21 July 2010

Notes - thoughts on chapter six- 'event'

        Mid-morning. Bath, breakfast and the paper. Carol had been up already by an hour or two.

         I do not know if thoughts are connected or not. I would like to think they are because it would fit better with the story, but real life is nothing like fiction, as it goes far beyond the word; that’s my opinion, and that is all it is. It is silly to get too caught up in ideas and concepts that are theoretical. If they are useful for the story, fine. But like UFO’s and aliens and faeries, it is mostly the strange and unknown that strikes the imagination. Mystery is essentially human, we crave it, at least some of us do. This thinking reminds me of the adolescent days spent reading FATE magazine. Good stuff, like The Twilight Zone. Still, theories are what they are, and it would really be funny if some of them turned out to be true. That’s the fun of it, one of these days we might find that Alice Through the Looking Glass has more of a sense of real reality in it than the fiction we go through every day without much of a thought.

         You would like this, orndorff. The universe as a sort of inverted joke, not a bad joke, mind you, but a reality that would bring a smile to people’s faces whether they were Living or Dead. – Amorella.

         Boy, can you hit the nail on the head, Amorella. Those are my exact thoughts expressed in three lines while I took up fourteen. How you do this, I cannot understand.

         The three lines are yours orndorff, but somewhere between them and your fourteen your ego took over. – Amorella


         Post as a reminder of your humanity.

         This is rather humiliating. True, I was having a good time writing the fourteen lines, okay, too good of a time.

         Just post it, boy. I’m here to keep you honest, to do that you have to see who/how you are.

         Doug just sent you a note in response to your response to him last night. Why don’t you post your note of last night to his first, then his (this morning's) response to yours as a reminder of how your minds work.

I just read over the material (none math) on the theorem on Wikipedia. I have read this material before and have a sense of it (non mathematically), that is the concept. Or, I think I do. I have also used this several times in the books in that as the settings are in 'dreamtime' such things as paradoxes, more or less, are within probability. Besides, dreams are built for interpretation in which there is automatically more than one outcome and one outcome at the same time depending on the existential aspects of the dreamer. It is even possible that the interpretation of the dream could be correct even though the dream itself lends itself to an incorrectness. 

In other words, a fiction may still show a truth even though it is fiction. Well, that's where (I hope) I am coming from. 

I used your recent note in the blog: the last one, the one you just sent on Bell's Theorem. Your notes get me thinking, speculating really, as much as thinking. 

The "Power of Ten" video that I sent shows me a lot of theoretical 'space' within the 'dimensions of reality' as we see them through science. 

If everything is somehow 'connected' then that 'space' is not as empty as we may suppose. It may be as the sun's atmosphere being at the orbit of Earth. Today, magnetic aspects can be measured between the Earth and the sun. Other aspects (undetectable presently) may also allow consciousness as well as the most basic of elements to be 'wired' so to speak so that human thought (consciousness) can perhaps detect them and that from time to time, human unconsciousness does detect (register) such communicative events though it has no vocabulary for them. Perhaps the word 'empty' is an illusion. Japanese, in the language, empty means 'full of nothing' (I think this is correct). That is not the same intent, the same meaning of the 'Western thought' for empty. It comes down, first, to word definition. I don't know how we ever really come to agreements. Can any thought exist without some sort of 'framework' or 'grammar'? If it cannot then 'lines' of communications among all things must exist. The speed of light, perhaps is zero. That everything is as a one dimensional point of being and not being at the same time. (a mirrored dot)

Going on twelve. Time for bed. I enjoy hearing what you think. I hope you do not mind my words. Too many of them, I'm sure, but at least I'm 'quiet' about it.  Take care, and good night.

And, Doug’s response this morning:

Thanks for the email. The power of 10 video was indeed good and at the same time humbling. Yes it is clear that with the existence of dark energy and dark matter space is not empty and has its own properties.  I still can not grasp the concept. For example how does mass distort space. What does distorted space look like? Why does light curve in distorted space? What forces it to curve? One outcome of the Big bang theory is that space and time were created at the big bang event. If space is nothing I wonder how could it have been created. What does it mean to create nothing?

