31 January 2011

Notes - Dimensionally human & scene 3, ch. 7

        Up with the sun. Paper and breakfast. You are thankful.

         I enjoy the stability. One doesn’t need anything fancy to write a blog or novels. And, it is cheaper than hanging out in bars.

         ‘On the other side of bars’ as a multi-dimensional tone. . . . Later, you had your nap and are feeling better. Rich G. sent you a You-Tube video of a recent flash flood event in Australia and what surprised you the most was that of all the cars in the parking lot that were swept away, only one person went outside to move his car before the river rose too much. You wonder why this is? Why would people stand by and watch the river rise to the point of their cars being swept away when they could have, earlier, reasonably safely, gone out and moved them?

         There is something basically human about this, a resignation perhaps, a lack of will at the moment? Hesitation? Why? Only one fellow was filmed moving his car and he waited to the last possible minute. This is unbelievable to me. Surely they could see what was happening. Surely, someone would have got the word out to those in the building that they better move their cars. I must be missing something. Fear of being swept away, perhaps that was it. I have never witnessed a flash flood live. After all, they were only cars. Australian sensibility. If I would have been a witness as those filming I would have raced to move my car before the water left the banks. Then again, perhaps I too, would have just stood by and watched it happen. Here is the video for those interested.  What would you have done?

         You are showing concern here because you tie this in with recent political events in the Middle East and political events in Germany in the 1930’s. The connections are reasonable from your perspective, orndorff, but not reasonable from many others' perspectives. People in the present are snagged by their personal connections with the past. How do you think it would be for the Dead to watch the present? You see, you wonder what you have left out of the characters in book four.

         Such a complication. How can the Supervisor deal with all this? People have such dimensions to them.

         Human reality has such dimensions and more, boy. Looking in the multiple-mirror doesn’t help much when attempting a holistic approach to the species. Post. – Amorella.

       From a purely pragmatic point of view, I wonder if fuel prices are about to rise like that river. Now, this thought brings me the gallows humor and a "cheer up, things are bound to get worse".

        The thought does bring a smile to your face. Good to see you back to your normal self. - Amorella. 

7; Scene 3

         Early enough and Mario found himself in Mother’s chambers once again. This time he felt it was more important. Mother, appearing not a day over thirty wore a long casual green Doric peplos, a folded material with its length her height with a white shawl, giving it a more formal look. “Please sit,” she said in a grandmotherly tone.

         Her tone rattled his mind. She did not say his name either. Suddenly he felt as if he were ten years old and was about to receive a reprimand for breaking a favorite clay pot. The voice was that of my grandmother not Mother. Unconsciously, he sat as told and assumed the body language of the ten year old boy he had once been. His knees were bent straight forward military-like and his hands were clasped, coupled like one might find cars coupled in a railroad train. He sat surprised at the ridged cold racing through his fingers.

         Mother sat rather officially on a seemingly ancient aristocratically designed Greek chair a short distance away. Physical-like distance can matter in communication even among the Dead. Knowingly she had her chair set a foot too far from Mario’s. A mother’s eye contact cannot readily be misunderstood by any child whose mind realizes it has just been read by Mother. She asked, “Why are you alone?”

         “I want to ask you some questions about strategy. Thales and I thought we might represent the Dead using the partially built bridge over the Styx as the negotiation’s platform. Takis could set it up. Twelve cultures, twelve representatives. The multitudes of each culture might cast his representative’s shadow where none now exists. Surely, the shamans could perform such a dramatic event.”

         “Each cultural representative is to shine as a sun?”

         “Yes,” he replied excitedly, “Twelve suns where now we have none. We shall cast our own light to march forth and enrich the Living.”

         “What does Takis think of this unusual enterprise?”

         Feeling more confident, Mario replied, “I thought to ask you first, Mother.”

         She responded with a condescending, “How kind.”

         “Mother, I have a better idea. Why not you as our leader in negotiations? We twelve then would stand immediately behind you.”

