30 June 2011

Note - raw Merlyn observation of movamulet / Merlyn swallowed by an Angel

         You and Carol were up early, had breakfast and the paper, and headed to Pine Hill Park. You walked your walk over the earthen dam and to a bench by the other lake. Carol went on and has not returned yet. Another California sky morning though it is supposed to be warmer today. Carol has a hair appointment at ten. You will have an hour to watch last week’s “Falling Rain” for further personal judgment on the summer series. Here comes Carol. – Amorella.

         You have worked on your initial description of the movamulet. Toy with it, observe it one more time and add, then we’ll put it into  paragraph as Merlyn first sees it. Later, dude. – Amorella.

         Late lunch at Olive Garden on Fields-Ertel then over to Streets of West Chester for a visit to Chico’s for clothes. You have had time to observe the movamulet twice and take notes. Drop the raw notes in here, as you have already noted you see similarities with quantum mechanical-like processes as well as with black holes. Merlyn sees the lemniscate symbol on the vertical and does not recognize it for the clutter and movement. He catches the waterfalls imagery with the rainbow effect but does not realize he is staring into the interlacing of the river, which also needs another image – one you saw yesterday for this imaginary construction.

         I have not been able to locate the drawing, but will continue searching. In the process I found Anaximander on Wikipedia and was reminded of similar theories he had that can be addressed by Merlyn in his description.

         Put in your (Merlyn’s) basic notes:


Kaleidoscope of colors – shades – blue, green, red, purple, orange, yellow, white – rainbow trapped in a sphere
A multitude of trumpets
Eight trumpets
2 green top and bottom
2  blue bottom
2 green-blue bottom
mirror image at vertical
pumping action – throbbing as though alive
enlarge – discharge
geometric shapes – diamonds, triangles,
circular rotation from top to bottom, bottom to top
center, two small lights appear to dance around one another
a two dimensional circle surrounded by a starless, moonless night.
The parts appear to be greater than the whole – limited to the circle – a prisoner of the circle.
On the vertical narrow like the eyes of a needle the kiss of the white dots is as an ‘infinity’ symbol which expands outward
The top circle collapse – the dot moves to the left, below the second dot moves to the right – appear to touch or kiss or dance about each other but one dot does not move into the space of the other. It is though they are repelled as in a magnet.
** **
not only vertical but flower-like with four leaves on each side but white dot dance in only on the vertical. Rest of white dots 12 to 16 appear to be reflections of light off the trumpets.
Diamond shapes folding in on themselves then expanding – two trumpets North and South are the largest the control of motion is on the vertical not horizontal. Blues gravitate to bottom and reds rise to top – more blues on right more red and greens on left of vertical.
A mechanism made of light of rainbows of light. – a waterfall comes to mind with a rainbow arching up

** **

         Keep in mind that the ‘cross’ is the sign, though distorted into a lemniscate – it has a vertical and horizontal axis but it cannot work raw, humanity must set an interpretation the symbol.

         I see a metaphor with religion coming in here, the spiritual is one ‘thing’ and religion is an interpretation of this ‘thing’.

         Good. You are coming along, boy. This is the beginning of many viewpoints. The mystery though, is the human element, not the ‘element’ itself. Post. – Amorella.

         It seems if I could overlay a + sign with a ∞ sign I would have this in a symbolic format I could remember. On a typewriter one could do such a thing but I don’t think it is possible on a computer keyboard – I have checked and can’t find a way to overlay one symbol on top of another.

         That will work. You will find some way to address this. – Amorella. 

         I have something that will work for now to remind me of what the ‘object’ is to represent: +. The cross springs forward to an infinity symbol. 

         This will do. - Amorella.

         We can work on Merlyn’s place in scene ten for a few minutes:

         Continuation of Scene Ten:

         Merlyn slid into the shamans’ shadow soul first, which was not his intent. As a nightly hollowness surrounded; ‘I am free,’ thought he.

         In the surrounding pitch of darkness Merlyn, a-way, discerns a luminosity peaked. He easefully floated towards the flickering particle to see a tiny oval rainbow become engorged and circular – a rainbowing ball. ‘If I had hands I could pick up this pulsing globe and throw it,’ thought he who sudden thinks, ‘I have no hands?’

