29 September 2013

Notes - helpers

         You arrived home from Columbus after dark, fed the cats, cleaned their litter box, and took out the trash for tomorrow morning. During your morning walk in the park Kim called and suggested lunch. It was too late but you decided to take the car for a good spin on the interstate so Carol drove half way up and you the other half. Your driving (both) has been your usual driving. You both drove between seventy-five and seventy-seven on the freeway and with what appeared to be half a tank left you stopped at Flying J on the way back as it was three dollars and twenty-nine cents a gallon. The car took eight gallons at three hundred and eighty miles. Sometimes you gunned it up to ninety and Carol up to eighty to see how it would do. Both of you are quite pleased with the smooth ride on the straightaway and curves. The car kicks up when you floor it and actually presents more power than then Honda Accord six. You decided to go your own way on the radio stations and have filled twenty-four of them with a mix of what you both listen to. You have never owned a car that was quicker, quieter, roomier and more comfortable. The average mileage at the pump (not digital) was thirty-six/thirty-seven. Some might complain but you both feel that is reasonable for the first fill up with a new car. Ralph said that the mileage will be better when the car is broken in; he is on his second Prius in ten years. - Amorella

         2130 hours. I have no complaints.

         You are feeling down because you are thinking about something you love – efficient engineering. Paul set up your phone and then called you while you were driving. You pushed a button on the steering wheel and talked and listened and hung up, all without fumbling with the phone. The car also slowed down automatically when you came too close to the car in front with the pre-collision machinery. When small yellow icons flashed in the outside mirrors you knew a car was there even though you couldn’t see it in the mirrors. These are helpers, orndorff, electronic angelic-like safety helpers. Engineering is what it is all about you wish the world could be humanely and efficiently run with such devices. Heartansoulanmind are the real reason this is displayed in the blog. You love your new car; this is who you are, and you are no different than anyone who has ever owned a car or one method of transportation or another. People appear to like helpers. Human enough, from my perspective. Helping each other is what people do. It is built in for the most part, must be something to it as far as I can see. Post. - Amorella

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