         We twelve, thought Mother. She said, “Under such an arrangement Sophia would be standing for Elysium, not you Mario.”

         “Of course, the we was not in reference to myself Mother.” He stood. “I shall confer with Takis. Perhaps he will have better recommendations.” He felt a strange creeping warmth of surreptitious self-embarrassment and rushed to leave her home before he found himself in self-vanishment.

         Saying nothing more, Mother eyed Mario as he left the grounds. I wonder, she thought, how this will be, me, the mother of all these now dead children, to confront Zeus or whoever he might be. No matter, there is a hollowness to all these gods and goddesses. Someone needs to watch over us Dead and these grounds though, a  caretaker, that’s how I think of herorhim. We have nothing to fear from a caretaker no matter if he remains forever nameless.

         Post, all for tonight, old man. - Amorella. 

30 January 2011

Notes - Home again & the nightly news

         Home by seventeen hundred hours. Busy weekend with Kim, Paul and Owen in Cleveland, Ohio. Geraci’s Restaurant for take out pizza and salad, Friday night; Stove Oven, Saturday noon, Happy Buddha Chinese for take out supper and First Watch for breakfast this Sunday morning. Lunch with Mary Lou at Potbelly’s at Polaris north of Westerville on the way home. Saturday night you rented “Social Network” from Red Box and while the four of you began the film after Owen was put to bed, Kim fell asleep before it was over. Paul has one more week with cardio at the main branch of the Clinic then a week off before two months at the pediatrics branch in Akron. Kim is busy this time of year with Case grad students checking out careers before graduation.

         Watching Owen at one is both fun and challenging as he is walking and independent and wants to do what he wants to do at the moment. I have forgotten how it was – busy is the operative word. No wonder you blink when the baby is born and the next thing you know sheorhe is looking forward to grade school, high school then college, and blink again, and parenting moves to the side track. I am so glad Carol and I had our summers off and vacations during the school year for good family bonding as she grew. No regrets.

         Time to relax, old man. One of your focuses in Cleveland was a quick trip to the Apple Store and you spent time checking out the new computers. You were hoping to wait until summer when OS Lion comes out, but you got the bug and are desiring a thirteen inch MacBook Air with a flash drive rather than a hard drive.

         I don’t know what happened, it just hit me, ‘I can get this now rather than wait,’ but I am still debating. Carol just said we might have an ice storm on Tuesday. Have to wait and see. Masterpiece Theatre tonight. It was nice to head north and it is nice to be home. Nothing better than sleeping in your own bed.

         Post, orndorff. – Amorella. 

        Upon watching NBC Nightly News, you realize the dangers in Egypt and other middle eastern countries that support the United States. Your immediate overall concern is with the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, but beyond this you wonder how the average people are faring. Vigilante squads. The need for civil order. Looting, protecting the antiquities. Students, with additions of poor and average citizens wanting better human rights and a better sense of democracy.
         I watched the soldiers as well as private citizens protecting the museums. The destroying of mummies. Sacking/destroying some of the Tutankhamen treasures. Why would people do this? I do not understand. Anger, from many sides, no doubt. When I heard some of the prisons were opened and criminals escaped I thought of the national motto of the French:  “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”  Shades of the much earlier French Revolution. And, the American Revolution before that as well as Rousseau’s Social Contract even earlier. It seems to me that human civilization should follow a social contract. Certainly in the Merlyn books I would assume so, even among the Dead. Human beings are social creatures first. This is how we survive. Gallows humor does not work here. I am at a loss of words.
         Good. I am not about to put any in your mouth, orndorff. As for the books. Indeed, a social contract exists among the Dead and eventually among the Living too. Fiction has its uses. Humor stays intact though. The Dead see through the humor, to more humor. Post. – Amorella. 