         Kaleidoscoping shades of blue, green, red, purple, orange, yellow and the particular two small dancing white dots in the round. A multitude, no, eight trumpets in tones – (on the vertical) green to the top, blue to the bottom. A throbbing floating ball now twice my size twenty yards away motions and re-motions, what? Shapes of trumpets, diamonds and triangles – this so dressed floating ball rotates top to bottom, bottom to top. ‘What seizes my eyes? No lids, no balls,’ thinks he.

         A center white dotted dance – two dotted lights. Night grooms the sphere machined in the spectrum. ‘Tis but a glint, a gleam off the tip of the brandished fierce Sword of God, but cool, no torrid radiant heat clothes me here. ‘I am soul boned and unburied. Nothing, yet I am risen to see such a thing unwitnessed; even by Zeus and his Pantheon. ‘I am below the Board on which I must stand and make my plays. How goes this? I know not even my own mind.’

         This sphere of shapes and movement trumpet silently. ‘I am in the balls or tongue of Gabriel himself? Water works beneath this rainbow, interlacing. This is the meat of all matterless substance that touches we the Dead. What mechanism does not yield to the slow pumping throb of its own engine? My heart, were it here, would not pump so slow that time falls in an Angel’s shine in the starless and moonless night stretched boundless and away from this soul’s seed of what I, Merlyn, am and once was.’

** **

         I do not know how these words stretched from me. I am embarrassed at the over-dramatic intensity (at least to me at this stage, only three lines down). I was there shortly ago now, thinking an Angel had swallowed me whole. An agnostic with such a thought is beyond my own belief.

         You are unwinding, boy. The reader will not feel the passion rushed and laddered from heart to soul. It is a draft, son. Let it go. No more tonight. – Amorella. 

29 June 2011

Notes - Misplaced anger / LackofMemory / Reality & its Illusion

The Word of the Day for June 29 is:

mantic   \MAN-tik\   adjective
: of or relating to the faculty of divination : prophetic

Ever since we visited that fortune teller at the carnival, Mary has shown a
strong interest in astrology and the other mantic arts.

"Like everyone else, I was in awe of her mantic abilities, and I think she
looked upon my storytelling endeavors with indulgence, having known both my
father and my grandfather in their prime." -- From Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya's
2011 novel The Storyteller of Marrakesh

Did you know?
The adjective "mantic" comes from the Greek word "mantikos," which itself
derives from "mantis," meaning "prophet." The mantis insect got its name from
this same source, supposedly because its posture -- with the forelimbs extended
as though in prayer -- reminded folks of a prophet. Not surprisingly, the
combining form "-mancy," which means "divination in a (specified) manner" (as in
"necromancy" and "pyromancy"), is a relative of "mantic." A less expected, and
more distant, relative is "mania," meaning "insanity marked by uncontrollable
emotion or excitement" or "excessive enthusiasm." "Mania" descends from Greek
"mainesthai" ("to be mad"), a word akin to "mantis" and its offspring. And
indeed, prophesying in ancient Greece was sometimes believed to be "inspired

         Breakfast and the paper. Online you saw this first and dropped it in as much for its humor as anything else, as you do not understand “inspired madness”. You understand what it means but you do not understand reasoning the two words together.

         In my mind madness is what it is whether it is inspired or not. All it means to me is heightened madness. There is no divinity or pantheon in madness as far as I can see. A prophet saying or writing gibberish would be saying or writing something without meaning. To paraphrase history and literature “Beware of the Ides of March!” is not madness, particularly as it was a truthful statement said to Caesar by a soothsayer. A prophet worth her or his salt was not in madness.

         You have this tendency, orndorff, to be too literal when you know better. Sarcasm and arrogance are the outcome. More later, boy. Post.- Amorella.

       I don’t know why I do this from time to time, other than it is misplaced anger.

         So, then, place the anger, boy. Something to think about in your bath. Now, post. – Amorella.

         Carol is about to ready for the walk she requested. You had your bath and are ready to go, even have your New Balance Ion Control walkers on. You think they cost a small fortune at Bob Roncker’s Running Spot, but as you don’t walk all that far the last awhile.

