03 October 2011

Notes - economics coming home to roost /

         Nearing noon. Earlier when reading the Cincinnati Enquirer you noted that on the bottom of the front page no less, the first article on the Wall Street demonstration. It half made your day, as you are also sympathetic towards their cause. You are working on re-organizing your medical files into new categories in case the statements are needed in the future. And, today, you get your new tree. Scott called and said the ‘plates’ have been ordered and if ready he will install the toilets this Thursday or Friday. Wednesday you have your appointment with the spine specialist.
         You are sounding like a secretary, Amorella. I do need to keep the week in some sort of order though. I can’t for the life of me figure out how we did all this stuff when we were both working. Well, of course, Carol did it, but I don’t know how.

         This afternoon the tree was planted and we moved the grass they took out and dirt to the northwest side where the grass has not been growing. No sense in wasting the material and now that the trees are trimmed and the one was cut down earlier there just might be enough sun. If not, then back to the moss that was already growing there. I don’t mind it as it is green and fits with the rocks and trees and grass. It’s the natural cover back there anyway.  

         Late afternoon. Late lunch (split a sub) at Penn Station, a usual spot this year, a couple errands and two kid’s cups at Graeter’s. Again, a usual spot. I bought a multi-file for medical records. It will be nice to have it better organized. Plus, Carol picks up Medicare Part B in January for the first time and we both go to a new State Teachers’ Retirement System supplement for Medicare Part A through Aetna in January, a fairer plan then the Medical Mutual we have now. As Ohio teachers neither of us qualified for Part A or Social Security. We had no option as teachers which is fine. We chose to teach in Ohio not because we would make a lot of money but because of the pension system which we paid into as well as the boards of education. We paid in at least twice as much to the pension along the way as people paid into their social security. We never got a bonus, summers and holidays and breaks were not paid days. No complaints but I get pissed about how people complain that teachers have it too good. Damn Ohio politics. Social services should be a part of the state and federal governments. That’s my thought.

         You have made yourself angry along the lines of your last paragraph, partly because you feel you have to justify your pension as you are sharing this. You don’t. What you say is true, and a lot of people who could have taught and been good teachers, chose not to do so for a variety of reasons. Every so often economic systems historically come home to roost. Marx had a point. – Amorella.

         People will think you are a socialist, Amorella, or worse, a communist.

         I am who I am, boy. To try to protect me is arrogant; to try to protect yourself is human.

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