29 June 2012

Notes - (raw thoughts) / Metaphysical Lesson Summaries: 1,2,3,4 /

         0834 hours. Up earlier. Awoke at 0610 and typed some notes in the realization this material posting in the last week works parallel with the next scene in chapter eight. Here are the notes edited for clarity:

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         The next scene [scene ten] – Merlyn with Sophia and Panagiotakis – “How long is Takis’s beard?” asks Sophia of Merlyn – Merlyn looks calculates with 21st century knowledge [of 6inches per year times 40 = 20 feet]. An intuitive flash: cat and a hairball: half a cat living and half a cat dead – [Schrodinger’s cat] – Merlyn’s in the 21st century and the 8th century BC in the moment – Merlyn unintentionally sets the motion [of the Rebellion] in Meaning not in Purpose. This appears a ‘trick’ by the Supervisor and misinterpreted by Merlyn, Sophia and Takis. It appears an accidental ruse set in innocence by the all-including Supervisor.

         Merlyn’s mind races ahead on politics and intrigue – forgetting the heartansoul – thus an example of a Meaning in life misinterpreted as Fate. No star-crossed lovers. Innocence personified(?).

         This is seen as a crossed purpose – an ever so slightly ruse by the Supervisor’s Supervisor (Zeus) – a Guardian of Balance (Artemis) between the physical and metaphysical [as Merlyn is partially in the 21st century mind-wise (Apollo –prophecy)]

         The half a cat Living coughs up a hairball from half a cat Dead. Point: Does this scene end in a statement or a question [left up to the reader].
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         I must have felt I had to find a use for all this material that is otherwise basically worthless [in my mind] as far as the books are concerned. It appears to me these notes can be worked up as the next scene in chapter eight. Plus, I already have earlier notes from when I finished scene nine.

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Notes [from earlier posting] to next scene:

In my deepest inner self, under those circumstances, I would have to say before an angel or G---D, “I really do not know.” As such, under these conditions, I can honestly say, “I think I am mostly fiction. In fact, the more I think into it the more unsure I am of my total conscious/unconscious reality, therefore I feel I may be even more fiction than not.”

You think you would say this to G---D or to an Angel of G---D?

I do.  I’m POed enough to say it now.

 ** **

Perhaps we can use this in book four, The Rebellion. A lead character rebels not against G---D but against what sheorhe considers a false truth about herorhis sense of self. The character has no place to go except to others of the Dead who feel and understand that their predicament or circumstance is that it is seemingly impossible to define one’s sense of self accurately.

It is impossible in life, and impossible in death also. Therefore, says this new leader of the Dead, let us go back into the world of the living so that we the Dead may better find the truth of our circumstances so that we might share this with our children, the Living. What do you think, orndorff?

In my present anger it sounds reasonable. I will have to give the concept more thought.

Good enough. Keep in mind that the fictional "rebellion" (ironically) would be an authentic part of your own seemingly deeper nature.

Such humor, Amorella. I smile at it and even want to laugh out loud. There indeed may be some autobiographical truth in this new fiction after all. Who would have thought? I may be honestly framed in a fiction yet unwritten.

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         I don’t remember when these above blog notes were posted. Anyway, this is where I am (in scene ten; chapter eight).

         As usual, orndorff, you have no idea. Post. - Amorella

        Later, on Facebook you posted:

“Fate, and whether it is possible that Fate and Accident identical; that Fate and Accident are a sense of a 'natural' innocence under the guise of Meaning (in life), that life's Purposes are basically contrived by us Homo-sapiens. [Is this useful in upcoming scene 10?] . . .”

And, your old friend and former Mason colleague, Chuck K., replied:  

What is Fate other than the expectations of our explanations of Accidents?”

To which you added, “Why isn’t this in the dictionary?” - Amorella

         This is a return to the general fiction we have conjured up about our species in the universe at large. This is an example of where I feel that if one takes the point of view of heartansoulanmind as a separate entity of non-physical selves one might find a perspective that while not ‘reality’ as such, at least another view (from our humanity only) of ‘reality’. It would seem to be easier I think to be ‘detached’ from our mortal frame. At least our view of physics may be altered to give us (with a reasonable imagination) a deeper dimensional view of what we are. That’s my premise here in any case.