         It is embarrassing to walk in there but I have been doing so since the mid-seventies. I am no runner and almost everyone I see in there is skinny to medium as far as girth is concerned. They make sure I get the right size and so forth. Anyway, it is embarrassing. Once, in the old Indian Hill days I went down after school and when I took my shoes off Bob himself (waited on me), he tore outside with the shoes as they stank to high heaven. So, there was double the embarrassment. I wore socks but it must have been a hot day and the A/C didn’t always work at IH – beautiful building is mostly surrounded by a woods but the windows didn’t open so with no air it got rather uncomfortable. We teachers would bring fans in, but it didn’t happen often. More likely you’d see a few buckets in the hallway from the leaks when it rained – flat roof. IH has a new high school building now, sets just north of the old one. Man, I had forgotten about those stinky walking shoes. Poor Bob and anyone else that was in there at the time. He sold me new shoes from a bench in front of the store.

         Now, you have no idea why you were talking about your shoes. – Amorella.

         Absolutely none at all.

         Post as a reminder of how little is in your mind at any one time. – Amorella.

         I will, but I know, Amorella. Why else for the notes?

        You walked in both Pine Hill Park and Rose Hill Cemetery. Not a long walk for you but a walk. Carol walked much longer in both places but not as much as usual at Pine Hill because of the crowds of young people on the paths – a bus load it looked like to you, from somewhere close-by. Paths in the woods were still much too muddy. Day camp or otherwise, it was easier to finish the walks at Rose Hill.

         I contracted poison ivy on my left forearm yesterday and I have to keep it contained as I am highly allergic. When I worked for the Township and the City (college days) I would have to get a shot or two as prevention. Westerville paid for the treatment even before I contracted the stuff since it meant I didn’t have to take any time off because of the allergy. When I was four or five I ended up in the hospital for three or four days because of poison ivy – terrible, nasty irritations – you name the body part and I had it in full bloom.

         Mid-afternoon. You had an early treat of fresh peaches, a late lunch at Chipotle/Panera, ran some errands, and are now home. Very pleasant afternoon, hardly any clouds in a California blue sky.

         I am interested in how the River system works in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. Does the River have an underwater current one way and a surface current the opposite?


         Where the River system ‘crosses’ itself is it an interlacing of currents?


         This reminds me of the model railroad system in book three, Merlyn’s Mind. The track, a flat figure eight, the lemniscate, also shows the symbol of infinity.

         The figure above is a bit more dramatic than the figure I prefer. The image prejudices the concept by making it ‘golden’ and somewhat mystical in appearance. – Amorella.

         As it represents the bases of the Place of the Dead it appears appropriate to me.

         Let’s look at this from Merlyn’s perspective not your own.

         The symbol above would more apt be in Merlyn’s mind but this is not what he would ‘see’.

         The above has no meaning as such. You found this animated image near the bottom of the site:  [Double click the above to see the movement Merlyn will see. - a practice]

I found several other sites with this “movamulet” image. If I am to describe the ‘movements within this illusion’ as Merlyn might, that is a helpful visual direction.

         You can practice using this animation even if you have to go to a site to watch it. I chose this as an example not because some esoterics consider it a sacred symbol of sorts but because it is promotes a good writing practice. What Merlyn will ‘see’ is not what he is actually observing because it has no meaning as such. We are back with the Native Americans seeing the first Spanish ships off-shore. They did not know what they were, so some actually didn’t see the ships. The mind plays tricks – this is true for the Dead as well as the Living (in the books). This is the reason the shamans ‘visualize’ from their hearts and/or souls. Merlyn will have to learn this. And, it is a way to introduce the reading audience into a unique adventure in reason and imagination. All for tonight. – Amorella.

28 June 2011

Notes - Watering the Dead / the Sawhorse, then Milton

         Early afternoon. You finished the mowing with some help from Carol, particularly on the hilly slopes. As you sat down you were thinking that if the Dead need closet space, they must take a lot with them while the living usually say, “You can’t take it with you.”

         Stopped by Graeter’s and now at Kroger’s. The Dead carry more than you’d think, boy. A few think they’re carrying a world on the shoulders, and some do carry a lot more that that. People do things that conflict with their humanity, but as their humanity brings them to the place they have no choice. What they do is deal with it or not. Being an honest human being isn’t that easy, takes a lot of humility. This blog is good practice for you, boy. You get a better feeling as to how things work and we're going to the plumbing. Well, Merlyn’s going to the plumbing, the waterworks. You’ve worked in the Westerville Water Department on occasion, and sewage department.

