven. Some might complain but you both feel that is reasonable for the first fill up with a new car. Ralph said that the mileage will be better when the car is broken in; he is on his second Prius in ten years. - Amorella

         2130 hours. I have no complaints.

         You are feeling down because you are thinking about something you love – efficient engineering. Paul set up your phone and then called you while you were driving. You pushed a button on the steering wheel and talked and listened and hung up, all without fumbling with the phone. The car also slowed down automatically when you came too close to the car in front with the pre-collision machinery. When small yellow icons flashed in the outside mirrors you knew a car was there even though you couldn’t see it in the mirrors. These are helpers, orndorff, electronic angelic-like safety helpers. Engineering is what it is all about you wish the world could be humanely and efficiently run with such devices. Heartansoulanmind are the real reason this is displayed in the blog. You love your new car; this is who you are, and you are no different than anyone who has ever owned a car or one method of transportation or another. People appear to like helpers. Human enough, from my perspective. Helping each other is what people do. It is built in for the most part, must be something to it as far as I can see. Post. - Amorella

28 September 2013

Notes - a morning annoyance / chili

        You are up early and sitting next to the fireplace in your parents’ old gray leather Lazy Boy lounger. Spooky is cleaning her black coat on Carol’s parents’ old couch on the north side of the fireplace. Jadah is sitting contentedly on your lap getting her pink paw pads warmed up. Carol is still sound asleep in the cool bedroom stirred slightly by the fresh morning air from slightly opened windows. – Amorella

         0610 hours. This is a bit too early for a descriptive passage but I thank you for it Amorella.

         Welcome to the day, orndorff. Post. – Amorella

         I love the near morning silence of a new dawn. I used to love this time before heading off to school greeted by the great constellation Orion as I walked the sidewalk and driveway to pick up the morning paper. Plans for the day were just that. Anticipation for the lecture’s student response added the fun element of the dark humor that fills the sunless star filled sky with the September half moon dangling over the western horizon. I loved the British literature and historical background. Each day was a dedicated attempt to cultivate the garden of older adolescent minds. This is the way I remember it.

         Your heartansoulanmind is stirred in reason, dedication, obligation and humanitarian romance; such as it was most every day in the classroom old man. To say this passage is the whole truth is a misconception; to say it is a fanciful post dated romantic imagination is self-deception. A clear heartansoulanmind knows its own reality and can walk on both sides of the worldly tracks were it exists. – Amorella

         0630 hours. If the heartansoulanmind has its own reality; then what is the existential wholeness of my own?

         There is the rub, boy; that you even raise this honest question. - Amorella

         It is as if we human beings are perpendicular and horizontal within a squared circle. The concept is annoying.

         No more so than you are, boy. Post. - Amorella

         2046 hours. We had a Subway picnic at the Little Miami after earlier ice teas and a chocolate chip cookie each at     . Before that we did our walks at Pine Hill Lakes Park. We are back into our routine. I watched the return of “Revolution” and Carol is watching one of her own now. I spent at least an hour learning how the radio works. We have AM, FM, HD and Sirius/XM radio as well as Pandora, Heart and others. Radio stations up the wazoo (of extreme abundance or to an extreme degree). This reminds me of Toffler’s Future Shock way back in Latin America days. The Toyota Entune Media System has six lists with room for six stations on each list in which to place all the 36 stations one might be interesting in listening to at one time or another. I cannot imagine what I might drop onto two lists let alone four more. Too much thought and consideration for too little joy and pleasure in music. This is not a cultural world I tune in to while driving or being driven in an automobile.

         You are burned out for the day, boy. Too much. You don’t have enough radio stations to count on ten fingers to fill the radio bill; five fingers maybe. So, do yourself a favor and pick out six that you enjoy and ask Carol to fill out six. Give her the first list and you’ll take the second list of six. – Amorella

         2107 hours. Thank you, Amorella. Sounds very good.

