22 September 2013

Notes - cheer up / gas accord as backup / tomorrow back to writing

         You and Carol are up before the sun and have been talking about cars. She wants Paul to go with you for a test drive in the Ford Fusion Hybrid SE and later in the week she will go take a test drive. There is an extra thousand off until the end of September. Presently she is cooking bacon whether you eat at home or go out.

         0727 hours. I can’t tell if the sun is up yet or not. It is cool and crisp out though. A red tail hawk just flew over looking for breakfast no doubt. I am okay with whatever Carol wants to do. Right now it appears that it is between the four cylinder Honda that we test drove a couple weeks ago (she doesn’t want a six) or the Avalon or the Fusion. Personally, at this point I just want a new car so we are done with the wait and the decision (and energy relating to the decision) will be over. It is definitely the time to be buying a car. Now the apprehension is that something will fall apart on the ’03 before we sell it or trade it in. Nothing should be wrong with it. There are no problems, the probability just hovers outside the mind like the elephant in the room (just one more thing) to interrupt a smoothly laid out deal.

         Back in the seventies we had just that problem. We had signed for a new VW and the yellow VW we were trading in ‘stopped’ on the way to the dealer (Century Motors VW) and we had to have it towed in. The salesman was in a panic when he saw it being towed (which was a secret delight to see) but the mechanics checked it out and decided it was okay so we bought our new car, partially with the trade in. It is funny looking back on the event, but at the time it certainly was not, except for seeing the salesman’s face.

         You have a dark humor that manifests itself at seeing other people in a misery such as put on the salesman. This twist of humor is partly directed to yourself and how you expect to see yourself in the salesman’s place during any ‘event’ in your life. You assume such events could and will happen to you regularly. Not what you expected is it, boy? – Amorella

         No, but I see a truth to what you are saying. One always has to suspect that in a moment’s notice things will get worse. It is the way of the world, at least my world. And, the longer I go without such a calamity the more quickly it is about to arrive. That’s my philosophical approach.

         Cheer up, boy. Brennan and Owen just got up. Post. - Amorella

         Supper time. You had a beautiful day to take the boys to the park to play and to feed the ducks, which is what you all did after breakfast at Bob Evans. For lunch everyone had left over ham from last night’s dinner of ham, mash potatoes, two veggies and salad. Kim, Paul and the boys left in the afternoon after a treat at Graeter’s on Mason-Montgomery Road. Earlier Carol, Paul and you stopped by the Kings Ford dealer and test drove a plug in Fusion Titanium as well as a regular gas four cylinder Titanium. Carol found both comfortable and quiet. Paul said he would do some checking online to see if a 2013 SE regular hybrid with full luxury package could be found. Why don’t you try too using Kelly’s Blue Book. – Amorella

         1836 hours. There is not much out there. I’ll see what Paul can find.

         2125 hours. I am tired. Up and out of here by eight to meet Kim and ten and have a school lunch with Owen and Brennan at eleven-thirty. Then, I assume we are homeward bound. Tuesday I have to take the cats in for their meds. Wednesday new mattresses arrive. I have my doubts we’ll find a hybrid for our satisfaction. That will leave the gas Honda Accord, which certainly is a good choice in this modern world with 27 city and 36 highway.

          Post. Tomorrow evening we can work and Tuesday also as Carol has a breakfast with her friends. - Amorella 

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