28 January 2011

Notes -

        Up early and at dawn snow blowing the two driveways as you had two to three inches of snow overnight. Mid-morning. Breakfast and the paper are done. Carol is readying herself for Cleveland and you are about to do so.
         Pretty snow with about an inch sticking on the tree branches. Wonderful winter scene. I am anxious to continue the discussion about the Dead and where they are and the fictional physics/metaphysics that will come into play. I don’t mind anything you come up with Amorella, as long as it has plausibility with the framework of the Merlyn series.

         No more time. Post, boy. Later, dude. – Amorella.

27 January 2011

Notes - Being played? & Merlyn on eBook?

         Mid-morning. You both have dental appointments in about an hour, thus you are more organized than usual. The dentist drills cavities clean then fills them, but in both your cases this is for a semi-annual cleaning. Tomorrow a stop in Westerville before the rest of the journey to Cleveland.

         Black holes are self-cleaning machines that the physics of it. Sweepers if you will, at least in fiction that is how they will be. They get to eating up more than they can chew and it the process you have a galaxy. You don’t get something for nothing in these books, boy. Nature pays one way or another. Energy would rather be light as it is more efficient that way. Better flow. Too bad. Just like people would rather be alive than dead, well, most of them. The Dead are more efficient than the Living, just like light is. That’s how it’s going to play in here.

         How can you go from a trip to the dentist to the Dead being more efficient just like that? I have to read it over a couple of times to realize this is what you are going to do. Or, is this a joke, showing me I don’t know beans about anything. – rho

         You forgot to sign my name after “in here.” – Amorella.

         Okay. I’ll skip the redundancy. Light flows?

         As you have your Merriam-Webster up, go with “to proceed smoothly and readily (conversation flowed easily).” Light is as a conversation as I see it. – Amorella.

         One way.

         It only needs to go one way, boy. Even then there is this hang up with material goods. A regurgitation.

         Okay. I’m going to post. You are my imagination and surely you are playing me here. - rho

          Post, boy. Then reckon with your imagination. - Amorella. 

          Mid-afternoon. You are waiting for Carol outside of Hallmark on Mason-Montgomery Road after running other errands. This time for wrapping paper for one of Owen’s presents. Not that you mind. In the car is out of the house which makes for some added interest. Snow tonight but you think it will be okay for the Cleveland run. Once home you will begin to pack the car. Again, always something fun, from your prospective.

         New baby in the family so you are back to Hallmark and Carters, this time at the VOA stores on Tylersville. Carol had Bloomberg Radio on and they are talking about e-books. You checked and your books are on e-book but not on Nook or Kendle. You wonder if you should ask your Facebook friends to ask for your books to be put on Nook and Kendle since you don’t know how else to go about it. My first response is to go to your publisher and if it costs, pay the cost, then you can send a note to your ‘friends’ that your books are on Nook and Kendle. – Amorella.
         I sent a note to the publisher, now to wait and see. I wouldn’t be adverse to sending this out as a Facebook note as long as the price is not too much. Presently on Lybrary.com Braided Dreams sells for $6.00 Running Through and Merlyn’s Mind are also available. Quite reasonable. On ebookmall.com BD is available on Sony Reader, Windows 7, Mac OSX (iPad) and Nook, but on the official Nook library it says the book is not available in their format. Amazon says the books can be requested to be put on Kendle. I requested BD for the fun of it. 
         You are concerned this sounds like an advertisement but to me it is information. You are not calculating how much money you are going to make so relax. You may write later tonight. Post. –  Amorella. 