         A simple life demands simple choices. Post. – Amorella

         Carol made chili for supper. We love our chili. Grandma Schick’s chili is our favorite.

27 September 2013

Notes - made my day / spiritual values /

         Late beautiful fall morning. You and Carol had your walk in the park and are presently sitting at McD’s near King’s Island. Carol is reading the morning paper but did bring a new book for reading as she has finished the earlier.

         1138 hours. I cannot remember what Grandma 3 is about, but I will look it over. 

         That didn’t do you much good. Go back over your notes. – Amorella

         You found interesting and psychologically usable material from Great Lakes Ancient Indian Spiritualism in Wikipedia. Drop in what you placed in bold. – Amorella

** **

Traditional Native American religions exhibit much diversity, largely due to the relative isolation of the different tribes that were spread out across the entire breadth of the North American continent for thousands of years . . .  there are many different Native American religious practices, most address the following areas of supernatural concern: an omnipresent, invisible universal force, pertaining to the "three 'life crises' of birth, puberty, and death", spirits, visions, the shaman and communal ceremony.
Native American spirituality is often characterized by animism or panentheism, with a strong emphasis on the importance of personal spirituality and its inter-connectivity with one's own daily life, and a deep connection between the natural and spiritual 'worlds'.
Native American religions tend to be carried out mainly in a family or tribal location first and are better explained as more of a process or journey than a religion. It is a relationship experienced between Creator and created. For Native Americans, religion is never separated from one's daily life unlike Western cultures where religion is experienced privately and gradually integrated into one's public life. Conversation about theology and religion, even within their society, is extremely limited but to live and breathe is to worship. For Native Americans, a relationship with God is experienced as a relationship with all of creation, which interestingly, is ever present and does not require an institution or building. All of creation has life. Rocks, trees, mountains, and everything that is visible lives and is part of creation and therefore has life which must be respected. . . . God is known indirectly through an awareness of the relationships or links between various aspects of both the physical and supernatural realms. Spirituality of the Native Americans makes no distinction between these realms; the living and dead, visible and invisible, past and present, and heaven and earth.
Most adherents to traditional American Indian ways do not see their spiritual beliefs and practices as a "religion"; rather, they see their whole culture and social structure as infused with 'spirituality' - an integral part of their lives and culture.



The Midewiwin (also spelled Midewin and Medewiwin) or the Grand Medicine Society is a secretive religion of the aboriginal groups of the Maritimes, New England and Great Lakes regions in North America. Its practitioners are called Midew and the practices of Midewiwin referred to as Mide. Occasionally, male Midew are called Midewinini, which sometimes is translated into English as "medicine man ".


The preverb mide can be translated as "mystery," "mysterious," "spiritual," "sanctimonious," "sacred," or "ceremonial", depending on the context of its use.


Tribal groups who have such societies include the Abenaki, Quiripi, Nipmuc, Wampanoag, Anishinaabe (Algonquin, Ojibwa/Chippewa, Odawa/Ottawa and Potawatomi) Abenaki, Miami, Fox, Sac, Sioux and the Winnebago. These indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (North America) known either as First Nations or as Native Americans passed along birch bark scrolls, teachings, and have degrees of initiations and ceremonies. They are often associated with the Seven Fires Society, and other aboriginal groups or organizations. The Miigis shell, or cowrie shell, is used in some ceremonies, along with bundles, sacred items, etc. There are many oral teachings, symbols, stories, history, and wisdom passed along and preserved from one generation to the next by these groups.
Whiteshell Provincial Park is named after the white shell (cowrie) used in Midewiwin ceremonies. This park contains some petroforms that are over 1000 years old, or possibly older, and therefore may predate some aboriginal groups that came later to the area. . . . .
"The Teachings of the Midewiwin were scratched on birch bark scrolls and were shown to the young men upon entrance into the society. Although these were crude pictographs representing the ceremonies, they show us that the Ojibwa were advanced in the development of picture "writing." Some of them were painted on bark. One large birch bark roll was "known to have been used in the Midewiwin at Mille Lacs for five generations and perhaps many generations before", and two others, found in a seemingly deliberate hiding place in the Head-of-the-Lakes region of Ontario, were carbon-dated to about 1560 CE +/-70. The author of the original report on these hidden scrolls advised: "Indians of this region occasionally deposited such artifacts in out-of-the-way places in the woods, either by burying them or by secreting them in caves. The period or periods at which this was done is far from clear. But in any event, archaeologists should be aware of the custom and not overlook the possibility of their discovery."
Teaching stones

