30 May 2011

Notes - GMS apology / Expectations / A Singular Occurrence

Up early for a shower, breakfast and the paper, you are back to a usual routine at this morning’s high tide. The Gulf waves are Lake Erie flat, a few walkers and a few puffy’s. Carol and Linda are off to Mary Lou’s condo but you are supposed to pick them up at eight-thirty.

         Any readers out there need to realize this is a working blog and a part of keeping me honest (which is the idea) I post several times during the day and don’t usually change anything unless it is a terrible grammar error that I happen to spot and remember to change. Otherwise, it is potluck. The notes are first draft, sometimes the MS is second draft but it is so noted and it has been awhile. I am a chapter behind in my audio draft (chapter six).

         This is Amorella. The boy was a teacher of English and falls into an embarrassment every now and then that he is not living up to what he used to call GMS – General Manuscript Specifications. Students who earned the circled GMS on their essays or papers were stuck with a C or less, at least that is the way he remembers it. He’s a boy to me because now he is the student and I am the teacher. He doesn’t care because he knows he needs an education one way or another. Post, orndorff, or you will be late picking up wife and her sisters.

           You found more information on Tiresias and like him the more for it. Pop the material in here:

Even in the lower world Teiresias was believed to retain the powers of perception, while the souls of other mortals were mere shades, and there also he continued to use his golden staff. (Hom. Od. x. 492, xi. 190, &c.; Lycoph. Cuss. 682 ; . . .

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. The hero, trying to make his way home after the Trojan War, had been told by the enchantress Circe that he would never return safely without consulting Teiresias. Odysseus journeyed to the far western edge of the earth and crossed the great river that flows around it. Entering Hades, he dug a pit and filled it with sacrificial blood to summon the ghosts of the dead. Teiresias was among them, and he gave the needed advice.


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. . . it is Tiresias who tells Amphytrion of Zeus and Alcmena and warns the mother of Narcissus that the boy will thrive as long as he never knows himself. This is emblematic role in tragedy (see below). Like most oracles, he is generally extremely reluctant to offer the whole of what he sees in his visions.


At Knossos, in a Late Mino an IIIA context (fourteenth century BC), seven Linear B texts mention an entity, unattested elsewhere as yet, called qe-ra-si-ja and, once, qe-ra-si-jo. If this title had survived the fall of LMIII Crete, then it could have evolved into *Terasias in Doric Greek and, possibly, *Te[i]resias in Ionic. [14]

The Caduceus

Connections with the paired serpents on the caduceus are often made (Brisson 1976:55-57).

In post-classical literature

Tiresias' impressive apparition in Odyssey xi kept his image a lively one, and the figure of Tiresias has been much-invoked by fiction writers and poets. Since Tiresias is both the greatest seer of the Classical mythos, a figure cursed by the gods, and both man and woman, he has been very useful to authors. . . .

In The Divine Comedy (Inferno, Canto XX), Dante sees Tiresias in the fourth pit of the eighth circle of ten (the circle is for perpetrators of fraud and the fourth pit being the location for soothsayers or diviners.) He was condemned to walk for eternity with his head twisted toward his back; . . .

Frank Herbert also uses the mythic characteristics of Tiresias in his second Dune novel, Dune Messiah, where the protagonist Paul Atreides loses his sight but has prophetic powers to counter this stemming from insights into both the male and female part of the psyche.

"The Waste Land" Tiresias' daughter Manto is also assigned her punishment here.

During the opening scenes of “O Brother Where Art Thou”, a derivative of the Odyssey, Tiresias is introduced as an old black man on a railroad handcar. Although, when asked his name, he states "I have no name."

(above) www.enotes.com/topic/Tiresias

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         Mid-afternoon. Home from the movie, lunch, and a grocery errand. Probably no more company until Friday, that is your thinking, then Saturday at Linda and Bill’s – head home on Sunday.

         I have to say “The Bridemaids” is pretty raunchy but exceedingly funny. We aren’t usually up for such movies but it lived up to its expectations.

         What are your expectations for the completed Merlyn series?

         Nothing more than what the first three in the series are. You did promise me though, that if I survive to finish these three and am ready to work on another you would help me with it.

         I did. A play of five acts, a condensed satirical version of all six novels. – Amorella.

         I didn’t know this part. I assume the fourth act would be a combination of books four and five.

         You assume correctly.

         That would be impossible, not and keep the stories contextual.

         If you live long enough you will see this can be done, and it will stand on its own, people will not have to ‘drudge’ through the six books. However, you cannot condense works you have not yet consciously seen, and more importantly, understood. Post, then take a break. – Amorella. 

          Mary Lou, Sharon, Mia, Corie (his spelling), Carol and I watched the sunset. Tomorrow they are off to Los Vegas and Mary Lou back to Columbus. Quiet is settling in. Overall, a good time, but too short, too fast, too many people to where it is hard to coordinate.

         You are wondering how to introduce Tiresias. It might be best to let him introduce himself.

         Whoa! I just heard a distant far off rumbling in my head, a muffled earthquake of sound from a tunneled cave-like inside distance. How can I discern a distance from the front top of the Frontal Lobe sloping down across the lower fifth of the Parietal Lobe down through the far inside of the Temporal Lobe (from the third ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct into the fourth ventricle to brain stem at the top of my spinal column. (I jumped into Gray’s Anatomy brain images online. I have the well-used book at home but the above are my first impressions of this ‘hallucinatory-like’  event.)

         Surely, you (Amorella) put me into an immediate setting. I even thought I heard a voice with a strong resonance from the area of the third ventricle. A one-syllable word with delivery and articulation, the intonation was solid as if the man behind the voice was still within the brainstem or the top of the spinal column, but I didn’t understand the word. My brain couldn’t think fast enough. I kept thinking “this is coming from inside, from the inside of the center of my head."

         Wow. That was imagination at work – a prelude to a séance. The earthquake sounds the voice came from the brain stem, or so it seems, now, about three minutes later. That was awesome, Amorella. How did that work? An immediate quick trance, hypnotic suggestion, that’s what it had to be. It sounded real, a voice of humanity coming forth from elsewhere. How can I put this in words?

         I have been modifying (redrafting) this description with clearer more accurate word choices. Fifteen or so minutes have gone by. The event lasted perhaps three seconds at most, two to three seconds. It had a sense of an ‘alternate reality’ to it, not a dream sequence. It was a deep, distinctive, echoless and unknown older man’s voice. The event [occurrence] was sharp-minded and immediately focused – no special effects, no lucid dreaming. A half hour or so has gone by. This is all I have in deletions, additions and clarifications. Maybe it was an episode rather than an event. Checking the thesaurus I have to say it was an occurrence rather than an event or phenomenon.

         Indeed, what you have is fairly articulate as to what you sensed in what I would say was a second. It seemed longer because you were attempting to hold onto it. Also, what it reminds you of is the perception that the full spinal column was acting as an antenna for the brain (as amplifier) to receive the message. If Tiresias could speak to you that is the voice you would give him – this lends credence to the belief that the occurrence was, in part, based in a hypnotic suggestion.

         It appeared to be real in the moment, Amorella.

         As well it should. This should give you some inspiration to cover a good night’s sleep. – Amorella.

         It was amazingly real. Unbelievable.

         Beyond belief, boy. Just like these books, they are also beyond belief to you.

         Only a second, the occurrence was only a second?

         By my reckoning it was, but what do I know of time, that’s your expertise, young’n. Post. – Amorella.

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