26 January 2011

Notes - Book's conclusion & a Reflection & Questions

         You were up by mid-morning and by eleven-ten you had finished Fritzsch’s An Equation that Changed the World (pp. 222-255). Antimatter. Mesons. Quarks. “A proton, for instance, consists of three quarks, and an antiproton consists of three antiquarks.” Then on pages 252-253 Newton is speaking and says (as part of the conclusion of the book):
         “When we started these discussions a few days ago, we began with space and time. Next there was the problem of a constant speed of light . . . .Then we continued step by step, a natural sequence imposing itself. We now have arrived at the point at which matter dissolves into radiation – at the ultimate demise of our universe.”
         Now you know the conclusion of the universe, orndorff, a flash of light.
         Puts a perspective on ‘things’ no question about it. Matter is frozen energy as is antimatter, or so it seems. Looking at an online Hebrew-English Bible:
         "1. In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth.
         2. Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of G-d hovered over the face of the waters.
         3. And, G-d said: ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light."
         This is what comes to mind, today I would rearrange this and begin with the third verse. 
         Strange, as an agnostic, you would revert to a culturally well considered sacred text.
         To deny my first thoughts would be dishonest, sacred text or not. I am a product of my time, Amorella. My thoughts flow through my experiences. Contradiction in thoughts is a norm I have to live with. I think this comes from our being conscious creatures alive for a very short time and dead for a very long one.
         Post. Later, dude. – Amorella.

         Mid-afternoon, and you re-mailed Doug his book and are relieved it did not encounter a disaster of one kind or another as it is a present from his son, Greg.
         I feel as I should be reading more nonfiction or fiction such as what Doug Goss sent. I enjoy thinking my way through them and writing down my general thoughts as I move along. What comes to mind is that if I survive until I don’t have much of a mind left I will be able to hopefully re-read all my notes in solitude. I won’t know who wrote them, but what difference does that make? In the long run of it, we come in with the light (Big Bang) and we go out with the light. This is the way the universe ends. Not even a whimper. Just as well. A new stage will begin someplace else in space-time. As an existentialist I like to know where I am, in the middle of very slowly unfreezing light.
         Where do the Dead fit in all this physics, boy?
         I don’t know. I did wonder about it. As a book has a binding it is rather pleasant to know the universe has a binding too.
         Now that it is in your head you will have to deal with it.
         Some people talk about multiple universes and there is a ‘twin’ earth in the story. I can’t imagine where the Dead exist in the book (beside beyond a crack in the corner floor of a section of my mind) in the first three books. So far, this book four has no references to where the physical universe is – at least I don’t think so. I don’t remember.
         Maybe we ought to deal with that while this stuff is fresh.
         I sent the book back already, Amorella.
         You aren’t going to find this in any physics book, boy. Where is your mind? You have errands coming up. Post. – Amorella.

          Late afternoon. You like the idea of frameworks, something you can work within as far as the books are concerned, however, as mentioned a few posts ago, these stories are analogies that can be used in the real world as you and many others know it. As such, the parameters are photons, light. The rest, as they say, is various degrees of frozen energy. As galaxies are star mega-metropolises. Clusters of galaxies are as city-states in terms of mass and energy. As such a universe would be as a world, as earth, not as a structure but rather as an ordered placement. The orders continue outwardly until you a universe full of universes. No need to go further than that in imagination. Now, imagine the gravitational forces at work in such a system. Matter and anti-matter existing with a grand space between them, a heartbeat of space to keep a broader perspective. Each universe has a consciousness that is confined mainly to space-time and matter, a gravitational consciousness. Gravitation is as a nerve, and as such is not an island unto itself. The natural rules are the heart of the ‘system’ that grows consciousness to something beyond itself, something beyond gravity and its material energies.
         Marsupial humanoid and human minds focus inward to hearts and souls, enough focus and you have a microscope, as it were, mind to heart, heart to soul. In this sense it is the opposite as written: heartansoulanmind. Technically, this would be written mindanheartansoul.  This is not a deep as one can go, and in the books we will venture into the concept of a “sub-soul” but go no further, just as we go no further ‘in’ than one dimension. The one dimension in the books is tethered or anchored, depending on your perspective. Think of your books setting on a desk. The desk is as a universe, the books are as a galaxy in the universe, within the pages of the books is all the rest, and this includes the reading, especially the reading between the lines.
         Immediately I think of William Blake’s famous quotation in reference to the Bible:
 “Both read the Bible day and night,
But thou read’st black where I read white.”

