31 July 2013

Notes - so far today / circumstance

         Today was your father-in-law's birthday, Granville Sharp Henry "Scotch" Hammond, a good friend who you called "Dad", because he once said, on the day of your marriage, "because it is a name no other man can call me." That's the way you remember it and it is close enough to the way it was. - Amorella

         Dad was a very good man to me.

         He directed you into higher education. You had an outstanding relationship with him and you were holding his hand when he died on the evening of 25 December 1993. - Amorella

         1201 hours. I am waiting for Rich G. at the China City Buffet. He may bring his work comrades with. -- (1600 hours) We (Rich, Bill, Dave and myself) had a good time lots of conversation about all matters and circumstances. I love engineers' minds at work and play.

         Earlier you decided to include this article received from Doug last night. It adds to your 'what if' conjectures. - Amorella

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Photons Last At Least One Quintillion Years, New Study Of Light Particles Suggests

LiveScience  |  By Charles Choi
Posted: 07/30/2013 1:11 pm EDT

The particles that make up light, photons, may live for at least 1 quintillion (1 billion multiplied by 1 billion) years, new research suggests.
If photons can die, they could give off particles that travel faster than light.
Many particles in nature decay over time. For instance, radioactive atoms are unstable, eventually breaking down into smaller particles and giving off energy as they do so.
Scientists generally assume photons do not break down, since they are thought to lack any mass with which to decay. However, while all measurements of photons currently suggest they have no mass, they might instead potentially have masses too small for current instruments to measure. [10 Implications of Faster-Than-Light Travel]
"How much do we actually know about photons?" asked particle physicist Julian Heeck at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics at Heidelberg, Germany. "They led to several revolutions in science, but their properties are still a puzzle."
The current upper limit for the mass of the photon is less than two-billionths of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a kilogram. This would make it about less than a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of the mass of a proton.
Based on the Standard Model of particle physics, which governs the realm of the very tiny, Heeck calculated that photons in the visible spectrum would live for at least 1 quintillion years.

The extraordinarily long lifetime Heeck calculated is an average. "There is the possibility that some photons — very few, though — have decayed," he said. (The universe is currently about 13.7 billion years old.) Scientific projects such as the Planck mission, aimed at measuring the afterglow of the Big Bang, could potentially detect signs of such decay, Heeck noted.
If photons do break down, the results of such decay must be even lighter particles, ones that would travel even faster than photons. Assuming photons have mass, "there is only one particle we know from the Standard Model of particle physics that might be even lighter — the lightest of the three neutrinos," Heeck said.
Neutrinos are ghostly particles that only very rarely interact with normal matter. Countless neutrinos rush through everyone on Earth every day with no effect.
"It might well be that the neutrino is lighter than the photon," Heeck said. In principle, each photon might decay into two of the lightest neutrinos.
"The lightest neutrino, being lighter than light, would then actually travel faster than photons," Heeck said.
The idea of neutrinos that move faster than photons would seem to violate the notion, based on Einstein's theory of relativity, that nothing can travel faster than light. However, this assumption is based on the idea of the photon not having any mass. Einstein's theory of relativity "just states that no particle can travel faster than a massless particle," Heeck said.
Intriguingly, the speed that photons travel at means their extraordinary life spans will pass by quickly from their perspective. Einstein's theory of relativity suggests when particles travel extraordinarily quickly, the fabric of space and time warps around them, meaning they experience time as passing more slowly than objects moving relatively slowly. This means that if photons live for 1 quintillion years, from their perspective, they will only live about three years.
Heeck detailed his findings online July 11 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

From - Huffington Post online
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         1605 hours. I don't know why but when I think "Photons have mass," I think of them all sitting in a church. . . . light humor I guess.

         You might as well post this and get it over with old man. - Amorella

         You watched last Sunday's "Falling Skies" and tonight you are having Papa John's Pizza. Tomorrow Carol is going to the Blue Ash Teacher's Retirement luncheon at deSha's American Tavern on Montgomery Road.

         It is time for bed, you and Carol watched a couple of shows "Major Crimes" and "King and Maxwell" - enjoyed them both. You also enjoy the cats who get along well and tend to play 'chase me then I'll chase you' every day. Doug sent you another article -- this time on a new computer. We'll drop it in tomorrow's blog. Coincidence that much of what he has sent lately can be used in Pouch 20, and it makes you wonder from time to time.

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coincidence - noun

1 a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection: it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations | they met by coincidence .

2 correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence: the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians.

3 Physics the presence of ionizing particles or other objects in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit.

From: Oxford-American Mac software
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         2245 hours. First, all of us in the world being alive at this moment is a coincidence. Probabilities come from being alive at the same time. Circumstance counts more than coincidence in my book.

