20 December 2009

Chapter 1:3 © The Rebellion - rho


Galactic Cluster JKCS041    Chandra X-ray Observatory

The most distant galaxy cluster yet has been discovered 
using Chandra and optical and infrared telescopes.

At some 10.2 billion light years away, the galaxy cluster is seen 
when the Universe was only one quarter of its current age.


           We like things like we like them, thought Thales walking along the path to meet the other. Here I am pacing myself on a dirt path just like the one I remember as a child. It is amazing what small comforts are in this Place. He looked up. Who is this coming in a rather ragged and worn toga? An old woman to go with the outfit, he envisioned. Unusual to see that old of a person walking, and with a cane. 

         As she drew closer, Thales felt the cool breeze of reason leave his backbone. Suddenly she glanced up from the path for the first time. His blue-gray eyes grew wide, his dark wide eyebrows raised up and his lips became stone tight. I am going to disappear into Oblivion.

         His blue-gray eyes threaded into the pupils of a goddess. Black surrounded by brown then a thinner circle of black. I am falling into the Pit with the Titans. He blinked.
White, and long black eyelashes. A dark purple surrounds her eyes like a mist. Eyebrows, narrow and long. Facial Perfection.

         Thales hardly realized she had already passed him. He turned back but She had disappeared. What does this mean? He wondered, it is as if my soul was sucked right out of me and my mind not far behind. Only my heart stood more timeless than it is Here.

        Suddenly he realized Kassi was waving in the distance. He automatically waved in greeting but felt his mind quivering as if it had been stepped on and lay squashed below his sandaled feet on the same unworn rock strewn path he had been following all along.  


         The five sat quietly around a round oak table waiting for the important aspect of the conversation to begin. They leaned in towards Sophia expecting that whatever she had to say was not to be repeated.

         Thales considered Sophia’s eyes as she rose to speak – the color is similar to those of the goddess walking on the path. Sophia’s brows are also long and dark, but the brow line is higher. This must mean something. I dare not say anything here. Later with Kassi, and we will talk of this premonition.

         Sophia spoke in a distinct sobering tone like she was about to command her pet dogs to urgent duties. “We shall have our peaceful protest. I have been assured this demonstration will have a full ten thousand heartsansoulsanminds standing as one while I make our demands directly to the Supervisor. A currier said she, I mean the Supervisor, would arrive shortly.”

         “Who is the currier?” asked Kassi who tilted her head slightly to the right for dramatic effect.

         She spoke the few words in a such a stilted and cool ambiance which suggested to Thales that the question had been rehearsed.

         Marios noted the puzzled look on Thales and quickly replied, “I set up the currier. It is Aeneas who is protected by his mother Aphrodite.”

         “Still?” flouted Thales. “Love is no match for the likes of the brother of Zeus, Hades.”

         “We do not know the Supervisor is Hades, Thales,” asserted Salamon who had already contemplated that the Supervisor was mostly likely Zeus in disguise. The women, thought Salamon, are sure the Supervisor is a woman, perhaps Hera herself. What difference will that make? Zeus or Hera. He will have his way, no matter. The Supervisor is a decoy. Zeus always manages to have his way. Aeneas as a currier. What luck, he groaned. The gods are taking sides in this already, and we have done nothing but think. Why do we still think? Why aren’t we at rest? I wanted sleep but here I am, now one of the elected five. I just want to return Home, to Earth where I belong, to sleep peacefully in the bowels of Mother Earth. Salamon then grumbled aloud, “Mt. Olympus is aligning itself, I can feel it in my soul.”

         The Supervisor shook heranhis head. Like I need a currier. Love is the mysterious rider of Free Will. Aeneas will play his part I have no doubt. Do they think I will show myself and be a subject of their demands? I allow them dignity, that I have promised myself, but they have to provide the dignity themselves. Do they think they can rest in peace without it? What did human beings think life was? Even though they know better they continue on as if they were still living. Such is their lot – and they had better get used to it.

         You see how it is from both sides of the fence. That’s the way it is going to be throughout. People can have a hard time with concepts like heaven and hell or war and peace because it is rarely if ever completely one or the other. The same is true for love and hate. Compassion and empathy take their toll as do revenge, boredom and even whimsy. People talk about the weather and how it will change soon. It is easier to talk about than people changing, ever. They sort their lives out though, if they live long enough, and as you will see, so do the Dead who will live on much longer than they can imagine.


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