Yes, dreams are a very fascinating subject. I have often worked for weeks to solve a problem that finally is solved in a dream. I often wonder how. It is as if the brain takes in all the information and then on its own comes up with an original solution. I have many patents as a result of this process. Fascinating.

I saw a program on where the Russians were bombarding our embassy with microwaves causing our diplomats all kinds of mental problems and sensations. If we can do this, the sun can do this to us also for example during a solar storm. I guess we are truly influenced by the world we live in.


         Mid-afternoon. You read Newsweek and relaxed. However, I have not. > You ‘freeze’ orndorff. Why is this?

         Apprehension, Amorella. I wonder on my arrogance as well as my reasoning for thinking like I am presently. You are not so far away, Amorella, and I am therefore uncomfortable. Many imperfections in my character rise up. I am here but I would just as soon back away in that I am in a place within myself that is near off limits. In my mind you are off limits. This is the freezing in the beginning of book one isn’t it? This is what that scene was about.
         Are you telling me or asking, boy?

         I am asking. I would never tell you anything, at least not with that intent. My fingers stiffen on the keyboard. When I sense a Presence within, especially one with a capital I know it is time for me to back away. Too close to the fire, as it were, Amorella. It is a natural instinct. It is times such as this that you appear in my consciousness and unconsciousness alike as ‘Angelic-like’.

         Presently, you think of me as an Angel, boy?

         I have no idea what you are, Amorella, but you are not a part of myself in this present situation. You are not human. That is how I intuitively sense you. It is all intuition. I am here. You are Here. Too close. I do think of you as an Angel (in this sort of physiological circumstance), that is the truth of it. What can I say, anything else would be a lie, self deception. I say this in all honesty, but I also have doubt. It is humility that raises my doubt. Why would this be? It makes no sense to me. An Angelic-like being makes no sense. I think of you as a personification of Reason, that is the Angelic creature I think of you as. But when I fall into this line of thinking, it appears irrational to me. I am a rational man.

         The tension is such that my forearms ache. Rarely have I been here before. I feel as though I am speculating on chapter six for the wrong reason. I am deceiving myself with this chapter. I will back away. Even my shoulders ache. An ‘event’ right in front of me while I am on the keyboard. I cannot believe it.

         You need to see things as they are. You want authenticity in chapter six, you got it here, boy. Post. – Amorella.

         I so need a nap. 

        Up from a nap, light supper, news and last night’s Covert Operations. Then, as Tim K. had begun mowing his lawn you and Carol mowed yours and were done before dusk. Tomorrow she has breakfast with her retired teacher friends. Yesterday you made the Mason retirement lunch at Bob Evans though only three others showed up. Still, you enjoyed it.

         Amorella, the inner tightness is gone for now. I would like to say the ‘event’ was psychological from this distance, but at the time I thought the ‘event’ physiological, which has to do with the functions and activities of life or living matter, an organic process, a bodily process. The physical effect was easily observed, an electrical-like tension, strangely like being close to a lightning strike, the one Doug and I experienced on his front porch when we were adolescents. Rarely have I felt that kind of defining tension within muscular nerves. That is all I can think of to write that I see as factual observation. Perhaps it is an unconscious event suddenly felt consciously. I am not in madness. I reasoned my way through the event as it was. Right or wrong, at times, I see you as an intelligence, a reasonableness, an order beyond my own mind. No power though, you have never exhibited a sense of power. A sense of Presence is enough, in some ways like being close to a high tension electrical line, too close. The need is to back away but only because it is not right, that is, it does not seem morally right, to be there, you take on a sacred Presence. Angel came to mind because I know no other word that I can fit my mind into. This ‘event’ was, to me, more than a ‘Betweener’ encounter. Perhaps epilepsy best describes the neurological aspect of the encounter, something akin to an epileptic event. I don’t have anything else to say.  rho

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