         To broaden this a bit, reading somewhat between the lines of physics is ‘relativity, quantum mechanics, and chaos theory’. The meta-mechanics of the Living and the Dead in these books are not physics but could not exist without physics. This is the reason the little alien in the books, the parasite perhaps a bit smaller than a hydrogen atom, can have a consciousness that is larger than both marsupial-humanoid and human. That is the way it is because that is how it is written within the rules (which are not laws and not capitalized). – Amorella.

         Now we are getting somewhere. A lot of travel here and I haven’t got up off the chair. Good stuff.

         All for today, old man. – Amorella.

          I don't want to stop.

          That's the reason I lead the way here, boy. - Amorella.

25 January 2011

Notes- Uranium and Recollections

         Later mid-morning. Breakfast and chores done. Last night you read on Fritzsch’s “Equation” book, pages 177 – 221 and discovered, among other things, that “mass is frozen energy”. You like the turn of the phrase as much as anything else, and it seems as a value though you don’t know why. You had read about heavy hydrogen in other works that focused on the Manhattan Project.
         Supposedly my father, Richard Bookman Orndorff, worked at Oak Ridge for a few weeks during the Project. (Normally he was at the Joliet Army Ammunition Arsenal near Chicago) As a metallurgist he thought the Oak Ridge project was focusing on metals to be used in the development of secret jet engines. Later, of course, he found that was not the case. He was eventually listed in the Engineer Corp and after rebuilding bridges helped liberate Dachau. After the war, Dad (as a chemist in those days) spoke German, and he helped filter German scientists to the United States. Several times we had German families for dinner when they first arrived even in early the early fifties. He did work on the North America P-86 Sabre jet and the F-86F used in the Korean War at North American-Rockwell in Columbus, Ohio. From there to OSU Research Labs. I remember seeing a stationary small jet engine housed in a warehouse somewhere on the outskirts of OSU’s west campus. I was there for an actually demonstration. I always thought such events were really neat in my preteen years. Chemical labs at OSU and all that equipment, plus Dad would talk about the properties of U-238 at times. He even brought home a Geiger counter from time to time. Very enjoyable toy for a growing boy. Great for the imagination. Anyway, I still hold a personal interest in the Manhattan Project, and later this Spring we are going to visit Trinity Site in New Mexico for ourselves.
         What I was surprised to learn was about a natural occurring nuclear reaction in Oklo, West Africa. This is cool: The character Haller is talking:
         “. . . I should point out that the first reactor on our planet was constructed not by humans but by nature. Years ago a remarkable concentration of a particular uranium isotope was found in uranium deposits in Oklo, in the West African country of Gabon. The only explanation for this strange phenomenon was that the uranium concentration was the remnant of a natural nuclear reactor. Experts calculated that 1.8 billion years ago a nuclear chain reaction must have occurred in this location that was sustained for as long as a billion years. It was even possible to study the remains of this natural reactor for the purpose of investigating how nuclear waste decays. What is also interesting is that this reactor appears to have been steered automatically – it never exploded.”  (page 214-215)
         This is really remarkable, a natural nuclear reaction. Who would have thought?
         Sometimes you get a bit carried away, orndorff, but your passion is real nevertheless. – Post. – Amorella.
         This is exciting stuff, Amorella. This has brought up a lot of reminders of pre-teen and teen life that I don’t often think about and have never put down in such a way. I like it, just like I am looking forward to seeing Trinity Site. I know there won’t be much there, but think of all the scientists who have worked and otherwise visited the site. In some ways I am reminded of seeing Galileo’s telescope in the science museum in Florence a couple of years ago. Such a cool event. It was almost as good as holding FDR’s cane when visiting Warm Springs, Georgia some years ago and riding a section of the old Roman road from London to Canterbury. The past energizes my spirit in a more personal way. It makes living more fun. It is like I am living more than one lifetime along the way.
         Just post, orndorff.

