07 October 2012

Notes - working through the day /

        Late mid-morning. Breakfast was eaten, and the Sunday paper read. Now you are at a loss of words.

         I have to re-read The Dead - 4. I don't remember it at all. I don't see how a reader can keep up with this book.

         It will attract a particular type of reader. You will find it interesting eventually, when the books are completed and you can sit back and read them yourself. - Amorella

         Perhaps. I enjoy the work, as it is a pleasure, a challenge, but fun and self-delighting. Retirement is good.

         Dusk. You and Carol spent most of the afternoon working in the yard and mowing (which took more time because the grass catcher was attached). You had a hodge-podge for supper and a Graeter's for desert. Carol is in Kroger's at Tylersville gathering up food of vegetable soup tomorrow. You are both tired. After working you watched the premiere of "Person of Interest" and since it is a two installment you are watching the second part tonight as it was on again Thursday.

         I watched "Grimm" this morning; it has just enough humor and twists to keep it interesting. Carol doesn't like such shows. Tonight we are DVRing four. We are still checking out the new ones as well as old favorites. This has not been a productive day for writing.

         So, it hasn't. Can't stop the world so you can have time to write, boy. - Amorella

         I wasn't going to apologize, I am a little disappointed, but hey, it's fall and lots of leaves and outside chores such as flowers need to be taken care of. Besides, tonight may be our first frost of the season. Carol and I both had separate observations of mice in the yard today. Both were scurrying through the grass because of the mower noise and heading back to the woods, cute little gray fellows gathering food for winter no doubt. Couldn't help thinking of Bobby Burns when I saw that little mouse setting up his best-laid plans. Speaking of scurrying, that's what everyone seems to be doing tonight.

         2236 hours. I read the latest Time tonight and earlier in the week caught up on several more magazines but I am still behind. I still don't know about The Dead-5. It concludes with 'spirit-an-physics' and what he has to learn while being the gatekeeper between the deadanliving and the living. I suppose he will learn through example.

         I, as the Supervisor, will come to his aid when needed. Let's show an example of this experience here, first-hand, as Merlyn is not sure who to let through or even if he will continue to be connected. Merlyn knows all kinds of bridges, but the one he settles on which he settles as a symbol is a drawbridge. He is in charge when the bridge is down but who is in charge of putting it up or down? He assumes it is the Supervisor of the Dead, myself, Amorella. But as you and I both know, it may be the Piper or the Boatman.

         Certainly the Boatman has to be aware of this bridge, and also the Piper as far as that goes.

         You are forgetting what is already inferred, in part, in the first three books; the bridge is the accumulation caused by an accidental meeting of Merlyn and Richard. - Amorella

         It was no accident. The books were written so that Merlyn might return to the present time. He 'climbed' into living on earth consciousness through the books Richard Greystone wrote.

         First, Richard 'saw' me, the Supervisor of the Dead, accidently in a dream, rather, we will put it that he was dreaming when I 'passed through'.

         No. Leave Richard out of it, this was covered in the first books. Merlyn will have to have accidently witnesses 'something' and because of this he must still pay the Piper if not the Boatman.

         That will work. He pays the Piper, I the Supervisor, pay the Boatman. - Amorella

         Can this be 'between the lines'. I don't want to have any connection with Richard Greystone. Maybe I should change his name to Carl or Henry. Too many Richard's. Maybe Roland that's a good old name.

         Tomorrow, dude. - Post. -Amorella

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