         I agree, boy. Circumstance counts much more in my book too. Good night my young friend. - Amorella

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circumstance - noun

1 (usu. circumstances) a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action: we wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit.

• an event or fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen, typically something undesirable: he was found dead but there were no suspicious circumstances | they were thrown together by circumstance.

2 one's state of financial or material welfare: the artists are living in reduced circumstances.

From Oxford- American Mac software
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30 July 2013

Notes - just thoughts / a clarity in this fiction /

        You are sitting at McD's near the corner to Kings Island Way (Columbia Road) and Kings Mill Road with your large diet Coke (small mix of Cherry Coke) and Carol with her medium half diet Coke and high test Coke. Carol is on page 228 of The Columbus Affair. This is after another morning of walking in Pine Hill Lakes Park in Mason.

         1043 hours. Strangely it is rather comforting to know where one is with some reasonable certainty. I don't know how that is for the Dead. I assume they have some sort of built in GPS devise that shows them where their private quarter is.

         Orndorff, you forget the heartanmind is in the soul which takes care of the personal centeredness. - Amorella

         That doesn't sound fair. The soul finds something good to nibble on and from then on sheorhe is stuck with a heartanmind of its own. It sounds like the soul loses. It's a wonder some old soul doesn't come along and say, "Hey, you suckers, don't eat that stuff no matter how it tastes. You'll lose your freedom real fast."

         Freedom from what, orndorff? Freedom from eating what tastes satisfying and really, really good? - Amorella

         I don't know. The analogy is losing its flavor like old gum.

         What is the difference with a person deciding to have a purpose or meaning in herorhis life? Once the decision is made the person loses a portion of herorhis freedom, does sheorhe not? - Amorella

         The decision or purpose is not permanent though. People have different goals, objectives, purposes, meanings, etc. in their lives as they live through them.

         Ah, but in context with blog and books, who is one when sheorhe confronts herorhimself when dead. What have you taken with you? Who are you and how and why did you get where you are when you died? Isn't the accumulation of one's meaning and purpose in living? - Amorella

         I don't know.

         Let's bring it home, buddy boy. I haven't asked you this since you thought I might be an Angel of G---D (you were not positive one way or another even now). Are you? - Amorella

         No, Amorella. I am not. Hypothetically though, today, I say I am a living being, species Homo sapiens. I am built with the same limited (built in) physical constraints (needs/desires) of living. Otherwise, who I am is basically who everyone else is except for my mind, heart, and soul, which are frozen here in grammatical and word form (with a few sketches). I assume some of this would go with me when dead as would other peoples' thoughts from heartansoulanmind. In context with the Merlyn books and the personal-notes-in-a-blog, what else, except for self-deceptions as they are also a part of the species, Homo sapiens? I can stand on this and say who I am. Who can counter it? Who will? In context, no other human being can counter it with any sense of certainty just as I can not counter in other person's sense of who sheorhe is, that is, who sheorhe takes from the life experience with herorhim when dead. (1124)

         Carol is discussing her reading; she thinks it is interesting that Columbus did not bring a priest with him on his first voyage. Why? You like to she her tackle these things because it brings out her passion, it brings out who she is in private. All for now. -- You are home. Post before you change your mind. - Amorella

         1306 hours. Subway lunch on the deck; it is probably the first time in two years according to Carol. It is very nice what with the woods having grown a couple of feet this summer what with all the rain. Shoot, we even late early. I haven't changed my mind because I forgot what I thought earlier. People don't keep thoughts in their head; too much diversion caused by the environment, people and otherwise. What I need to do is put all this material important to Pouch 20 in that document so I have something to refer to along the way.

         You are only scribing seven hundred to eight hundred words boy. You can find the material if you need to. Besides, there is enough already. Relax. Check your email and/or read a magazine before beginning. Post. - Amorella

         1644 hours. I had a good nap. Checking on line I saw an excellent article on BBC about the circumstances that set me on my personal study that eventually ends up with Amorella, at least this is the scientific point of view.

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| 30 July 2013
How the ouija board really moves