Teaching stones known in the Anishinaabe language as either Gikinoo'amaagewaabik or Gikinoo'amaage-asin can be either petroglyphs or petroform.
Three creational ages

The three creational ages begin with the Ancient age where humanity and animal-life are undifferentiated.
In the Golden age animals are still humans, but quantitatively different.
With the Present age, animals and humanity are totally differentiated.
Seven prophetical ages

Seven fires prophecy is a prophecy originally taught among the practitioners of Midewiwin. Each fire represents a prophetical age, marking phases, or epochs, in the life of the people on Turtle Island (North America). The Seven fires prophecy represent key spiritual teachings for North America, and suggest that the different colors and traditions of the human beings can come together on a basis of respect. The Algonquins are the keepers of the seven fires prophecy wampum.
Wikipedia Offline

** **

Origins of Transcendentalism

Transcendentalism was in many aspects the first notable American intellectual movement. It certainly was the first to inspire succeeding generations of American intellectuals, as well as a number of literary monuments. Rooted in the transcendental philosophy of Immanuel Kant (and of German Idealism more generally), it developed as a reaction against 18th Century rationalism, John Locke’s philosophy of Sensualism, and the manifest destiny of New England Calvinism. Its fundamental belief was in the unity and immanence of God in the world. The Transcendentalists found inspiration for their philosophy in a variety of diverse sources such as: Vedic thought, various religions, and German Idealism.
The transcendentalists desired to ground their religion and philosophy in transcendental principles: principles not based on, or falsifiable by, sensuous experience, but deriving from the inner spiritual or mental essence of the human. Immanuel Kant had called "all knowledge transcendental which is concerned not with objects but with our mode of knowing objects." . . . Thoreau in Walden spoke of the Transcendentalists' debt to Vedic thought directly.
Influence on other movements

Transcendentalists were strong believers in the power of the individual and divine messages. Their beliefs are closely linked with those of the Romantics.
The movement directly influenced the growing movement of "Mental Sciences" of the mid-19th century, which would later become known as the New Thought movement. New Thought draws directly from the transcendentalists, particularly Emerson. New Thought considers Emerson its intellectual father. . . .
Other meanings of transcendentalism

Transcendental idealism

The term transcendentalism sometimes serves as shorthand for "transcendental idealism", which is the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and later Kantian and German Idealist philosophers.
Transcendental theology

Another alternative meaning for transcendentalism is the classical philosophy that God transcends the manifest world. As John Scotus Erigena put it to Frankish king Charles the Bald in the year 840 AD, "We know not what God is. God himself doesn't know what He is because He is not anything. Literally God is not, because He transcends being."
Selected and edited from Wikipedia Offline
** **

         You are taken back by John Scotus’ quotation because this quite concretely fits with your own personal definition, as it were, of G---D and it is one of the main reasons you add the three dashes to the two capital letters. – Amorella

         I have never seen a better definition of what I ‘sense’ heartansoulanmind. I learn something new most every day. Wow. I would add: “SheanHe”; however, that’s being fussy when: “G---D is not, because SheanHe transcends being.”

         To each their own, boy. Post when you return home. – Amorella

         1309 hours. I wonder if I can work this quote into a thought of Qwinta?

