27 June 2013

Notes - toys / delete more /

        Mid-morning. You were up early, got the papers, breakfast and read the paper. Carol left early to pick up Ann at the Otterbein Retirement Community, then on to have breakfast at Judy's in Milford. Meanwhile you watched "Under the Dome" from earlier in the week. - Amorella

         0917 hours. The show is following the typical criteria for such summer fair. Characters and setting have been introduced, enough diversified via point of view to fill an hour's diversion (commercials included). Hints of a plot but if it doesn't fork out next week I'll be done with it. Carol didn't even want to start. One problem is that when the small plane, flying at under ten thousand feet crashed into the dome it appears the passenger's purse made it through. At the conclusion the visual suggestion is that an alien craft is responsible but who knows. King and Spielberg no doubt have this summer series down and perhaps are looking at two or three season’s worth at best, worst, the series will be over sooner than anyone thinks, or hopes, in some cases. I cannot think of a good reason for aliens to ever come to this planet other than kindness. Our nearby planets have resources without the bother of having to deal with our species. If there is water on Saturn's or Jupiter's moons why come any closer to the sun than need be? It seems in the stories that aliens appear to want something on our planet but I cannot imagine them needing anything from this place including us. Our ego is the very small pebble in the proverbial shoe. Our whole media culture is built around us, about who we are and what we do. Hype, we are far too much hype. We attempt to devour the planet one way or another and symbolically through media we feed on ourselves; for many mirrors for glorification. Why in the world would anyone ever come here voluntarily? Other than an act of kindness it is beyond my imagination. Hype is a shade that dulls our real growth, our humanity. We are but toys. Come on, we are better than playing toys. Surely, we are.

         Like you say, boy, 'cheer up, things are bound to get worse.' Post. - Amorella

         I think, not worse, just more of the same. But then I'm old and should know our species better. I think what I need is a nap. 

         You wrote a note of condolence that will serve for all those past and present in your Class of 1960. Add and post. - Amorella

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         Each member of our Westerville High School Class of 1960 has left her or his mark on me; Tom is no exception. I am sad on Tom's leaving this place; I am glad we met along the way. The world is what it is and in time we all move on. Along that way I would hope we will, each of us, meet again in yet another place at least as interesting as this universe is.

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         Carol wanted to go to Marx Bagels in Blue Ash for a tuna salad sandwich in a cinnamon raisin bagel. Wonderful treat and you followed up by also splitting a turtle sundae with two scoops of ice cream (vanilla and mint chocolate chip) with a dollop of whip cream and a cherry on top. Your idea but no complaints from Carol, nor would there likely have been. Presently you are at Hallmark's on Mason-Montgomery Road to pick up a birthday card fro Tod (Carol was not successful finding one earlier.) - Amorella

         1425 hours. I had a nap before Carol arrived home from her breakfast. Tomorrow Davey's is going to grind the stumps before we leave for Delaware. It is so odd using Delaware.

         Use Columbus then boy. Sometimes you are too exact when you needn't be, part of Dr. Harold Hancock's influence on "being significantly specific". You'll find your love of words too much from time to time. This is one of them. By the way, you have no need to second-guess yourself on the condolence; it is heartfelt and sincere. Sometimes you would be better off without so much imagination. I would not have enclosed it in today's blog to make a fool of you. However, I understand your sentiment. - Amorella

         You have kept your word to me, Amorella. I have only a few private regrets on any writing I have had read by others (in my life). You have never been a part to any of them. (1435)

         You see how it is with cutting words in Grandma 19. We are taking it down in chunks. You are home, take a break, then we delete more. Post. - Amorella

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