19 April 2011

Notes - Lunch / No surprises in here

Up quite early, got the papers, breakfast and a reading. Then, back to bed. Up before nine and you were about to plunge into the bath of water, jets and bubbles when Carol appeared at the door and asked if it were a good idea, you said you thought it was as you did not have a bath yesterday and she said, “I mean about the lightning and thunder,” and you said, “If I am going to die by lightning in my own tub then I am going to die by lightning,” and you comfortably settled in. Then you thought, but did not say, ‘It will be quick and save the family a lot of money if it is quick.’

         Yes, it will. Why not? Why waste money on an old fellow who doesn’t give a damn one way or the other? I have had a good life, a good death is one that doesn’t cost too much.

         I wanted you to clarify it in writing. – Amorella.

         It is clarified. By the way, no tubes or plugs and so forth. Why linger? Good grief, people have their own lives to live, I’ve had a good life as I have said before. I will feel better if I don’t cost too much in the process. If I do and can do something to rectify it I might. Pull my own plug, so to speak. At least I would die with some dignity.

         And what about pride, boy?

         Well, I hadn’t thought about that. Pride too, I guess. Self pride that I didn’t cost too much. The family would gain monetarily, That is, they would have more security than if I sucked the savings dry.

         You are quite arrogant.

         I guess so. That’s the way I feel though. To each their own but me to my own too.

         Post. You can think about this more carefully.

         No need, Amorella, at least not right now. In an hour off to a Chinese lunch with Bud and Rich. It’ll be interesting to see what both are working on. Bud at L3 tech and Rich at medical tech. Cool stuff – both in the ever-growing field of software development and modifications. I’ll take along my little surprise from Trinity. That’s what I’ll talk about, plus Rich hasn’t seen my MacBook Air yet. Otherwise, I’ll be done as I have no new ideas or concepts to throw out and get a reaction to. They’ve got brains that I don’t. Always exciting to see others’ perspectives, everyone has brains and experiences that I don’t. That helps make the world go round, figuratively speaking of course.

         Save your banter, old man. Post.

         Arrived at China City Buffet on Mason-Montgomery Road early. Worked on your few photos of Trinity Site if they are interested. Pumped to see how much magnification you can make on your photos, especially the ones that show small pieces of Trinitite on the ground. 

         Good lunch. Bud, Rich and Rich’s wife Angie arrived – enjoyed the conversations. All three are busy with one thing or another . . . Bud is happy there will be no layoffs and Rich has 32 different projects he is working on at any one time. Angie (a part time real estate agent) found a starter house (she is working on the papers) for Rich’s daughter (Kim’s childhood friend) Jessie, her husband Eric and their son Owen. All had been to San Francisco much closer to the present than you and Carol had been. All enjoyed the city and local surrounds.

         You spent time watching make up TV shows and after Carol went to bed you watched the last two “The Event” shows and are enjoying the complexity and a couple surprises. And, you think to yourself, ‘I am across the board more than complex and don’t have a surprise left as far as I can see.’

         That’s about the truth, right out there where I can see it. Just as well. I enjoy blogging, but I haven’t worked on the chapter for so long I forget the details. Some TV shows are really well written. Good scripts.

         Good place to let it go for tonight. Post. – Amorella. 

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