18 January 2013

Notes - general use / scheme of things / dream?-notes

         Noon, at least according to local Eastern Time. You are excited about the smallest of things like beginning at noon on the dot so to speak. A long time ago you began listening to BBC partly to hear the 'mark beep' of 'on the hour and you knew you were up to time and date. What do you think? - Amorella

         The famous BBC beep changed a few time, as they had to adjust for 'real time'. That was very cool. What comes to mind is Einstein's famous quote about how if one has a watch, one knows the time, but with two watches to observe one does not know what time it is. "A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure." This quotation is called Segal's Law that means, "It refers to the potential pitfalls of having too much conflicting information when making a decision." This is from a website called 'The Big Apple'. I always read this was a quote by Einstein. (1212)

         This is rather depressing. I told students it was from Einstein. I am sure I saw this is an excellent source. How many things did I tell my students that are false? Oh, my. How very demoralizing.

         The beauty of fiction, of storytelling really, is that fiction is more honest. - Amorella

         Do you mean that human beings are better off with stories than facts?

         Sometimes, especially when philosophies are considered and entailed. - Amorella

         Do you mean that stories from the heartansoulanmind are by their nature fiction?

         Yes. A truth may be embedded in a story but it cannot be spoken in/by words alone. - Amorella

         Moby Dick, Hamlet, Paradise Lost, Beowulf.

         These are excellent examples from your culture. There are other excellent examples in other cultures. - Amorella

         Why are you bringing this up now, today?

         Because you need to read it to save you confusion on an essential human conflict, faith and doubt; these matters are sometimes best left wordless but understood. Without the humanity intact the words may be misunderstood no matter what the translated language.

         I have thought such a thing but could not express it. In fact a dare not express it as fact.

         It is best left in general use. Post. - Amorella

        You had lunch at Panera on Mason-Montgomery Road and after returned new books to Barnes and Noble. You have stopped at Hallmark on Fields-Ertel Road before heading for more errands on the way home.

         Earlier you were saying that humanity demands storytelling.

         Yes. Reasoning alone does not a full story make -- a reason for theories to be acceptable without proof.  - Amorella

         What of evolution, some think it a theory others think it fact. I think it is fact.

         It is so if you can accept that fractallision of universes is a natural method of evolution. - Amorella

         I certainly can in fiction. Otherwise I would have my doubts.

         Accept it then. - Amorella

         Is fractalization of universes similar to parthenogenesis?

         We can make it so. - Amorella

         In the books do universes have a consciousness?

         Let's say for the story telling, yes, and evolved creatures of higher consciousness are it.

         This is like Doug suggests or at least alludes to; and Joseph Campbell also.

         Why not? - Amorella

         Still, the reasoning is circular.

         Of course, boy, that's the humor. You don't need to conclude a book with a question when a period of humor will do. - Amorella

         How does HeavenOrHellBothOrNeither fit into this scheme of things?

         It is, as it were, a port of call. The reason, in book three of the original series, Original Mother calls some, saying it is time to move on. - Amorella

         I remember that. I have looked for it but so far I cannot find it. -- I have researched more and still cannot find it. Somewhere Mother says that it is time for some 'spirits' to move on.

         You have found other things in your search. - Amorella

         Yes. I found more information on the Bleachers and Greystone’s in the early Middle Ages. I had created a book genealogy but I cannot find the up to date copy. Glad it is smattered throughout the books in Grandma's Stories. I like the grand slice of time from the beginning to the conclusion of Grandma's Stories throughout the three novels. Then again, what is time when you are dealing with the fractallision of universes within the Four-Dimensional Creation of Reality and Matter? Am I on the right track here?

         For now, this will do. Post. - Amorella

         Almost time for the news. You have begun to auto-summarize at fifty percent. That's fine as long as you re-summarize the three chapters to just a few sentences; let's say between thirty and  fifty words with few exceptions. - Amorella

         I can do this. Put the shorter summary below the three-chapter summary in bold. (1825)

         Good. - Amorella

         2216 hours. I completed the summaries but not the ones that I shorten each three sections to 30 to 50 words in bold. I have this in a different document to be up-titled: "Z.C.1-9.Summaries" color-coded red.

         Color-code it purple so you do not confuse the summary folders and leave it on the desktop. - Amorella

         Okay. I have been helping Carol with an Excel program and am tired.

         Post, boy, and good night. You will have a dream tonight. Be sure to write down what you remember.- Amorella

         Cool. What is it about?

         Just what flashed into your mind a moment ago: time and space. - Amorella

         If it happens fine with me I'll key it in my note app on the iPad.

         I prefer pencil and paper, this is why I mention it. - Amorella

         Just like the old days; I can handle it. Thank you.

         Post, old boy. We'll go "cracker-jacking". Amorella

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