24 January 2011

Notes - Out of the Blue & Plato's Allegory & Wk on Sc.3

         Going on noon. I have read the next three chapters (to page 177) in Fritsch’s An Equation that Changed the World and it mostly lost me because of the mathematical formulas. I spent the time in solitude searching for islands of grammar I could relate to enough to gather an understanding, whether it was correct understanding I do not know. What I did find was this, first a statement by Haller: “Solving a tough problem is better than listening to a lecture, even a lecture by Einstein.” This is the crux of a true scientist. I love it. The reason I love them, and that includes engineers too. To solve a problem. Awesome!
         And, a quote on page 175 by Newton:
         “ . . . we have particles, namely protons, light particles, that by definition move through space at the speed of light. They have energy but no mass.”
         To me, thoughts also may also provide energy (in a different sense of course) and a thought if written not spoken is two dimension in framework. A thought, however, may be one dimensional. Well, is it possible for a thought to be one dimensional? The thought or concept popping in the mind out of the blue, so to speak. The humor, the reason for the mostly blue covers to my books. For the reader the books are out of the blue too, in a more three dimensional sense and they have mass, two dimensions massed on paper. Perhaps ‘reading’ (expending the energy, the focus in reading) is one dimensional too. Not in the physics sense, but in the sense of Amorella’s perspective.
         How does the ancient saying go, “1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV) For now we see through a glass darkly.” (Wikipedia)
         We see partly through the mirror. And, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave comes immediately to mind. Certainly it is a part of the story as it is reference in the books. I think the character Blake Williams makes reference to it based on an experiment I did in class while teaching at Escola Graduada de Sao Paulo. I was focused on the concept of the allegory not on the politics.
         Freshman class and I used an overhead projector to put a rectangle shade on the board. The students could not see what I placed, only the shadow of it. They made their guesses and what I found was that those that guessed in was a darkened window tended to side together. Some thought it was a door and they sided together. One enterprising and creative fellow said, “It is a coffin being lowered into the ground.” Inference, he was at the bottom of the gravesite watching it being lowered from above. Most everyone was amazed and shortly most all could see it. Truly, it was a coffin being lowered into the ground.
         In reality it was a small matchbox (holding wooden strike matches) approximately two by three inches. No one had the shadow right. And, beyond that, no one realized there was a penny sitting on top of the matchbox. Human nature, my own included, sees what it desires to see and once reinforced by others it becomes a truth which one can plainly recognize in this simple experiment. I wonder that much of the world is like this, then I wonder, how did our species survive until present day? I have been wondering it ever since (that was sometime between 1970-1972).
         Time for a break, old man. Indeed, it was a fun experiment for you, and you tried it on other classes through the years, but freshman were more fun because they just blurted out what they thought. Older students, seniors, had some natural hesitation, most because they were concerned on what others would think of their conceptual image of the rectangular shadow on the wall.  Post. – Amorella.

         Mid-afternoon and you just finished a late lunch at Panera/Chipotle. Carol is in Kroger’s on Tylersville and when home you are going to re-watch Masterpiece Theatre as she went to bed last night and you stayed up. You are both hooked and hope the second season in England carries over to the States. – Let’s work on the third scene in chapter seven.
         I forget what it is supposed to be about, Amorella. Wait. Is Mario supposed to be meeting with Mother, and then Sophia and Kassandra are going to meet with Mother?
         Go back and check your notes, boy. – Amorella.
         You have a start on the scene, let’s include it here then post.
Scene 3
         Early enough and Mario found himself in Mother’s chambers once again. This time he felt it was more important. Mother, appearing not a day over thirty wore a long royal blue dressing gown with white sash. “Please sit,” she said in a grandmotherly tone.
         The tone of her voice rattled his mind. She did not say his name either. Suddenly he felt as if he were ten years old and was about to receive a reprimand for breaking a favorite clay pot. The voice was that of my grandmother not Mother. Unconsciously he sat as told and assumed the body language of the ten year old boy he had once been. His knees were bent straight forward military-like and his hands were clasped, coupled like one might find cars coupled in a railroad train. He sat surprised at the ridged cold racing through his fingers.
         Mother sat distinctively on a chair a short distance away. Physical-like distance can matter in communication even among the Dead. Knowingly she had her chair set a foot too far from Mario’s. A mother’s eye contact cannot readily be misunderstood by any child aware of present danger.