         We can work this out. Time for lunch. – Amorella

         1453 hours. We are home from lunch at Potbelly’s in Kenwood. Carol is watering the grass. So exciting, after lunch I saw George and Susan who were students of mine at Indian Hill long ago. It is wonderful that they saw us in the parking lot at Kenwood and came over to say hello. Their children are Indian Hill students as they were. The two became girl and boy friends back in one of the classes. I touched them both and wished them well. Seeing and talking with them has made my day.

          Heartansoulanmind as a whole do not consider 'ranking importance' as a value. G---D and kind and friendly former students can sit in the same construction. You need to consider this when someone might ask you to list your values and importances in life. The concept of ranking in such a conditional aspect of being is akin to defining what G---D is. You got that, boy? - Amorella

           Yes, I do. This is quite interesting to think on in terms of both philosophy and spiritual values. 

26 September 2013

Notes - an apple in Avalon

         Late. Today was taken up by car business a bit more focused than yesterday’s car business. You cleaned up the 2003 Honda Accord EXL for trade in. Mid-afternoon negotiations were completed by Carol and Larry A. Reed, Internet Sales at Joseph Toyota on SR. 27. You observed and tried to keep your comments to yourself. Son-in-law, Paul, had laid the groundwork a few days ago. Tonight you were beginning to read the 2013 Avalon Hybrid Limited manuals. Tomorrow should begin as a more normal day. - Amorella

         2324 hours. This is fine with me. A new era of car driving begins for us. It’s funny. I don’t think I could have bought this car for myself out of guilt that it was too much money. However, Carol does deserve the extra bonus for all the home economics she has legally contributed to our partnership since November 25, 1967. I am happy that she is happy the buying is completed. Once I get the manuals read and become better acclimated to the car the freer my mind becomes (or so it appears).

         You were ready to buy the XLE Camry Hybrid and were surprised when Carol decided on the larger car (mostly the larger trunk size of fourteen cubic feet. – Amorella

         Fourteen, now there was a magic number among the Celts.

         See, you are returning to Merlyn’s old ways. I wonder what he would think about a car model named “Avalon”? Post. – Amorella

         2335 hours. I haven’t really thought about it in this sense. Coincidence at most. The two are not really connected other than name. Now having my Apple iPhone connected to the car’s software, that’s a closer connection. Funny, I hadn’t thought about that aspect until now. ;-)

24 September 2013

Notes - what difference will it make?

         Almost bedtime. You are worn out from car shopping today. Carol has eliminated the Ford Fusion and the six cylinder Honda Accord. Still in the running, a 2013 Toyota Avalon Hybrid and the 2014 Honda Accord economical four cylinder. - Amorella

         2132 hours. Buying a car is very stressful because of the money involved and the unknown potential expense of the product and the pleasure provided by the product over the next ten-year period. I cannot focus on writing during this time. Once she makes a decision I can move on. Buying a car is a commitment to a long-term relationship with a machine at least it is for us.

         You are hopeful for the Avalon but you know the Accord, all the Accords you have owned have served you well. If she chooses the Accord you will yet another Accord in the garage; otherwise you will have the Avalon in the garage. When you go to bed at night, what difference will it make? – Amorella

         2143 hours. I don’t know that it will make any difference.

         Post. - Amorella

23 September 2013

Notes - intelligent and humane

         Almost time for bed. You are reluctant to post today because you were busy with family. You and Carol drove to Delaware to meet Kim then she took you to the Primrose School in Lewis Center where you met Owen and Brennan for lunch. You obviously couldn’t sit in the little chairs. Carol pulled a big white chair up to sit with them and help Brennan with his plate, but you stayed in a chair on the sidelines observing.

         2148 hours. I have too much bulk. I felt uncomfortable so I sat aside rather at the tiny table. It was all rather awkward. Everyone had something to eat but Carol and myself. There were two other grandmothers there beside Carol and no grandfathers but me.