         Are you not already doing this between the lines in the books and the blog? – Amorella

         I don’t know. Unconsciously or semi-consciously perhaps. My mind has a diverse geometric framework within and though I like to focus I cannot focus on everything in the books and blogs and thoughts at the same time. Heartansoulanmind is a cognitive spiritual-like energy, like an ionized-like gas or an ionized plasma-cloud, in function when not in the form of specifically fine tuned lens for better detecting ‘reality’ at its basic core. Is this unreasonable as an alterable premise for books, blog and centered humanity? I would rather try to ‘show’ or demonstrate this ‘deeper dimensional sense of reality than try to explain it to myself (which I can’t do). I feel there are demonstrations (of this reality of Meaning) readily available in the books and blogs. But how to pick them out is beyond me.

         It is always better to know what is going on in your head at the moment (if a nugget appears) it won’t show up until after it is demonstrated and you cannot know the ‘nugget’ without having a focus by which to discover it. You cannot focus and demonstrate a reality of Meaning (in humanity’s life and physical death) at the same time. – Post, boy, and take a break. - Amorella

            This afternoon you have worked up the first four lesson summaries. Add and post. - Amorella

Lesson One

         Metaphysics used here describes the workings of the internal spiritual center of humanity I call the heartansoulanmind.

         These lessons are specifically for Richard and these summaries are edited for clarity and for sharing online. – Amorella

         Using the image of a three-leaf clover as an example, the short narrow stem is consciousness. Each leaf represents the following: the human heart; the soul; and the human mind. Keep in mind the higher consciousness that stimulates the philosophical concepts of heart and soul and mind need not be in the physical form of the species Homo sapiens.

          A usable off world alien-like image is in the genus Taraxacum, the dandelion seed. Imagine, if you will, each common dandelion seed having a higher human-like consciousness. This consciousness then stimulates notions of a self-identity that contain a spiritual-like (metaphysical) heart and soul and mind that is further nurtured in a psychological environment that promotes a sense of championing a world with both freedom and dignity. This internal discernment of basic moral values focuses to continually balance both individual freedom with a general social sense of dignity and decorum for all, thus the species better survives and matures through a life in our physical world of sun, moon, earth, air, fire and water.       
           I don’t know what a dandelion seed would consider more important than being physically efficient.

          Metaphysics is equally worthy of thought and consideration. The DandelionSeed begins white fluff over a speck of black-night. It drifts cloud-like, settles to root for survival in the earth where water-touched it matures green stalked with a solid yellow top mimicking the sun to which it rises before returning broken; white-clouded awaiting the scatter of change and eventual transformation into a multitude of new roots.

          The whole of nature moves and permits DandelionSeed to scatter, stalk, flower and seed to scatter once again, a unique selection drifting and maturing within the common whole encapsulated in a small dark shell of metaphysics.

          This concludes lesson one. What does a human being consider more important than being physically efficient?


Lesson Two

         I discovered that you have used analogies before and I do not have them documented in any kind of order as far as heartansoulanmind are concerned. What should I do here?

         Let’s begin fresh as this ‘unit’ is from a broader perspective which may be used in the books (which is what the earlier note materials are about). You need to have a foundation beginning with heartansoulanmind from the perspective of an outsider such as the alien AC.

        Drop in “Higher Consciousness” from Wikipedia Offline, that will do here. I will do the adapting and editing – non-denominational; this definition is philosophical in spirit and without a specific religious affiliation. - Amorella

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Higher Consciousness . . . refers to spiritual awareness or knowledge. Evolution in this sense is not that which occurs by natural selection over generations of human reproduction but evolution brought about by the application of spiritual knowledge to the conduct of human life, and of mental proficiency brought about by spiritual practices. Through the application of such knowledge to practical self-management, the awakening and development of faculties dormant in the ordinary human being is achieved. These faculties are aroused by and developed in conjunction with certain virtues such as lucidity, patience, kindness, truthfulness, humility, and forgiveness towards one's fellow man – qualities without which, according to the traditional teachings, higher consciousness is not possible.