         Why water, Amorella, you could use any of the four basic elements?

         Humans enjoy the virtual swim through the River to get to Elysium. People know about the Styx and the River Jordan, getting across to the Other Side. People are composed of water. It is the most plausible basic element that all earth life and marsupial-humanoid life too, fits. What element would you use, orndorff? Hot, cold, wet, dry – which best suits your taste if you want to ‘live’ a comfortable familiar existence?

         You are home after a pleasant afternoon with tea and a cookie, sitting in the shade conversing genially with Carol about family, then a drive up to the black barn in Lebanon for fresh tomatoes and fresh smelling peaches from Georgia. Post. – Amorella.

        Leftovers for supper while watching the national news. You are sitting thinking about ‘frugality’ and wondering what ‘waterworks’ is while Carol is working on email in her office. And, you have spent time checking out the many various crosses as mentioned in Wikipedia under ‘cross’.

         It is a most ancient symbol with many variations, and with the variations many distinctive meanings. The simplest, and one of the most ancient meanings, (from my perspective through the Wikipedia reading) is that the cross symbolized the four cardinal directions (north, south, east and west). In this book I see it as a building block and in addition to the building block, a plus or times mathematical sign.

         See the dictionary definition. – Amorella.

Cross: 6: a figure or mark formed by two intersecting lines crossing at their midpoints;  specifically: such a mark used as a signature”
From: Merriam-Webster

** **

         It may be more practical to show the cross, perpendicular but on its sides as one might construct an ‘X’ in a times sign. This way the ‘river’ can appear to ‘run downhill’ from the right and the left.

         Like a sawhorse.

         Like a sawhorse.

         The marsupial-humanoids Dead; does their Place of the Dead have the same constructed configuration?

         Yes. – Amorella.

         The other night I watched part of last week’s “Through the Wormhole” and two black holes danced around each other when they got close. I can check but is this something analogous we can use with the leaning crosses?

         You are in the right building but the wrong room, boy. Let’s call it a night. – Post. – Amorella.

          That's fine; I'd rather go through this slowly so I have an understanding of the architecture of HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither.

  1.           Keep in mind these lines from Milton’s Paradise Lost. (My Separations) - Amorella.

This further consolation yet secure [ 620 ]

I carry hence; though all by mee is lost,

Such favour I unworthie am voutsaft,

By mee the Promis'd Seed shall all restore.
So spake our Mother Eve, and Adam heard

Well pleas'd, but answer'd not; for now too nigh [ 625 ]

Th' Archangel stood, and from the other Hill

To thir fixt Station, all in bright array

The Cherubim descended; on the ground

Gliding meteorous, as Ev'ning Mist

Ris'n from a River o're the marish glides, [ 630 ]

And gathers ground fast at the Labourers heel

Homeward returning. High in Front advanc't,

The brandisht Sword of God before them blaz'd

Fierce as a Comet; which with torrid heat,

And vapour as the Libyan Air adust, [ 635 ]

Began to parch that temperate Clime; whereat

In either hand the hastning Angel caught

Our lingring Parents, and to th' Eastern Gate

Led them direct, and down the Cliff as fast

To the subjected Plaine; then disappeer'd. [ 640 ]

They looking back, all th' Eastern side beheld

Of Paradise, so late thir happie seat,

Wav'd over by that flaming Brand, the Gate

With dreadful Faces throng'd and fierie Armes:

Som natural tears they drop'd, but wip'd them soon; [645]
The World was all before them, where to choose

Thir place of rest, and Providence thir guide:

They hand in hand with wandring steps and slow,

Through Eden took thir solitarie way.

27 June 2011

Notes - Wordless complaint / Wildfires near Fort Huachuca / Celtic Cross River

        Mid-morning. Breakfast and the paper. The sun has been out but it is supposed to rain. You are hoping for a cooler day Tuesday or Wednesday to mow the yard. 

