02 February 2010


         Mid-morning and you are in the parking lot of the Cleveland Clinic on Cedar a couple of miles east of University Heights waiting for Kim, Owen and Carol who are here for a scheduled appointment for Owen. One of Paul’s colleagues at South Point has already pointed out the name O. Henry as far as Owen is concerned. Sheorhe was thinking of the candy bar though not the writer, much to your disappointment.

         Nothing wrong with the candy bar but a doctor with literary background would be better. Science needs more humanities and humanities needs more science, that’s what I think, a liberal education first, then the masters and doctorate.

         Your entitled to your opinion orndorff, but you are well aware that not everyone agrees. Democracy has its uses but everyone agreeing (even enough for a vote) does not make life easier and more efficient where it counts most, in the caring and feeding of the children, and adults, for that matter. It is difficult to imagine a system that is better, or, as it were, more refined than democracy because a theocratic  and totalitarian regimes have their problems too when it comes to the general care of the population.

         I am drawing a blank here, Amorella. I don’t know what prompted this political direction. I was talking about candy bars and writers. I suppose the Baby Ruth bar reminds everyone of baseball so sports-minded people would see a connection if Owen’s name was O. Ruth Paik (as in the mother’s last name is Ruth).

         The point I was making orndorff is that all governments have to focus on security first, that is the way the world is, otherwise the government could not exist. This brings up the field of sociology in the Place of the Dead.

         I had to look up sociology to make sure we are on the same page. The Merriam-Webster defines ‘sociology’ as, “the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings.” The first thing I think of here is that the military and civil police branches are ultimately responsible for security of the nation and the city-state, but (and I hadn’t thought about this) how is this rebellion going to even develop into a revolution or war when there is no military, no security issue in the society of the Dead?

         In fact, all along I have been thinking of a march of peaceful demonstration, ultimately like Gandhi, but I remember being in the middle of a couple of demonstrations at nearby Ohio State University in my college days, and if I remember right, both demonstrations ended up doing violence and destruction of public and private property before they were over. Even that is not going to fit because, other than avoiding others by entering your privacy abode and hanging out a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, I assume people just avoid those they don’t wish to see as they have the free will to follow through on this. 

        In other words, no one has any fear of bodily harm or even psychological harm caused by another human being. Is this a correct assumption for these books or am I missing something?

         Obviously you have not thought the books through.

         And, for obvious reasons, Amorella. Are you making an argument here? The only thing I can think of is that this has something to do with chapter three, but not actually being dead in my head I cannot anticipate where this is going. In fact, by my anticipating I actually slow down your direct involvement.

         You are correct in assuming these thoughts are a part of this third chapter. I want you to be thinking about this, about the sociology of this particular place of the Dead. It will be written as a city-state to conform with Greek standards of thought, but it also, in part, will parallel the later thinking of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. I will limit specifics to those three because they are the ones you are most personally familiar with. The point is that it takes a couple of centuries for what goes on among the Dead to have a direct impact with the Living. That concept follows through from the first three books.

         So, the way this is being written the flourish of the Greek spirit of democracy is a direct outcome of the first rebellion of the Dead?

         Yes. A few centuries in between rather than two, but my sense of time is only recently related to yours. Cultures have developed it from an observable fact to a conditioning, a fictionalization of what it actually appears to be in the physical universe.

         Now, that is a statement I have made before.

         This is you orndorff? Who else? All this comes from what’s in your head. I may manipulate it one way or another but there is no alien thinking here if that is your concern.

          My only concern is that my small group of readers may think I am going off the deep end.

         No, it is not.

         Really? I did not expect that comment.

         Time to stop for now orndorff. Later, when you are less defensive. – Amorella.

         Evening. You have a CD for Aunt Patsy & Uncle Ernie, Kim and Cathy to drop off on the way home. You feel satisfied that you accomplished one of your goals. You also began work on editing with voice for scene one of chapter two but did not finish. Also, you are excited you have your air ticket to the fiftieth high school reunion in June, so a lot has been accomplished.

         Also, you are beginning to build a grandpa relationship with Owen as today when you were holding him he reminded you of comfortably holding Kim at about three weeks. That’s all for now, Dude. Perhaps some notes tomorrow. We will play it by ear, so to speak. – Amorella. 

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