01 November 2011

Notes - a visual prop for heavenorhellbothorneither & size

         Early mid-afternoon, and you are sitting in front of Hoxworth Blood Center waiting for Carol after washing the car and doing some common prepping afterwards. You also have taken three photos of your Celtic green piece. Here are two of them:

         The stain glass plate is eight inches in diameter and a half-inch thick on its side. The weight feels like it is about a pound or so, very substantial. This was taken in early afternoon from a southwest window on a sunny day. The first photo was taken horizontally just below the window with a white towel as the backdrop. The flash did capture the sense of light and a shadow of darker green, but the contrast in the sunshine (not direct) is a more dramatic as one would expect from stain glass.

         As with the first three books you like to have props where possible. Now, within the story we need to come up with a size. See what you can find.

         I did find some examples. – I will have to come up with some poetic size ratio such as the Land of the Dead is three times smaller than the smallest particle known.

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If you mean the smallest particle, it's the neutrino. It's so small scientists weren't sure that it had mass until recently. They are still trying to measure it, but it looks to be about 1500 times smaller than an electron.

From: Yahoo Answers.

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I'd like to put the subatomic world in perspective for you. Molecules are huge compared to atoms and the particles that make them up. And using normal numbering would take too long to write their values out. For example, a typical nuclear diameter may be 0.000000000000006 meters. There had to be an easier way to write this. That's where something called scientific notation comes in. This is a method that was developed to write large numbers in powers of ten. So the number above would be written as 6 × 10-14 meters in scientific notation. Using this method, let's look at the relative size of these three subatomic particles.
                The electron is the negatively charged particle that “orbits” the nucleus. It has a mass of 9.1 × 10-28 grams.
                The proton is the positively charged particle in the nucleus of the atom. It has a mass of 1.67 × 10-24 grams. It has a mass 1,836 times greater than the electron and its radius is 8 × 10-16 meters.
                The neutron is the neutral particle in the nucleus of the atom. It has a mass almost identical to that of the proton. And it is 1,839 times as heavy as the electron.
                The radius of a typical nucleus is 3 × 10-15 meters, while the radius of a typical atom is 3 × 10-10 meters. That means that the diameter of the nucleus is about one hundred thousandth of the diameter of the whole atom.
                The volume of the nucleus, the space it takes up, is one trillionth of the whole atom.
To relate this to a more understandable perspective, let's increase the size of the nucleus to about a foot, maybe the size of a bowling ball or medium-sized melon. How big would the atom be? Close to twenty miles in diameter. So if the nucleus of our atom were as large as a bowling ball, the rest of the atom would consist of ten pea-sized electrons scattered around a sphere twenty miles across with the bowling ball at the center. Imagine putting a bowling ball in the center of a city and then scattering ten peas throughout the rest of the city and you'll have some idea of how empty an atom really is.
Mindwarps: One way of gauging the neutrino's lack of interaction with other matter is to give you a good example. If you were to make a lead plate neither meters thick, nor kilometers thick, but light-years thick, you might stand a chance of getting the neutrino to interact with an atom in it. Even if you were to run a lead tube from the Earth to our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, and started a neutrino down the tube today, four years from now it would emerge without disturbing a single atom of lead in the tube.

From: Theories of the Universe “Size in the Microcosm” – Infoplease.com
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         This is the idea, orndorff, your conscious input from time to time so you have a feeling of ownership. Post. – Amorella. 

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