         Some days I could mow without taking the Celebrex, today is one of them, but the grass is still wet from the last rain. I hate to lower the mower for shorter grass for fear that the rains will stop and heat will burn it. Presently the lawn is thick and healthy though getting longer in the process. This is not a complaint.

         Complaining is something we human beings readily do. It’s easy enough all we have to do is open our mouths and speak or write and dash off an email. You name it and someone someplace has complained about it, no matter what it is. So, here I am complaining about complaining. We are a strange breed, no question about it. Why don’t the Dead complain more. I mean, they have the beef about not being able to come home to Earth, they have no sun and earth, air, fire and water – the common elements are displaced and not actually common. Consciously they are ‘alive’ they know they exist as long as the other Dead (some of them anyway) admit to their existence. Things could be better, but they could be worse. Pretty much like living here (in this universe) in that sense. I’m out words and direction to put them in if I had them.

         Hold that thought, orndorff. Post. – Amorella.

         Early afternoon. You spent time editing your ‘comic and editorial comic’ page online and Carol has an email from Craig that shows the fire destruction near Sierra Vista where he has been volunteering with the Red Cross. The video is a tribute to those who helped in the Monument Fire: http//youtu.be/fxN4CZY6_o

         I remember those mountains as a backdrop to Fort Huachuca. As their tourist website says:

Welcome to Fort Huachuca, home of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)/9th Army Signal Command. Located in Cochise County, in southeast Arizona, about 15 miles north of the border with Mexico, Fort Huachuca was annexed in 1971 by the city of Sierra Vista and was declared a national landmark in 1976.

Fort Huachuca is also the headquarters of Army Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) and the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and the Electronic Proving Ground (EPG).

Libby Army Airfield is located on post and shares the runway with Sierra Vista Municipal Airport; it is on the list of alternate landing locations for the space shuttle, though it has never been used as such.

** **

         For me, the main interest was the Intelligence Museum, which I never knew existed until Craig and Alta took us there. Here’s what Wikipedia says:

US Army Intelligence Museum
As a formal organization, Military Intelligence made a late appearance in the U.S. Army, waiting more than 100 years to debut as a tiny section within the Adjutant General's Office. It would have to wait another three decades for the demands of the 20th century warfare to validate Military Intelligence as an equal partner on the War Department staff. It took the leadership of men like Arthur Wagner, Ralph Van Deman, Parker Hitt and Charles Young to sell a simple idea: "Intelligence is for Commanders." Today that principle is the cornerstone of U.S. Army intelligence doctrine. How that idea has evolved over the last 200 years is the subject of a new museum at Fort Huachuca. It is a story that has waited patiently to be told. Like the intelligence corps in general, this chapter made a late appearance in the volume of American military history. It existed in the minds of a few historians and has been sketched out in a few thin history books, but now for the first time it gains dimension, the dimension of the artifact that connects us to the past.

** **

         Orndorff, this is sad. One of your old dreams was to be an operative for the CIA or something of that sort. Too much James Bond. God and Country, that sort of thing. You would have never made a good spy even in your younger days. Just a fantasy of your youth, boy, but you get revved up by such museums, any museums actually. No wonder you enjoy writing about the Dead.

         I hadn’t thought about this before (I don’t think, at least not in this context.) The fiction of peering into the Lives of the Dead is fun in a secret sort of way. As Merlyn has been up a tree spying on the three shamans, I too have been doing the same thing. Writing out my dreams. Can’t see any harm in it, and it passes my days with some personal satisfaction.

         Writing gives you reason and purpose. I agree. No harm done. Helps keep you ready to get up the next day. People need a reason to wake up every day, and the blog and books are one of your reasons. Later, dude. Post.  – Amorella. 

         After the national news and supper consisting of ground round, peas in pods, baked beans, and sweet potato fries. Good stuff! Lunch we had part of a large Papa John’s pizza – half veggie and half works! Our favorite. Always the way we like it, always excellent!

         Food is an obsession with you, old man.

         Not always, but everything was really good today, and we just finished. It is a better than average day. We relaxed and watched last night’s Masterpiece Theatre – Christie’s best detective was the spotlight. Always masterly and well played by David Suchet – “The Clocks” was about a mole among spies and a part of the setting was in the tunnels beneath Dover Castle and the city of Dover itself pre-World War II. Great setting, great story.

