28 September 2011

Notes - clearing the path / a semblance forms / shaw-an-shakespeare

         Breakfast and the paper mid-morning. Slow response and moderate arthritic pain early morning. Cool weather trigger you imagine.
         The Merriam-Webster word of the day is a good one – Moiety, which means ‘one of two equal parts: half. ‘MOY-uh-tee’, I even like the sound of it though it does not convey its meaning. And, I like this example:  “She was asked to describe the tribe’s two moieties. She said the Winter and Summer people provided the basic religious and social structure. . . .” From Joanne Barker’s 2011 book Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity.

         The beginning of a regular day, unlike yesterday when Scott showed up and worked on toilet installation only to find the ‘marble plates under the toilet were not long enough for the bottom of the new toilets; he installed one temporarily and you have the ‘plates’ to choose from today as he dropped the choices off early this morning. This will cost you more – for the plates and a bit of added labor.

         It was my fault for not thinking about the plates. I had those added when we built the house because I had read that the plates between the floor and the toilet keep the seal tighter (which it has done). The problem is that the plates were much bigger than the bottom of the toilet. The bottom of the new toilet exceeds the toilet one inch. Alas, who would have guessed. Scott good-humoredly said, “That’s construction,” and then said he would be back next week. . . . We picked out the marble simulation for beneath the toilets. I took a needed nap while Carol dried her hair, took a hot bath with jets and bubbles. Good lower back health, rest followed by rushing hot water. It works for a while. Good to be retired and have the time for such personal matters.

         Carol is finishing online, then to lunch or to the doctor’s office for her flu shot and your picking up copies of recent records for Dr. Roberts at the Cincinnati Spine Institute.

         I know what the man will say, ‘lose a hundred pounds’. That will be it. The last time he said ‘you have arthritis in your neck and lower back; it is progressive and nothing can be done but losing a hundred pounds.’ One day it will have progressed and so will I. When I’m dead I’ll lose more than a hundred pounds which finally will not be regained. We have to pay the piper (a bit of physics) one way or another. I can still walk, albeit more slowly. Sixty-nine is not that old. I’ll get about for a while longer even if it means a nap and a hot bath most every day.

         Glad you have that settled, boy. Nothing like clearing the path once in a while. Post. – Amorella. 

       Again, shades of Robert Pringle in the verbal mist. Most delightful.

         Lunch at Panera on Mason-Montgomery Road and then down to the doctor’s office and on to Bethesda Outpatient Imaging to pick up X-Rays for next week’s office visit. Diagnostics appear to indicate progress in arthritic conditions of lower back. They don’t address the atrophy in calf of the right leg. Perhaps that will be noted after next month’s blood test with no Simvastatin taken. You plan on waiting until after the talk at the Spinal Institute before conferring with your second opinion family member, Paul.

         That sums it up nicely, Amorella. Sounds like a plan. It is dark clouded and raining again but we are home. Does Ezekiel meet with Merlyn again before Merlyn runs into Arthur? I assume when Ezekiel and Arthur are together they take a bird’s eye view, like the gods on Olympus might do under more normal mythological standards.

         All standards are metaphorical from here on out, boy, in case you didn’t catch the drift earlier. These books are full of the poetic element in terms of imagery; after all, these are Merlyn’s dreams which you have the eye to capture, in the limited vocabulary of your words alone.

         Indeed. I understand I have limitations built in. A subtly constructed dark glass can still hold an even subtler liquid form for those gutsy enough to make a search.

         As you write with heartansoulanmind the reader must read with heartansoulanmind. Not an easy undertaking for one who cannot distinguish among those basic three-in-one human elements. The word meaning flows from where the addressing is coming from. A fog in the mind is not a fog in the heart, nor is it a fog in the soul. Nor is the fog a sentence in any case. The fog can gather or it can lift night or day. A semblance forms, however, whether one is conscious of it or not. – Post. – Amorella.

        This coming scene with Merlyn is after the one with Ezekiel who will be talking with Meir, Tiresias and Takis.

         I have found the lines Ezekiel is thinking on in the opening of the scene: (chapter seven, scene ten)

        “We are dead, Ezekiel.” Tiresias paused in consideration,” then continued, “Our souls survive along the same river. You know this by the name Jordan and we Greeks know it by the name Styx.”

         Yes. It fits well with “And there shall be a causeway there which shall be called the Way of Holiness,as Ezekiel puts the two together. He does not know of the bridge being built and assumes the bridge is actually the River itself. He sees it as connecting the Living with the Dead not separating them.

          The River by any other name is still the River.

         By Jove, I think you’ve got it. Post while you are a-head for a change. – Amorella.  

         The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. I know my  Shaw-an-Shakespeare. 

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