[The above paragraph is edited and adapted from Wikipedia Offline for use as a general definition of higher consciousness in relationship to Amorella’s systematic metaphysical concept: heartansoulanmind.]

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         I find this adapted definition from Wikipedia acceptable for my personal use and feel better employing it as a systematic building block to Amorella’s metaphysical heartansoulanmind concept.

         This is a personal internal working study, orndorff, and it may be amended.  – Amorella

         Your comment directly above strikes me as a weakness.

         This is because you want something written in stone even though you [humans] are not so nearly hard written [wired] yourselves. From my perspective the closest thing to such a styled stone writing is your name on a gravestone. Capiche? This ends Lesson Two. Post. - Amorella

Lesson Three

         I have never written “capiche” before in my life. Certainly never in any notes or postings. It boggles my mind sometimes, but that is the last word that popped out. And, I had no idea Lesson Two was over. I ‘heard’ the “Capiche?” in my head – sounded like it came from an old gangster movie or even an old “Seinfeld” episode.

         Amorella’s comment about a possible amendment to the definition of Higher Consciousness still sounds like a weakness, like she is unsure, or worse, it is me internally unconsciously hedging my bet. That’s what I was thinking – ‘I am making this up as I go along and I am hedging my bets,’ that is exactly what made me write it down. It was “me” being the weakness, not Amorella.

         And that is what you didn’t get at the time; the anger was misdirected towards me and therefore it was false in context. – Amorella

         How do I correct this oversight, this misdirected anger at the moment it happens, Amorella?

         You are leaning towards false pride, boy, towards being better, towards being ‘more’ perfect. – Amorella

         Self-punishment is learned just as punishment for or out of guilt is learned. It is instilled by many traditional cultural sources with initial good intentions. You need to realize the cultural chains that imprison your humanity. - Amorella 

         The soul is not imprisoned, is it?

         “Imprisonment” is not a word in the soul’s figurative vocabulary. – Amorella

        I am not a philosopher. I am like a fellow who is talking about jumping into the deep end of the pool without his having the tiniest bit of knowledge of what water is.

         What you say is indeed true, boy, you have no real idea what a soul is; you only know in part what other people say it is or what it is not.

         How does the soul ‘see’ the human heart?

         Let’s end Lesson Three by rephrasing the question: How does the soul exist?


Lesson Four

        “How does the soul exist?” - Amorella

         Last night I came to the conclusion that the esoteric material on the “soul” in Wikipedia is like a discussion of what the telephone is. What the telephone is, is not nearly so important as to how human beings use the telephone. I have no idea how the soul exists?

         I need definitions first. Is the soul immortal? I assume the ‘soul’ is a part of each ‘higher conscious species’ no matter what world or universe the individual exists in.

         Let’s use the following dictionary definition:

The soul is “the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being [or an extraterrestrial species], regarded as immortal.”
(Oxford-American software)

         The soul is immortal. The heart and mind are not immortal.

         Your reasoning is sound. – Amorella

         Can any material substance be immortal?

         No. It is a rule. – Amorella

         Does the soul exist in spite of its immortal nature?

         Yes. Beings may exist spiritually in spite of their physical nature and their free will; so it is reasonable for this to be turned about in the metaphysical world. – Amorella

         As souls are immortal, did they pre-existed before physical creatures of higher consciousness?

         This is reasonable. – Amorella

         We physical creatures with an added spiritual existence are then quite humbled by this acquisition.         

         Awkward question, boy, but this is also reasonable for consideration. – Amorella

         In summary, the soul is immortal and has a primary Meaning (reason for being) beyond holding and keeping safe the heartanmind of a physically dead individual of higher consciousness.

         Yes. How then does this soul exist? – Amorella

         My first response is, “By the will of G---D?”

         It is in my nature to be direct when the responses are innocent and sincerely appropriate in context. This metaphysical system like a physical universe does not need G---D directly and in context it is best to avoid the Manner of the human concept of G---D.  This metaphysical system (of spiritual humanity/heartansoulanmind) is constructed for human clarification, thus the system works somewhat analogously to the workings of the presently known physical universe for better human understanding. This concludes Lesson Four. – Amorella


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