         Dusk and I was ready to write more on Ezekiel and Tiresias but I don’t know where to go from Ezekiel saying he doesn’t need a boat because he has no body. Which looking back on it was a very strange thing for him to say as he just arrived not too long ago and the day is not yet over for the Greeks.

         No doubt you can sense that earth time and Elysium time are not one in the same. If you want a correlation, for the books, one day in Elysium could be a decade or two on earth, perhaps longer, a century or so, depending on how relative time is. It is not all that relative to the Dead so what difference does it make. You are reminded of how much closet space one needs in herorhis abode. It is relative to how much closet space one has. In here, time is somewhat like that. Most can never have too much closet space because they more one has the more is acquired to fill it up. – Amorella.

         I am not sure, but I think one of us is not making sense, Amorella. Closet space is empty space to be filled. Time, for humans, fills us up and once full we are out of time. That doesn’t make sense either. So, where do we go from here? What’s next for Ezekiel and Tiresias in scene ten? And, another question, the script says Ezekiel is “angry-minded”. What about his soul and heart, are they angry also?

         An interlude from Merlyn here. The last we met him at the conclusion of the last scene, this is that setting:

** **
Merlyn observed the three sink into the sand at the bank leaving at last only single shadow being cast from someplace else. Someplace Merlyn was not, some sunken place where rose a pillar, a river of water unheard of even by Zeus himself.  [sc.9, ch.7]

** **

         Are you going to describe this scene where the pillar of water the vertical and the horizontal water meet? If so, I cannot imagine such a scene. It defies reason.

         Ignore the outer design below. Think of the outer bands of white and centered black, the cross image alone. Study it as a holistic river system. Tomorrow I will show you how this can be described as an entangled state – a thought place, if you will, the center piece of HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. This will be, in an architectural sense, as the nine circles of Hades to Dante. – Amorella.

         I do not think I can do such a thing. I stare at this design and I see movement within it. The movement, of course, is within myself, within my own head. It is as an optical illusion. The water is as knotted here but in the book it has to be a part of the same system. This has the element of flow as water, but it is not water. Ezekiel is well aware of that. Those who are building the bridge should realize this too. Takis knows better but what about Mother, does she know? Does she want to realize they may not exist that Elysium is a dream? And, what of Merlyn, surely he realizes as much as the older shamans. Otherwise, why was he elected to return to the Living of modern times in the first place? He rides the [chess] board. He understands – however, I alas, have no such understanding.

         Irony is one of the best of all foods, boy. Savor it. Tomorrow then. Think and enjoy the thoughts. Let them ride in and out of the doors and windows of the mind. We’ll work on it tomorrow, if and when you are fresh. Lawn mowing in the morning if the grass is dry. Post. – Amorella.

26 June 2011

Notes - Is the universe an illusion? / "The Riddle of the Wormhole"

         Late mid-morning. You completed breakfast and most of the Sunday paper. Thunder woke you up several times during the night, as well as the cat, who then needed some attention. Carol was up by seven and you by nine.

         Late, mid-afternoon. You finished an early supper at Chipotle/Panera, and while Carol was shopping at Hallmark you used City Barbeque wireless and discovered a note from Doug [retired PhD. nuclear physics] on quantum mechanics. Here is his note:

Hocking said the answer to this pardox are multiple universes which have no black holes since they are the real universes. Our universe is full of black holes which would imply that our universe is not a real universe.
[. . . wikipedia . . . ]
So are we just an illusion?

         And, this is a selection of Wikipedia article in question:

