20 November 2010

Notes - 'love' and 'dignity' and cultural thinking

         Mid-morning. You are wondering how many more ‘sexual events’ are being planned for this scene?

         I am. I understand the need for several, to make a point, but I don’t want to overdo it.

         If that isn’t telling, I don’t know what is, orndorff.

         I don’t have a response for that.

         Of course not.

         Let’s just move on, Amorella. How many of these do I have write?

         Five will do. Make sure, as you are doing, that it one naturally follows the previous.

         That might be difficult. I did that as a criteria from one to two but that is going to take some statues study. I guess I am more of a prude than I think as I am finding this, as it were, a bit out of my league.

         And, what of human dignity in sexual performance?


         You can read, orndorff. Post, while you are thinking on it.

         I am trying to ponder on where the question came from. Somehow I am caught off guard by it. I never have thought such a thing.

         So, do you want me to put the question back in the jar, so to speak?

         Once thought, it is. I am still struck by it. Somehow I think the question could be made into a metaphysical conceit. Humor was the first thing that popped up.  – People say, “making love” to dignify it.

         Love and dignity are not the same thing.

         I will have to think about it.

         Please do because it is a part of this scene.

         Love: attraction based on sexual desire.
         Dignity: quality or state of being worthy or honorable

         I don’t know.

         Early afternoon. First, I have chosen the five sexual positions. I will just write them in order and will change them around after. Here they are with modern names:  3, The Horsewoman; 8, The Empress; which are drafted already, then 11, The Sixty-nine; 13, The Andromaque; and 26, Gomorrhe.

         How do I write these showing human dignity?

         The sexual pleasuring, the sharing of mutual pleasures. No different than a variety of mutually accepted kisses and/or hugs, orndorff, though kisses and/or hugs are generally more publically shared and witnessed first hand.

         I think someone not of my age and mental/moral framework may be better at writing this than I will be.

         You need to study your own culture within yourself. These five are real examples of privately shared human sexual expression whether people will admit it or not. People who deny this possibility are denying a part of their humanity.

         Some consider this whole business vulgar and/or animalistic and having little or no virtue. Sex is seen by some as having only the purpose of baby-making. “Be fruitful and multiply,” that kind of thing.

         This is cultural thinking is it not? – Amorella.

         The science fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein comes to mind. I think I taught that in a course once. Maybe not though. Pretty controversial in its time.

         You cover this without nearly so much thought with your marsupial aliens in the books.

         Somehow this seems different because it is in a blog first.

         Still, the end result in a novel. Besides, these dead people are ancient Greek. What do you think the ancient Egyptians and Persians and Israelis would think of these sexual exploits? What would the other Dead being doing that was so different? Having children when dead is not even involved. So, the Dead should not be allowed to share pleasures with a friend or so?

         I don’t know, Amorella. I’m not Dead.

         What if you were? What if this were a real reality, this attempt in having sex after physical death? People have their privacy areas, they can do what they want in private. Who are you, newly dead, to stop them? Talk about arrogance. – Amorella.

         This is fairly overwhelming to consider as a real possibility. It would take some real adjustment.

         Well, keep in mind this is the way the Dead from other cultures may think too, although I don’t think the sex part will be the division. Gods and goddesses might. Heroic values might. The philosophical meanings of what life is about might. Do you see what I am getting at here, old man? Do you understand you are having a hang-up about sexual posturing. What are such Dead going to do when they hit the Other Side, boy? You have to put your mind into such a place as the author if you want to continue making this work ‘authentically yours’, boy.– Amorella.

         I agree, Amorella. I understand. Wow. It is difficult to take all this in at once.

         It is difficult taking this all in, period. You have to live it in your head to make it real, just like everyone else, orndorff. There are no exceptions. Post. – Amorella.

        You fell asleep in chair in which you are sitting, now awake, you glanced at statue position eleven at kama3d.org and have no desire to begin writing. Carol is watching television in the other room, but still you have no desire to write presently.
         The event is mechanical in nature and has autonomic physical aspects to it. I wonder if it is mostly imagination even in physical action, that the imagination is playing it up to something grander than it is. If this is so, then sexual mechanics may be mare natural than we are consciously willing to accept. Sniffing, licking and tasting our partner’s  privates like a dog might. Why would such a thing be built in so deeply. Instinctually, serves no natural good other than the pleasure of some sort of perverse culturally uncivilized naughtiness. I can understand the blacking out of everything else, the pleasure of the existential moment, even with the perverse defiance of the act, the free of will. The whole mix. Slap, slap, here we are getting-it-on in sharing the ‘joy’ of moment.

         Again, your inner cultural conscious is speaking out, orndorff.

         I see the humanity in this. Who can deny it? But, I do not see the dignity other than the joy of perverse rebellion, at least in my culture as I see it.

         All for today. Post. – Amorella.

         This is how I see it presently.

         Think about it. Study why you think like this. You have to find a way to see this with some sense of dignity to make this work in tone.

         As with the statues – artistic dignity. It is not pornography.

         Post. Tomorrow perhaps, or Monday. – Amorella. 

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