28 September 2012

Notes - Backup thanks to Doug / Synopsis added /

         Late morning. You have been working on a download of your blog but presently you cannot get your newly downloaded newsreader (SABnzbd-0) to open it. Earlier after the boys were dropped off at daycare you, Carol and Paul had breakfast at Bob Evans (Paul treated). Shortly after Paul left for the airport. Carol is taking a shower. Kim will be home tonight before eleven. You have DVRed some shows but you cannot get the cable to work properly to watch them.

         You did learn some things from Doug that are quite valuable to this chapter-weaving project. Here is what he said in two emails.

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I watched a program (thru the worm hole) where the researcher claims that thoughts can indeed travel between people at a distance without them seeing each other.  He even demonstrated it in lab experiments. In fact he claims there is a global consciousness in which all our thoughts are contained and we can all tap into. And yes one researcher claims that are thoughts are entangled quantum mechanically are part of the universal consciousness.

[in addition:]

Dick, I forgot to mention this is where 6th sense comes from. Since Einstein put time as the 4th dimension, it implies that past, present and future all exist simultaneously and we can tap into to the future as well as the past. In fact because our brains are a little slow processing info what we are really doing is living in the past.

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         This gives enough information to work into the dialogue with Robert and Richard in chapter four. We need a 'box' to put the information in, that is a name, a written container in which the information is found; similar as you say, to Asimov's Foundation literary device the "Encyclopedia Galactica".

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The concept and name of the Encyclopædia Galactica first appeared in Isaac Asimov's short story "Foundation" . . . Asimov's Encyclopædia Galactica was a compendium of all knowledge then available in the Galactic Empire, intended to preserve that knowledge in a remote region of the Galaxy in the event of a foreseen Galactic catastrophe. The Encyclopædia is later revealed to be an element in an act of misdirection, its real purpose being to concentrate a group of skilled physical scientists on a remote, resource-poor planet, with the long-term aim of revitalizing the technologically stagnant and scientifically dormant Empire. Originally published in a physical medium, it later becomes computerized and subject to continual change.
Asimov used the Encyclopedia Galactica as a literary device throughout his Foundation series, beginning many of the book sections or chapters with a short extract from the Encyclopedia discussing a key character or event in the story.
From Wikipedia
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         You want to 'name' this device. Let it sit a bit. We'll come up with something. For now, post. - Amorella

         Mid-afternoon. You had another Subway picnic at Shaker Horseshoe Lake; you and Carol had discussions on politics and family thus no reading or writing. You have tried to come up with a name or a confident. Charon's Summary was one then you had the audacity to use the Boatman's Voice as another try. You don't like the idea of placing the summary of three chapters at the beginning of the first nor to you like it at the conclusion of the third. - Amorella
         Actually, it makes more sense at the conclusion of the third story. However, then it is not used in the same way as Asimov's device is used. It is the trunk. Takis' Trunk. Takis for Panagiotakis, the first Shaman. He would know and understand Merlyn better than anyone. A Few Words from Takis' Trunk might work but it is too long. Synopsis, it is simple, to the point, and Greek.

         You have resolved this by adding the summary at the conclusion of the third story, calling it 'Synopsis'. - Amorella
         1619 hours. This took time, more than I would have thought, but I don't really know what else could be done. This is not a copy of Asimov though.
         You are not Isaac Asimov. Post. - Amorella

Example at the conclusion of the third story in each section:


The Dead 1.2.3 in Synopsis

The ever-learning Dead live in a transparent setting; a visitor can glean information from their heartansoulanmind wrappings of what is important in the deadanliving spirit in the existential moment of the visit.


         The above appears fine for now and is almost too simple in intent.

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