29 March 2010


         A doctor’s appointment and errands this morning handyman, Bruce is working on the roof and you are waiting for Wildlife Management  to come take down their squirrel trap. You no longer have to wear the boot all the time. Your shoes are good from the orthopedic specialists so you can drive again, but on heavy walking, shopping, etc. you are to wear the boot. The heel wedge has dropped to three/fourths of an inch so it is much easier to wear than the two and one/half inch wedge. For this you are happy.

         Presently you are burning the CD’s to take up to Aunt Patsy, Uncle Ernie, and Cathy and Tod. After this, you will further edit (I will help) the four chapters for a first printed draft.

         I will have to organize a new document for the printed draft. Rather exciting. A far cry from my first old Underwood typewriter from the twenties or thirties. I remember the sweet sound of those keys hitting the spooled black ribbon and the paper on the platen.

         You just discovered you made an error by not including the chess moves in the fourth chapter.

         Fortunately I can copy the CD’s over. I should have checked first, but did not. It seems like I should place the chess in the first scene. Man, am I slow on the uptake. How could I forget the chess scene?

         Human error, orndorff. You were caught up in the abstractions. Let’s get to work on the chess scene. > Mid-afternoon, and you are burning the discs once again.

         There should be enough time for me to edit and draft the material for the printing, print, and make a copy before tomorrow. I am hoping so anyway. This was a setback of about an hour and a half, and four discs, not all that terrible. I have Memorex CD-R discs. I thought I could re-record them but it doesn’t look like it.

         Before fifteen hundred hours and the discs are completed. Take a break. We can work on the editing a bit later. Post this. – Amorella.

         In chapter two, scene eleven you found the word ‘Roost’ (see below) which you realize connects with the title of book six which is The Roost. You wonder if this is the connection with that title. The title for book five is The Mark.

To absolve a few questions between the two social terms, the elite and the proletariat, for instance, I’ll say each individual is judged equally, but how the person lived is, in part, up to how the person chose to live herorhis common life under the circumstances she-or-he lived. Souls are all-common in these books. Hearts are distinct as are minds. Recent Dead who have a problem with this. and come Here, will find there is an awakening of higher consciousness. Otherwise, why would the person be Here in the first place.

          The only roost one rules is herorhis own. This sharpens the sense of Free Will. People have no fear of other people Here. Control is genetic, in that the two common elements of living are a birth and a death date. Beyond that, is the natural growth of heart and of mind. Necessity provides the few rules, nature abides.   [Ch. 2,sc.11’

         Indeed, there is a connection, astute of you, orndorff. Now you have a better perspective of the new Rebellion of the Dead, the one that is taking place presently.

         The number six book, the last book, is going to take a lot more audacity, I can see that already. It is one thing to fictionalize a rebellion from Milton’s Paradise Lost and it is quite another to fictionalize a present Rebellion of the Dead. How is this going to connect with the other books? Braided Dreams; Running Through; Merlyn’s Mind; The Rebellion; The Mark; and The Roost. Six titles but I don’t really see a connection among the six except for Merlyn. I hope he is enough considering the seeming diversity.

         The Roost will connect with “The Brothers” and the “Pouch Text” dream fragments that Merlyn has had. “Grandma’s Stories” is the vehicle that connects the past with the present, not in terms of years as much as it is in terms of human generations. The last story brings out the importance of one’s humanity (be sheorhe human or marsupial) in the larger scope of the Tree of Thought and Light. This is to be a modern version of an epic, orndorff.

         This is the first I have heard that, Amorella. I don’t think I have a mind to write an epic.

         No, you don’t.

         Okay. So, that is why you are here then?

         No, it isn’t. I provide the Form, your passions and imagination provide the written content. You have the draft ready to run. Run it. Then we are up to date except for the paper copy you are making for Bob. This is it for tonight. Tomorrow you and Carol are to Westerville and scheduled to return tomorrow evening. – Amorella.

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