27 October 2010


        Clear blue skies after yesterday’s storm in which you had one and a half to two inches of much needed rain. The newest Newsweek has an article about the boiling mud areas outside of Naples and the threat of earthquakes or eruption of a volcano between Naples and the island of Capri and the havoc this would cause. The focus is on whether scientists should interfere – which may cause rather than delay the havoc.

         I hope nothing terrible happens. I love Italy and I am glad to have lived long enough to visit regions of it.

         After twenty-one hundred hours and there was something on my mind twice earlier today that seemed important for this scene ten. Now I cannot remember it.. If it pops into mind before bed I’ll ask Amorella about whatever it is.

         Yes, it no doubt is something useful. Meanwhile, add the note you sent Doug about thoughts and his response. It is good to keep such (book oriented) records here where it is easier to find them.

Sent: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 12:42 pm
Subject: Good article on solar shield for transformers

Hi, Doug!


I wonder if thoughts are waves or particles, that is, if they can stand alone -- in real life it seems, sometimes, that people can read other peoples' thoughts -- that it is possible.

Plato spoke of 'Forms'. I wonder if a thought can be a 'form' in itself. I suppose this is ridiculous. Brain waves are one thing -- thoughts within the brain are produced by electrical leaps. So, can I make a case for a thought to be similar to a series of point particles such as light?  



Return Sent: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 2:00c pm


. . . A thought has form and meaning which implies knowledge. Knowledge can not be destroyed according to our current thinking. The knowledge does not seem to need to be true.  Where it goes I do not know. If a thought is indivisible then it is the same as a point thought. It occupies no space and has no volume.  A thought seems to me more like a piece of s/w code that the brain creates and can read and recall.



         You agree with Doug that a thought is as a piece of code that the brain creates and reads and may recall. But you think first, before it is a thought it is a concept and that the mind’s original concept of the thought is as a Platonic ‘Form’ or formulation. This concept may be mentally pictured but un-worded at first. Presently, for instance, you are attempting to ‘recall’ not the words, but rather the concept you cannot remember from twice earlier today. Your mind is searching for a concept ‘key word’ as a trigger because you cannot picture the earlier original trigger of the concept into your mind today. What you really are searching for is an analogous base in which you can build a communication of thought between other cultures of human Dead. You need to keep in mind that the shamans have already exploited the communication through a different method. And what you are searching for should parallel that inter-communication by the shamans in some way.

         Thank you, Amorella. Writing this out makes the process easier for me to understand and to keep in focus.

         Post. Later, dude. – Amoella.

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