         Afterwards you called Kim who hadn’t eaten and suggested Bun’s Restaurant in Delaware for lunch. You had not been there since you were seven or eight. You went with your Grandparents Orndorff off and on since you were four or five until you were about junior high age. It was always fun and the food was always good, and to you, it still is. You were surprised when Kim grabbed the bill, but it was kind of her, and you accepted the offer. You love your daughter almost more than anything. She puts you in your place sometimes and that is when you love her best. She stands up to you with a smile and special quick wit. Why is that so important to you, orndorff? – Amorella

         It is important because as she was growing up Carol and I wanted Kim to be an independently thinking young lady. I would dish ‘it’ out, and she would cleverly and wittingly call my cards every time it was important to do so. I could/can be quite forceful and demanding and to some when I use a command teacher voice I can be quite intimidating. She learned not to be intimidated by the likes of me, of my forcefulness and use of logic. She would snap back with some logic of her own (sometimes from my class - oh, the irony). She is smart and resourceful. Kim is independent minded and strong willed and she demands that their kids learn reason and humanity both (Paul has always, as long as I have known him, shown these same traits). They are two wonderfully intelligent and humane in their thoughts and actions. The boys are being brought up that way too. What more could a father ask for? (2203)

         See, you thought you were tired and had nothing worth noting in your blog, but this was not true. You said plenty tonight. Post. - Amorella

          It is important because it is true. Carol has those same traits. I love her for the same reasons. 

22 September 2013

Notes - cheer up / gas accord as backup / tomorrow back to writing

         You and Carol are up before the sun and have been talking about cars. She wants Paul to go with you for a test drive in the Ford Fusion Hybrid SE and later in the week she will go take a test drive. There is an extra thousand off until the end of September. Presently she is cooking bacon whether you eat at home or go out.

         0727 hours. I can’t tell if the sun is up yet or not. It is cool and crisp out though. A red tail hawk just flew over looking for breakfast no doubt. I am okay with whatever Carol wants to do. Right now it appears that it is between the four cylinder Honda that we test drove a couple weeks ago (she doesn’t want a six) or the Avalon or the Fusion. Personally, at this point I just want a new car so we are done with the wait and the decision (and energy relating to the decision) will be over. It is definitely the time to be buying a car. Now the apprehension is that something will fall apart on the ’03 before we sell it or trade it in. Nothing should be wrong with it. There are no problems, the probability just hovers outside the mind like the elephant in the room (just one more thing) to interrupt a smoothly laid out deal.

         Back in the seventies we had just that problem. We had signed for a new VW and the yellow VW we were trading in ‘stopped’ on the way to the dealer (Century Motors VW) and we had to have it towed in. The salesman was in a panic when he saw it being towed (which was a secret delight to see) but the mechanics checked it out and decided it was okay so we bought our new car, partially with the trade in. It is funny looking back on the event, but at the time it certainly was not, except for seeing the salesman’s face.

         You have a dark humor that manifests itself at seeing other people in a misery such as put on the salesman. This twist of humor is partly directed to yourself and how you expect to see yourself in the salesman’s place during any ‘event’ in your life. You assume such events could and will happen to you regularly. Not what you expected is it, boy? – Amorella

         No, but I see a truth to what you are saying. One always has to suspect that in a moment’s notice things will get worse. It is the way of the world, at least my world. And, the longer I go without such a calamity the more quickly it is about to arrive. That’s my philosophical approach.

         Cheer up, boy. Brennan and Owen just got up. Post. - Amorella

         Supper time. You had a beautiful day to take the boys to the park to play and to feed the ducks, which is what you all did after breakfast at Bob Evans. For lunch everyone had left over ham from last night’s dinner of ham, mash potatoes, two veggies and salad. Kim, Paul and the boys left in the afternoon after a treat at Graeter’s on Mason-Montgomery Road. Earlier Carol, Paul and you stopped by the Kings Ford dealer and test drove a plug in Fusion Titanium as well as a regular gas four cylinder Titanium. Carol found both comfortable and quiet. Paul said he would do some checking online to see if a 2013 SE regular hybrid with full luxury package could be found. Why don’t you try too using Kelly’s Blue Book. – Amorella

         1836 hours. There is not much out there. I’ll see what Paul can find.