          While you have spent the afternoon with Carol and not worked on much you did clean up what you have of this third scene a bit.
         Details are important. I am working on Mother’s descriptive dress, but I have no idea how this would appear to a female reader. I don’t know how to describe how a dress hangs as the right shoulder is supposed to be free. Here is my research.
Another garment worn by the Doric women was the peplos. It was also worn in the fifth century B.C.E. Kohler says, "[The peplos] has a piece of woolen material, about 3 meters wide and of a length equal to the height of the wearer, and was folded at the upper extremity to form first a narrow and then a wider shawl or plaid. The material was brought through beneath the left arm and fastened with tapes on the right shoulder to leave a board peak in front and behind." (100).

Common Material Patterns of the Peplos
                wavy lines
                flowered designs
The peplos was tubular in shape, and the upper edge was turned down at the waist. The peplos was put over the head and was made to fit closely at the shoulder with fasteners. The arms were left bare. It was held at the waist with a girdle. The lower edge was finished with a braid. The peplos was open at the right side and hung in folds from the shoulder. In time, the shawl, or plaid, was so wide that it reached to the hip. It was tied with tapes on both shoulders.
Scene 3

         Early enough and Mario found himself in Mother’s chambers once again. This time he felt it was more important. Mother, appearing not a day over thirty wore a long casual green Doric peplos, a folded material with its length her height with a white shawl, giving it a more formal look. “Please sit,” she said in a grandmotherly tone.

         The tone of her voice rattled his mind. She did not say his name either. Suddenly he felt as if he were ten years old and was about to receive a reprimand for breaking a favorite clay pot. The voice was that of my grandmother not Mother. Unconsciously he sat as told and assumed the body language of the ten year old boy he had once been. His knees were bent straight forward military-like and his hands were clasped, coupled like one might find cars coupled in a railroad train. He sat surprised at the ridged cold racing through his fingers.

         Mother sat distinctively on a chair a short distance away. Physical-like distance can matter in communication even among the Dead. Knowingly she had her chair set a foot too far from Mario’s. A mother’s eye contact cannot readily be misunderstood by any child whose mind appears to have been read by Mother.
         No more for tonight, boy. Post. Amorella.