The black hole information paradox results from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It suggests that physical information could disappear in a black hole, allowing many physical states to evolve into the same state. This is a contentious subject since it violates a commonly assumed tenet of science—that in principle complete information about a physical system at one point in time should determine its state at any other time. A postulate of quantum mechanics is that complete information about a system is encoded in its wave function, an abstract concept not present in classical physics. The evolution of the wave function is determined by a unitary operator, and unitarity implies that information is conserved in the quantum sense.
There are two main principles at work: quantum determinism, and reversibility. Quantum determinism means that given a present wave function, its future changes are uniquely determined by the evolution operator. Reversibility refers to the fact that the evolution operator has an inverse, meaning that the past wave functions are similarly unique. With quantum determinism, reversibility, and a conserved Liouville measure, the von Neumann entropy ought to be conserved, if coarse graining sis ignored.
Steven Hawking presented rigorous theoretical arguments based on general relativity and thermodynamics which threatened to undermine these ideas about information conservation in the quantum realm. Several proposals have been put forth to resolve this paradox. . . .
. . . , if there is an entangled pure state, and one part of the entangled system is thrown into the black hole while keeping the other part outside, the result is a mixed state after the partial trace is taken over the interior of the black hole. But since everything within the interior of the black hole will hit the singularity within a finite time, the part which is traced over partially might disappear completely from the physical system. . . .
In November 2010, Penrose and V. G. Gurzadyan announced they had found evidence of such circular patterns, in data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) corroborated by data from the BOOMERanG experiment. The significance of the findings was subsequently debated by others.
Main approaches to the solution of the paradox
Information is irretrievably lost:
                Advantage: Seems to be a direct consequence of relatively non-controversial calculation based on semiclassical gravity.
                Disadvantage: Violates unitarity, as well as energy conservation or causality.
Information gradually leaks out during the black-hole evaporation:
                Advantage: Intuitively appealing because it qualitatively resembles information recovery in a classical process of burning.
                Disadvantage: Requires a large deviation from classical and semiclassical gravity (which do not allow information to leak out from the black hole) even for macroscopic black holes for which classical and semiclassical approximations are expected to be good approximations.
Information suddenly escapes out during the final stage of black-hole evaporation:
                Advantage: A significant deviation from classical and semiclassical gravity is needed only in the regime in which the effects of quantum gravity are expected to dominate.
                Disadvantage: Just before the sudden escape of information, a very small black hole must be able to store an arbitrary amount of information, which violates Bekenstein bound.
Information is stored in a Planck-sized remnant:
                Advantage: No mechanism for information escape is needed.
                Disadvantage: A very small object must be able to store an arbitrary amount of information, which violates the Bekenstein bound.
Information is stored in a massive remnant:
                Advantage: No mechanism for information escape is needed and a large amount of information does not need to be stored in a small object.
                Disadvantage: No appealing mechanism that could stop Hawking evaporation of a macroscopic black hole is known.
Information is stored in a baby universe that separates from our own universe:
                Advantage: No violation of known general principles of physics is needed.
                Disadvantage: It is difficult to find an appealing concrete theory that would predict such a scenario.
Information is encoded in the correlations between future and past:
                Advantage: Semiclassical gravity is sufficient, i.e., the solution does not depend on details of (still not well understood) quantum gravity.
Disadvantage: Contradicts the intuitive view of nature as an entity that evolves with time.

** **

         I have  you including this because it works to our advantage in the fictions.

Information is stored in a baby universe that separates from our own universe:
                Advantage: No violation of known general principles of physics is needed.
                Disadvantage: It is difficult to find an appealing concrete theory that would predict such a scenario.

         Although the books are not about information lost or not in terms of black hole scenarios as thoughts are going to be thought of as quantum waves and entanglements can and do occur this leaves room for the Dead, so to speak, in a baby universe (or setting) all its own with the main setting actually being the River Styx or whatever the Dead want to call the River – the mind sees a broad band of water, the heart and soul accept this, the soul more out of a sense of polite grace to th
e heart. Post. – Amorella.

       I have not responded to Doug's question as to whether I think our universe is an illusion or not. I have to define 'illusion' first. 

         It is twenty-forty-seven hours and about twenty minutes ago Doug sent you another note:


 I was just watching “Through the Worm Hole.” They claim that conscience is the entanglement of quantum knowledge. 

John and Nancy

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         I find this amazing and will have to check the source. [The title of the episode in the science series is: "The Riddle of the Wormhole"] I came up with my own hypothesis but it is good to find I am not alone in my thoughts. The concepts are documented in the blog, certainly it is stimulating for you to say you came up with the concept through your own research and thoughts, and those of Dr. Goss. That’s what the blog shows.  – Amorella. The point is that the concept can continue to be useful in the fictions. That’s what’s important here. More uses may be found for it along the way. It is exciting to be in an imaginative curve not your own.

   Post. – Amorella.