30 September 2010

Notes & conclusion of scene eight

         Busy day. Earlier you received a FB message from Kay H. and it made you think of how it is that old friendships, even as far back as grade school can be rekindled and warmed without a thought. Without a thought means, to you, without use of the mind. Therefore, to you, reunion-like friendships such as this are energized by the heart and as the ‘feelings and/or attachments’ do not seem to have a sense of time connected with them, you wonder if somehow the heart is more timeless than you suspect (from your personal observations) or if there is also a presupposition of soul to this process of rekindled friendships.

         Thank you for the construction, Amorella, as I was not sure how to begin the deliberation. First, for me, friendships are deeper than ‘romances’. Deeper, I do not like the word and always feel like I need to deconstruct it. A rekindled romance is less than a rekindled friendship. In my mind, in the books themselves, it is the friendship that ties the people or cultures together in HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither. Friendship is not bound or tied (necessarily) to romantic passion. I am having trouble thinking this out here. One of the wonderful aspects of writing is that it allows a person to clean up their thinking things through.

         Do not delete the above as it shows the problem you have in thinking out matters that are, from my perspective, spiritual in nature first. Friendship is spiritual, orndorff, in your books. The human spirit is tied to friendship, actually, friendship before family in your mind.

         Somehow it seems wrong to think this, Amorella. In most every culture friendship appears to come second to family. It is a disturbing thought and I don’t feel I agree with it.

         Within the books I am dealing with it that way. If you disagree to the point of being uncomfortable I will change it.

         It seems that somehow that makes one disloyal to family.

         Orndorff, the real family, is/are friends first. Look at the families you know and you will see this is the case. Post. – Amorella.

         After CSI. Let’s work on this scene.

          Early afternoon. Mario and Sophia invite Aeneas into her private abode where they each sit on one of the three chairs available.

         Aeneas glances about the subdued atmosphere of the room which is lined with wood planks covering the stone. He thinks, this is as a simple structure, a shed. Why all the wood? Just the stone frame around the window, the open sky does not seem as connected as with the usual stone interior. I don’t like it.

         “What brings you, Aeneas?” asked Sophia.

         “I am glad you are both here. Takis gave Thales a stone bench thinking this morning and told him it was a gift from my father. At least that is what he told me. My father would have no reason to give Thales a gift. He has never met him as far as I know.”

         Mario mumbled, mostly to himself, “Why is this important?”

         “I could think of no reason,” replied Aeneas, “but the point is that I discovered through the conversation with Thales, that Takis had disguised himself. I reasoned him out because he stood old and he had a slight gap between his teeth.

         Mario chuckled, “Those yellowed teeth of his. He wears them as if they are an honor.”

         “No, Mario. Thales said they were white and that Takis’s complexion was pale. It was a purposeful disguise.”

         Sophia suddenly spoke, “Takis doesn’t even know Thales nor Thales Takis as far as I know. There is no reason for a disguise.”

         “Thales said he was visiting Kassandra this afternoon.”

         “What does this have to do with searching for our foreign relatives across the Styx?” suggested Sophia. “You and Mario should be the ones to first make communication with our equally dead cousins.”

         Mario noted, “We are not shamans. We were let in as observers. I assume that Takis will bring one of the foreign Dead here when he captures one.”

         “What good will that do, Mario?”

         “I will talk to Mother,” said Sophia, “and find out what Takis is up to.”

         “What if Mother doesn’t know?” responded Aeneas without much thought.

         Sophia quietly thought, Takis has knowledge we do not. It is not a friendly sign. She said, “Our Mother knows. Mother know everything.”


I don’t like this second half. The last line is a wee bit trite.

Stay with me here, orndorff. We can re-work on this during the audio draft if need be. The next scene will be solely Takis and Kassandra lying in bed with the billowing white clouds drifting overhead.

Why is this important?

Thales secretly thinks that Zeus or the Supervisor is close by. He feels a presence is just behind the next cloud. Reality or a delusion. It is more difficult to understand reality when you are Dead.

Kassandra becomes afraid that if Thales loses his reason, he will disappear. She feels that reason comes first for the Dead, it is the individual and community stable, like gravity. You have no reason, then you have no construct for a self-identity, that is her point. I think you will enjoy their conversation.

Sounds like a bit of gallows humor coming up. For some reason I am thinking of JFK winning the election in 1960 and signing his death warrant in the process.

The irony in the scene is that the Dead are more mentally stable than the Living. – Amorella.

Ho, ho! I did not see that coming.

Of course not. Post. – Amorella. 

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