14 June 2010


         Today is your old friend’s (John Douglas Goss) birthday. Easily remembered because it is also Flag Day. You are picking up Kim, Paul and Owen from the airport in less than two hours. And, you found a wrinkled and torn stick-um note, scribbled some time ago that says: “Balancing the heart and mind [as Merlyn must do] is as walking on water.”
         And, here you are looking out at a beautiful Gulf setting – shades of high tide blue and green patched water and pristine white beach and the sea oats on a rise before the wall and gate of the condo building. Above, blue sky dotted with small white fluffy clouds.
         Evening. Lunch at the condo with Carol, Kim, Paul, Owen, Linda, Jean, Bob, and Jenny. Linda made lunch, spaghetti pie, salad and peas as well as a dessert of blueberry, banana, crushed vanilla  cookie pie. Swimming in the Gulf, then sandwiches for supper and Kim, Paul and Owen visited the pool for Owen’s first ‘swim’. He kicked his feet and arms, did not cry but only smiled once. Not on camera, of course. “Lie to Me” on at eight with time out for the sunset. Earlier Bob ‘fixed’ the iPad 3-G problem as it did not register you as a user until you re-registered today. You decided to go for the ‘unlimited’ 30 days so you can be grandfathered into that plan. Tomorrow, when the iPhone comes out, two gigs a month is max.
         It has been a good day. An enjoyable day.
         Glad to hear it, orndorff. You are feeling especially good because today went well and you ‘confirmed’ some FB friends you did not expect. The FB friends are icing on the cake as it were. Remember, the books are based on ‘friendships’ and you have thought of FB, at its best, as a model of an afterworld of friendships. Thus, to you, each day is a bit of heaven on earth in your mind. – Amorella.
        True, Amorella, but a bit embarrassing to mention. "I would hate to jinx anything." This is a thought I need to let go even though it came out of nowhere. False arrogance. False pride. 
        Indeed. You are taking your self-education seriously where it counts most. - Amorella. 

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