         2125 hours. I am tired. Up and out of here by eight to meet Kim and ten and have a school lunch with Owen and Brennan at eleven-thirty. Then, I assume we are homeward bound. Tuesday I have to take the cats in for their meds. Wednesday new mattresses arrive. I have my doubts we’ll find a hybrid for our satisfaction. That will leave the gas Honda Accord, which certainly is a good choice in this modern world with 27 city and 36 highway.

          Post. Tomorrow evening we can work and Tuesday also as Carol has a breakfast with her friends. - Amorella 

21 September 2013

Notes - a busy day

         Late morning. You are sitting on a black leather couch inside the entrance of IKEA in West Chester while the others are exercising the boys through shopping. You just noted the uncorrected spelling errors on yesterday’s post and are disgusted that you didn’t catch them especially as Word noted the errors.

         1140 hours. I was distracted or tired or impatient to be done with it. No excuse though. I should get right to Grandma – first looking for transcendental-like angels of long, long ago.

         You need to wash your mind first, boy. Yesterday Paul ordered new iPhones for Kim and himself – you have to wait until Kim activates her phone then she can order yours – one of the Apple Store rules. This does not bother you but Paul is hoping you can have yours before the trip to Florida.

         It doesn’t bother me. I was going to activate my ATT for my iPad for the time we are gone so we’ll have full coverage on our trip. It is not a problem.

         You sent a note to Honda Sales in Marysville late last night and were informed this morning that the standard Honda hybrid will not be in Ohio until sometime after the first of the year. You are more disappointed than you are feeling and need to realize this. On the way over to IKEA you and Paul rode together and he suggested that you and he go test drive the 2014 Lexus hybrid, as it is a comfortable car. You told him that you have never ridden in one (he was surprised); but the fact is you don’t know anyone who has one. Another suggestion was to call a Honda dealer in Buffalo, New York and order your Honda hybrid through them. The point is you have the ‘car fever’ and have been waiting almost a year for the Honda hybrid to test drive.

         1201 hours. New car fever is terrible. I will go for the test drive in the Lexus but it is a pretty fancy car.

         “For the likes of me” is your addition to the previous paragraph, right boy? – Amorella

         It just rolled into my mind, Amorella and I could not un-think it. I know; it sounds arrogant in its own way; false arrogance or something of that sort.

         2240 hours. We had another busy day.

         You don’t know what to say or how to say it. You went to Smashburgers for lunch which everyone appeared to enjoy then on the way home you stopped for a light at Cox and Tylersville and someone ran into the back of Kim’s Honda CRV. No one was hurt but the police were called and insurance information given. Kim was upset thinking that the kids could have been hurt but no one apparently was. Later, you and Paul went out to look at the new Lexus hybrid but it was way too much so you stopped at Toyota to test drive a 2014 Camry hybrid but neither of you were satisfied with the seat comfort or noise while on the highway, you were both impressed with the pick up though. So, while there you looked again at the 2013 Avalon hybrid that has four thousand off as it is the end of the year; but then once home you looked again online at the Ford fusion hybrid but the SE rather than the Titanium and the 2013 new car model is selling for around 31,400 dollars which, with all the bells and whistles, is not that bad. Tomorrow you and Paul are going to test drive a 2013 model before they leave for home. Paul has been helpful because he loves to bargain for new cars and he has some good insights. You had good family discussions today and Paul also updated your iPhone 4 to the OS7 something you didn’t think you would be able to do and he added a free text service and a couple other free apps for phoning via the camera from now on. Everybody went to bed but you. - Amorella

         2253 hours. I love wife, daughter and son-in-law and the grand boys very much.

         Post. - Amorella