29 June 2011

Notes - Misplaced anger / LackofMemory / Reality & its Illusion

The Word of the Day for June 29 is:

mantic   \MAN-tik\   adjective
: of or relating to the faculty of divination : prophetic

Ever since we visited that fortune teller at the carnival, Mary has shown a
strong interest in astrology and the other mantic arts.

"Like everyone else, I was in awe of her mantic abilities, and I think she
looked upon my storytelling endeavors with indulgence, having known both my
father and my grandfather in their prime." -- From Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya's
2011 novel The Storyteller of Marrakesh

Did you know?
The adjective "mantic" comes from the Greek word "mantikos," which itself
derives from "mantis," meaning "prophet." The mantis insect got its name from
this same source, supposedly because its posture -- with the forelimbs extended
as though in prayer -- reminded folks of a prophet. Not surprisingly, the
combining form "-mancy," which means "divination in a (specified) manner" (as in
"necromancy" and "pyromancy"), is a relative of "mantic." A less expected, and
more distant, relative is "mania," meaning "insanity marked by uncontrollable
emotion or excitement" or "excessive enthusiasm." "Mania" descends from Greek
"mainesthai" ("to be mad"), a word akin to "mantis" and its offspring. And
indeed, prophesying in ancient Greece was sometimes believed to be "inspired

         Breakfast and the paper. Online you saw this first and dropped it in as much for its humor as anything else, as you do not understand “inspired madness”. You understand what it means but you do not understand reasoning the two words together.

         In my mind madness is what it is whether it is inspired or not. All it means to me is heightened madness. There is no divinity or pantheon in madness as far as I can see. A prophet saying or writing gibberish would be saying or writing something without meaning. To paraphrase history and literature “Beware of the Ides of March!” is not madness, particularly as it was a truthful statement said to Caesar by a soothsayer. A prophet worth her or his salt was not in madness.

         You have this tendency, orndorff, to be too literal when you know better. Sarcasm and arrogance are the outcome. More later, boy. Post.- Amorella.

       I don’t know why I do this from time to time, other than it is misplaced anger.

         So, then, place the anger, boy. Something to think about in your bath. Now, post. – Amorella.

         Carol is about to ready for the walk she requested. You had your bath and are ready to go, even have your New Balance Ion Control walkers on. You think they cost a small fortune at Bob Roncker’s Running Spot, but as you don’t walk all that far the last awhile.

         It is embarrassing to walk in there but I have been doing so since the mid-seventies. I am no runner and almost everyone I see in there is skinny to medium as far as girth is concerned. They make sure I get the right size and so forth. Anyway, it is embarrassing. Once, in the old Indian Hill days I went down after school and when I took my shoes off Bob himself (waited on me), he tore outside with the shoes as they stank to high heaven. So, there was double the embarrassment. I wore socks but it must have been a hot day and the A/C didn’t always work at IH – beautiful building is mostly surrounded by a woods but the windows didn’t open so with no air it got rather uncomfortable. We teachers would bring fans in, but it didn’t happen often. More likely you’d see a few buckets in the hallway from the leaks when it rained – flat roof. IH has a new high school building now, sets just north of the old one. Man, I had forgotten about those stinky walking shoes. Poor Bob and anyone else that was in there at the time. He sold me new shoes from a bench in front of the store.

         Now, you have no idea why you were talking about your shoes. – Amorella.

         Absolutely none at all.

         Post as a reminder of how little is in your mind at any one time. – Amorella.

         I will, but I know, Amorella. Why else for the notes?

        You walked in both Pine Hill Park and Rose Hill Cemetery. Not a long walk for you but a walk. Carol walked much longer in both places but not as much as usual at Pine Hill because of the crowds of young people on the paths – a bus load it looked like to you, from somewhere close-by. Paths in the woods were still much too muddy. Day camp or otherwise, it was easier to finish the walks at Rose Hill.

         I contracted poison ivy on my left forearm yesterday and I have to keep it contained as I am highly allergic. When I worked for the Township and the City (college days) I would have to get a shot or two as prevention. Westerville paid for the treatment even before I contracted the stuff since it meant I didn’t have to take any time off because of the allergy. When I was four or five I ended up in the hospital for three or four days because of poison ivy – terrible, nasty irritations – you name the body part and I had it in full bloom.

         Mid-afternoon. You had an early treat of fresh peaches, a late lunch at Chipotle/Panera, ran some errands, and are now home. Very pleasant afternoon, hardly any clouds in a California blue sky.

         I am interested in how the River system works in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. Does the River have an underwater current one way and a surface current the opposite?


         Where the River system ‘crosses’ itself is it an interlacing of currents?


         This reminds me of the model railroad system in book three, Merlyn’s Mind. The track, a flat figure eight, the lemniscate, also shows the symbol of infinity.

         The figure above is a bit more dramatic than the figure I prefer. The image prejudices the concept by making it ‘golden’ and somewhat mystical in appearance. – Amorella.

         As it represents the bases of the Place of the Dead it appears appropriate to me.

         Let’s look at this from Merlyn’s perspective not your own.

         The symbol above would more apt be in Merlyn’s mind but this is not what he would ‘see’.

         The above has no meaning as such. You found this animated image near the bottom of the site:  [Double click the above to see the movement Merlyn will see. - a practice]

I found several other sites with this “movamulet” image. If I am to describe the ‘movements within this illusion’ as Merlyn might, that is a helpful visual direction.

         You can practice using this animation even if you have to go to a site to watch it. I chose this as an example not because some esoterics consider it a sacred symbol of sorts but because it is promotes a good writing practice. What Merlyn will ‘see’ is not what he is actually observing because it has no meaning as such. We are back with the Native Americans seeing the first Spanish ships off-shore. They did not know what they were, so some actually didn’t see the ships. The mind plays tricks – this is true for the Dead as well as the Living (in the books). This is the reason the shamans ‘visualize’ from their hearts and/or souls. Merlyn will have to learn this. And, it is a way to introduce the reading audience into a unique adventure in reason and imagination. All for tonight. – Amorella.

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