20 June 2010

Notes for Scene 14, Ch.5

        Everyone at the Daiquiri Deck for lunch before Sharon, Corie and Mia left for Vegas and home. A nap then out into the Gulf with Carol, Kim, Owen, Linda, Bill, Jen, and Mary Lou. Showers and almost time for supper from the fridge. Such as it is this June at Madeira Beach.
         I am wondering how the pilgrim business is going together in this particular scene.
         The books are to be enveloped, as it were, into the Nave, a kind of ritual baptism. Let’s put this in context with a Google research reminder.
          "A ritual allows us to participate in the enactment of myth.  One prepares internally to move with the image and the transcendent comes through.” - Joseph Campbell
          "A ritual is a set of actions, often thought to have symbolic value, the performance of which is usually prescribed by a religion or by the traditions of a community by religious or political laws because of the perceived efficacy of those actions . . . In any case, an essential feature of a ritual is that the actions and their symbolism are not arbitrarily chosen by the performers, nor dictated by logic or necessity, but either are prescribed and imposed upon the performers by some external source or are inherited unconsciously from social traditions. . . . Rituals often have a close connection with reverence, thus a ritual in many cases expresses reverence for a deity or idealized state of humanity."
"Although the Greek word does not exclusively mean dip, plunge or immerse (at least partially), lexical sources note that this is the usual meaning of the word in both the Septuagint and the New Testament. A related word is also used in the New Testament, with the senses "dip" or "dye". The dipping may be incomplete, as in dipping a morsel of bread in wine (Ruth 2:14)."
"Ruth 2:14 (New International Version)
 14: At mealtime Boaz said to her, "Come over here. Have some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar."  When she sat down with the harvesters, he offered her some roasted grain. She ate all she wanted and had some left over."
      You have enough to work with for contextual consideration as far as Merlyn is concerned with the focus on dedication and self-education. Post. – Amorella.
         This is what I have come up with: “To make a dutiful pledge of good consciousness towards Merlyn’s continued self-education of the heartansoulanmind. To place the present and future Merlyn’s Mind series books within the structure of nave and quire of his soul’s austerely framed cathedral of transmigration.” I assume it is something to work with, but I am not the Merlyn of these books. Perhaps this should be built around the spirit of broader (less provincial) human consciousness as it must take in marsupial consciousness or any higher consciousness. Yet, I don’t like the term ‘higher consciousness’ or ‘higher level of consciousness’ as Joseph Campbell used it or as some Eastern religions might use it. Merlyn is not raising his consciousness, he is moving into unknown consciousness that does not have a ‘higher’ or a ‘deeper’ connotation. These are my thoughts before bed.
         Look up ‘unconscious thought’.
         The Britannica Concise Encyclopedia of ‘unconscious’ suggests that the unconscious manifests itself in “slips of the tongue, dreams, or neurotic symptoms” that “the origin of many neurotic symptoms is said to depend on conflicts that have been removed from consciousness by repression and maintained in the unconscious through various defense mechanisms.” The definition continues with “Recent biopsychological explorations have shed light on the relationship between brain physiology and the levels of consciousness at which people retain memories.”        
         For these books let’s assume Merlyn’s ‘dreams’ [i.e. the books] do not have an origin of neurotic symptoms and repression. He is free of defensive mechanisms. Merlyn has a basic respect of the concept of a deity and of a better state of living for all of humanity be it human or marsupial. In other words he was already ‘baptized’ by a natural consciousness such as Grandma Earth transcribed by an imaginary Angelic-like consciousness such as myself. – Amorella.
         This gives me a ‘connection’ to Merlyn’s sense of things for my own authenticity, but even though imaginary it is humbling to think on nevertheless.
         Remember orndorff, everyone pays the piper, even you as far as these books are concerned. – Amorella.
         Yes. I remember, and I understand the psychology of being able to write freely from my unconsciousness. People may think this is easy to have an imaginary writer within, but it comes with a price, a glass consciousness and unconsciousness.
         This is self-evident within your notes and the books. All for tonight. Post. – Amorella.

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