22 July 2011

Notes - OS X.7 Lion / freedom is a hard nut to crack / a free man

         Almost noon. You spent the morning dusting and generally cleaning up downstairs though you have the living room and staircase to go. You also loaded OS X 10.7 Lion and played with the FaceTime feature with Jim Powers being the first one to contact you with video. You are excited because this will also work with Kim and Paul on her MBP or their iPhones so you can see Owen when you chat. Very hot outside with a heat warning for the day for all of Ohio.

         The new OS appears to be working fine. It is noticeably faster. I lost the “Stuff It” and M-W Dictionary software but gained the American Oxford Dictionary instead so I gained on the deal. It will take a while to learn how to use the OS with automaticity, at least the new functions. What a better way to spend thirty dollars, none, at least for me. I already paid Carol the money for the general fund.

         Relax and work on cleanup and experimenting with the new OS. You will find it quite helpful. Post. – Amorella.

         How can you say this?

         You read about the delights of Lion some time ago. I was reading too, especially about material that relates to writing. I know for a fact you have always liked the American-Oxford dictionary best, and you have two paperback copies, one really worn from the 1980’s.  

         Yes, I do. More words and better definitions. I will have to buy a new Stuff It program though. The main thing is that Microsoft Office works. I was worried it was too outdated as it is the 2008 version.

         Late afternoon. You and Carol had a late lunch at Chipotle/Panera and children’s desserts at Graeter’s. You talked to Kim about FaceTime; she has to upgrade. Your former student, Dr. Zach Moore (microbiologist) wrote a note and said you ought to get on the Google (Huddle) (like FaceTime only better according to Zach). He also was the one who convinced you to sign on to Facebook a couple of years ago. He is also the only one who has ever written reviews of your books. (Bless his heartansoulanmind.) – Amorella.

         I didn’t think Facebook was a very good idea at the time (mainly due to my shyness). Little did I know. – You can say “Bless his heart”(?). I am surprised. It popped into mind but I thought it was me who thought it, yet you signed your name.

         You did think (Bless his pea-pickin’ heart). I suppose you were thinking of late singer, Tennessee Ernie Ford. Anyway, I changed it and signed because Zach has been very kind to you. Why not a blessing? – Amorella.

         Somehow, that doesn’t seem apropos. It is a figure of speech, and perhaps I am being too literal here, but I think only G---D can bless someone, and that has to be in private, or rather, it seems to me it should be in private. I said it for Zach sincerely, but as a figure of speech. No one should ever speak for G---D. Let G---D do HeranHis own speaking or whispering or whatever. It doesn’t seem morally right to bless someone, not literally. Internally, this is very upsetting and confusing to me. I would just as soon erase this and let it go.

         Your honesty won’t allow that. Otherwise, though, you are very arrogant using should or ought with reference to G---D even if you are an agnostic. You know this, boy, so why did you bring it up? – Amorella.

         It makes me uncomfortable. I am not here to do your bidding whoever you are. I have my conscience and my free will and I am using them. I don’t want anyone blessed because heorher has been kind to me. Even the thought is abhorrent. This is way out of hand and I am going to stop now. – rho

         Post. – Amorella.

         You have to be kidding. I am not going to post this. I’ll write it for the record but I am not posting. – rho

         Your anger is genuine, boy. Authenticity, remember? Warts and all? Sometimes you are too literal and it gets you into trouble. It invites a strong sense of pride that blinds you (and other people) into a stubborn, solitary cell, at least in these books. The soul imprisons you for your own self protection. “Do no harm” is one of your watchwords. For you, being transparent is like being the air, and you are freer. Without this freedom you cannot write. Post. – Amorella. 

          Everyone pays the Piper one way or another, but I don't have to like it. 

          We all pay, boy. Never forget that. - Amorella. 

       The anger has subsided. I had an errand to run and we have a bit more of the house to clean before tomorrow afternoon. Besides, we have packing as we are leaving early in the AM on Sunday because the girls want to do some shopping in Pigeon Forge. It ought to be a good drive; I am looking forward to that. Anger takes too much energy. It distracts from thinking and wondering creatively. Sometimes I would like to be “as the air”. You know how to hit home, Amorella.

         Boy, I have seen you angry enough inside to take on G---D one to one. An honest anger. – Amorella.

         I learned from that episode, I learned heartansoulanmind. Such anger. Misplaced anger.

         Not in the circumstance, my man. Not in the circumstance. No more tonight. Post. – Amorella.

         I am a free man where it counts most.

         No question about it, boy. – Amorella.

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