By Tom Stafford
Ouija board cups and dowsing wands – just two examples of mystical items that seem to move of their own accord, when they are really being moved by the people holding them. The only mystery is not one of a connection to the spirit world, but of why we can make movements and yet not realise that we're making them.
The phenomenon is called the ideomotor effect and you can witness it yourself if you hang a small weight like a button or a ring from a string (ideally more than a foot long). Hold the end of the string with your arm out in front of you, so the weight hangs down freely. Try to hold your arm completely still. The weight will start to swing clockwise or anticlockwise in small circles. Do not start this motion yourself. Instead, just ask yourself a question – any question – and say that the weight will swing clockwise to answer "Yes" and anticlockwise for "No". Hold this thought in mind, and soon, even though you are trying not to make any motion, the weight will start to swing in answer to your question.
Magic? Only the ordinary everyday magic of consciousness. There's no supernatural force at work, just tiny movements you are making without realising. The string allows these movements to be exaggerated, the inertia of the weight allows them to be conserved and built on until they form a regular swinging motion. The effect is known as Chevreul's Pendulum, after the 19th Century French scientist who investigated it.
What is happening with Chevreul's Pendulum is that you are witnessing a movement (of the weight) without "owning" that movement as being caused by you. The same basic phenomenon underlies dowsing – where small movements of the hands cause the dowsing wand to swing wildly – or the Ouija board, where multiple people hold a cup and it seems to move of its own accord to answer questions by spelling out letters.
This effect also underlies the sad case of "facilitated communication", a fad whereby carers believed they could help severely disabled children communicate by guiding their fingers around a keyboard. Research showed that the carers – completely innocently – were typing the messages themselves, rather than interpreting movements from their charges.
The interesting thing about the phenomenon is what it says about the mind. That we can make movements that we don't realise we're making suggests that we shouldn't be so confident in our other judgements about what movements we think are ours. Sure enough, in the right circumstances, you can get people to believe they have caused things that actually come from a completely independent source (something which shouldn't surprise anyone who has reflected on the madness of people who claim that it only started raining because they forget an umbrella).
You can read what this means for the nature of our minds in The Illusion of Conscious Will by psychologist Daniel Wegner, who sadly died last month. Wegner argued that our normal sense of owning an action is an illusion, or – if you will – a construction. The mental processes which directly control our movements are not connected to the same processes which figure out what caused what, he claimed.
The situation is not that of a mental command-and-control structure like a disciplined army; whereby a general issues orders to the troops, they carry out the order and the general gets back a report saying "Sir! We did it. The right hand is moving into action!". The situation is more akin to an organised collective, claims Wegner: the general can issue orders, and watch what happens, but he's never sure exactly what caused what. Instead, just like with other people, our consciousness (the general in this metaphor) has to apply some principles to figure out when a movement is one we've made.
One of these principles is that cause has to be consistent with effect. If you think "I'll move my hand" and your hand moves, you're likely to automatically get the feeling that the movement was one you made. The principle is broken when the thought is different from the effect, such as with Chevreul's Pendulum. If you think "I'm not moving my hand", you are less inclined to connect any small movements you make with such large visual effects.
This maybe explains why kids can shout "It wasn't me!" after breaking something in plain sight. They thought to themselves "I'll just give this a little push", and when it falls off the table and breaks it doesn't feel like something they did.

From: http://bbc.com/future/story/20130729
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         The key here, from my, Amorella's, perspective has been underlined by orndorff.

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You can read what this means for the nature of our minds in The Illusion of Conscious Will by psychologist Daniel Wegner, who sadly died last month. Wegner argued that our normal sense of owning an action is an illusion, or – if you will – a construction. The mental processes which directly control our movements are not connected to the same processes which figure out what caused what, he claimed.
The situation is not that of a mental command-and-control structure like a disciplined army; whereby a general issues orders to the troops, they carry out the order and the general gets back a report saying "Sir! We did it. The right hand is moving into action!". The situation is more akin to an organised collective, claims Wegner: the general can issue orders, and watch what happens, but he's never sure exactly what caused what. Instead, just like with other people, our consciousness (the general in this metaphor) has to apply some principles to figure out when a movement is one we've made.
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         The 'automatic writing throughout this blog is an organized collective [of an individual's consciousness]. To you this is what 'ghost writing' really is. You have never professed that it is supernatural because you have never completely seen it that way even in the one time mystical dance you saw yourself as dancing and not dancing both at once. For you this connects with yesterday's Wikipedia article on Schrödinger's cat:

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Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.

Wikipedia - Schrödinger's cat
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From your perspective (and you can see the reasoning through segments of your blog) you see this as similar to a "quantum superposition" of being in two places at once or as with the Dancing with an Angel of G---D (really myself) being in existence and not in existence at the same time. This is/was a subjective feeling that allows/ed your psychological detachment from both events at once; don't you think? - Amorella

         1713 hours. I agree that imaginary or not, you can better express my sense of things in words than I can.

         Thus, here we are. Post. - Amorella

         You do consider yourself real.

         In context to your grand experiment in automatic writing, I have no choice. Otherwise the reasoning would fall apart. I provide you the "willing suspension of disbelief" as Samuel Taylor Coleridge would say about his "Rime of the Ancient Mariner".

         1719 hours. This makes sense to me. In context it makes no difference if you are real or imaginary. - rho

         That is indeed what makes this notes-blog and Merlyn books fiction. Post. - Amorella

         What can I say?