23 January 2011

Notes - Time & the Host & Framework

        Up earlier than Carol for a change. You picked up the Sunday papers and had them read before Carol was off the telephone as one of her sisters and daughter called to wish her happy birthday. Later today you and Carol are to Outback for an early supper, and it would be good to have a card for her by then.  – Amorella.
         I have to work on the basement too, a general attempt at clean up. Mostly it will be throwing out recent boxes dropped off from my ‘toy’ shopping, i.e. living room speakers, etc.
         Just after noon and I completed the next chapter and am up to page 120, the next chapter will be ten. This was more complicated for me as it is about time dilation. The point that struck though is when Newton is talking and says:
         “When we look at the mathematical expression for the gamma factor, we can see that this factor becomes greater the closer we get to the speed of light. The latter can never be reached – more precisely, it can’t be reached by an object with mass  . . . .”
         There is the key difference when it comes to moving the speed of light (or perhaps even greater than the speed of light). Thought in movement, especially from a consciousness also without mass (as such) as a consciousness would be without a body, then the physics or metaphysics-like characteristics of what in the books is heartansoulanmind don’t need to obey any laws of physics.
         Too far, orndorff. Rules are rules. In the books your so called metaphysics has certain rules. The speed of light while in such a place as the Greek Elysium, does not contain ‘natural’ light. There is no sun. Stars and moon are in place but they contain the same sense of light as does the sky – what might be called defused thought imagery – in some ways similar to the light one might envision in a dream. To make it clearer for the reader there is no sun. Night and day will do for the heartansoulanmind. Both are relative only to the Dead, and in the books this includes both the Dead of the once marsupial-humanoids and once earthlings. “Once” is not “Again” which is one of the problems Merlyn runs into when he is volunteered to return to the Earth of the Living. When he arrived into your present time he is, of sorts, like myself, a non-bodied consciousness. He needs an ‘Earth suit’ and I provide it for him. He has to be ‘framed’ relative to where he is presently. The books do the framing well, do they not? – Amorella.         
         So, the rule is that one or two dimensional beings cannot support themselves in three dimensional space plus time. They have to attach, as it were, like parasites, to a three dimensional being living in a particular time.
         Parasite is not the proper word, boy. As an established (within the framework of the books and blogs) one dimensional creature, by my own definition, I am the anchor, not you, because I anchor the ‘soul’. Do you see that, boy?
         In context it makes sense. Parasite is definitely not the right word. But I am not a parasite either, other than being bound to the Earth through chemistry and biology and the other essential elements of life. I am again, wordless. I do not have the vocabulary. Such irony for a would be writer such as myself.
        Find such a word then we’ll post. – Amorella.
         I see almost immediately that you gain no nourishment from me (as would a parasite). I was thinking of myself as a host, but from my perspective you are the host that provides the stories. You broaden my spirit, my search for ‘reality’. It is I who gains the nourishment.
         I energize what you already have, orndorff.
         Parasite was a terrible word choice. How about Host, with a capital, one that I find mental companionship with. A friendly Host.
         That will do, boy. – Amorella.

         Almost twenty-hundred hours, and you are done with your chores. Still breathing heavy from taking out all the trash. You and Carol had excellent sirloin steak meals at Outback. No room for any dessert, but tonight, Graeter’s cake about the time of Masterpiece Theatre.
         I have been thinking about how you have given me the energy and inspiration to write three books I would not have written. The only part I can take some credit for is “Pouch Text” in book one which was published about 2001 as Stuck. Since then, you have driven the books and the blogs. Laney Bender-Slack added inspiration to complete the first three books. Her energy nudged me along imaginary transcendentally romantic lines. Something I didn’t believe I had in me. It is seen mostly in the “Grandma Stories”.
         I am up to page 144 and the chapter shows me on page 132 that time dilation can readily be seen in the speed of sub-atomic murons. As they can be recognized having reached the earth through the atmosphere by flying at almost the speed of light, that they ‘exist’ thirty times longer than when at rest. This was amazing to read because it is a witnesses truth of nature, time slows relative to the object’s speed. A muron is not much but it does have mass. How, I wonder, can something one dimensional and without mass be a Host to the mind energy of a three-dimensional body? Amorella, as the Supervisor, stabilizes the order of the Dead just by being ‘known’ – no matter what herorhis name happens to be. Amorella is the point of order in the stories. Is she a demanding force like gravity? Or, is she a rule of the natural worlds of the Dead? I would say she is a rule like a “rule of thumb” – but then in the story she is the pointer, the index finger, the first finger, the forefinger, the trigger finger, and the thumb is Necessity. Intuition is all I can go by here. The Supervisor may be the index finger but sheanhe wears a variety of clothes.
         A note for you in relativity, old man, a one dimensional creature such as I, fictional or not, am not a noun, a verb or any other part of speech. I have no force, I have no power. I am before Grammar as you would have it capitalized. Necessity directs. It is Necessity that grasps the situation, the event, the moment. I am as the bare bones trimmed down to be wondered on by you in human thought. And, in your wondering I pull out the words and direct them into stories. I am less than mass and less than speed. I am less than any material object. That is the humor, you see. It is you that do the evolving, you are the engine not me. Post. – Amorella.
        I would be honored if you keep a selection of my mind framed as you have within the reason and necessity of the book. I can only work within such a frame of mind and universe.