         Nothing. You have nothing to say. - Amorella

29 July 2013

Notes - words and context / post anyway / setting up Pouch 20

        Your mother was born on this date in 1918. You are facing west under the shade of a couple very old oak trees near the center of Rose Hill Cemetery. You took a shorter walk and Carol took a longer one.

         1054 hours. We have returned from our walk. It is another wonderfully crisp morning, another comfortable day. I have been doing my exercises fairly regularly even while I am walking. I feel better in the process. It is very pleasant having the windows open for a few days and nights; another night with the blanket -- warm and toasty.

         Check your email, check those chairs you painted yesterday, and stop concerning yourself with my comment "Whatever works," I am not being Machiavellian here. We don't worship words, you do. - Amorella

         Words are a continual problem. Sometimes a particular word in context; hinders or helps depending on who is doing the reading. It would be interesting to see how the Marsupial humanoids handle this problem of 'meaning open to interpretation. I don't remember any lawyers on the planets but I imagine they have some. Sometimes I think we have two many words, other times not enough. In fact, the further along our species exists the more words we accumulate and the more layers of meanings in a particular context finds humor or anger or maybe both. What would Jonathon Swift do in such a day as ours today or in your tomorrows? The best way for me to handle this mode I'm in is to let it go like yesterday's newspaper. News is only good once.

         And bad news hangs on for generations. - Amorella

         So it is.

         Post. - Amorella

         Doug sent you an article that 'blows your mind' at least that's what you replied to him. Here it is. - Amorella

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Quantum Computers Will Give Artificial Intelligence Big Boost, Studies Suggest
By Devin Powell
Posted: 07/29/2013 8:39 am EDT  |  Updated: 07/29/2013 10:42 am EDT

Quantum computers of the future will have the potential to give artificial intelligence a major boost, a series of studies suggests.
These computers, which encode information in 'fuzzy' quantum states that can be zero and one simultaneously, have the ability to someday solve problems, such as breaking encryption keys beyond the reach of ‘classical’ computers.
Algorithms developed so far for quantum computers have typically focused on problems such as breaking encryption keys or searching a list — tasks that normally require speed but not a lot of intelligence. But in a series of papers posted online this month on the arXiv preprint server, Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and his collaborators have put a quantum twist on AI.
The team developed a quantum version of 'machine learning', a type of AI in which programs can learn from previous experience to become progressively better at finding patterns in data. Machine learning is popular in applications ranging from e-mail spam filters to online-shopping suggestions. The team’s invention would take advantage of quantum computations to speed up machine-learning tasks exponentially.

Quantum leap

At the heart of the scheme is a simpler algorithm that Lloyd and his colleagues developed in 2009 as a way of quickly solving systems of linear equations, each of which is a mathematical statement, such as x + y = 4. Conventional computers produce a solution through tedious number crunching, which becomes prohibitively difficult as the amount of data (and thus the number of equations) grows. A quantum computer can cheat by compressing the information and performing calculations on select features extracted from the data and mapped onto quantum bits, or qubits.
Quantum machine learning takes the results of algebraic manipulations and puts them to good use. Data can be split into groups — a task that is at the core of handwriting- and speech-recognition software — or can be searched for patterns. Massive amounts of information could therefore be manipulated with a relatively small number of qubits.
"We could map the whole Universe — all of the information that has existed since the Big Bang — onto 300 qubits," Lloyd says.
Such quantum AI techniques could dramatically speed up tasks such as image recognition for comparing photos on the web or for enabling cars to drive themselves — fields in which companies such as Google have invested considerable resources. (One of Lloyd's collaborators, Masoud Mohseni, is in fact a Google researcher based in Venice, California.)
“It's really interesting to see that there are new ways to use quantum computers coming up, after focusing mostly on factoring and quantum searches,” says Stefanie Barz at the University of Vienna, who recently demonstrated quantum equation-solving in action. Her team used a simple quantum computer that had two qubits to work out a high-school-level math problem: a system consisting of two equations. Another group, led by Jian Pan at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, did the same using four qubits.
Putting quantum machine learning into practice will be more difficult. Lloyd estimates that a dozen qubits would be needed for a small-scale demonstration.
This story originally appeared in Nature News.
Edited from - Huffington Post dot com

[Thank you Doug, for sending this on. I'm pumped on quantum computer concepts. What will civilization be like in 20,000 years? So very cool to contemplate. I wonder what Ship thinks?]
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            Let's work that into Pouch 20, boy, when you get around to it. Post. - Amorella

         Sometimes you make me nervous making a comment like this. (1805)

         Post anyway.

         2211 hours. We watched last night's Masterpiece Theatre's "Endeavor" with Morse as a young detective and then "Unforgettable" finally back on the air after more than a year off. We had lunch leftovers for supper during the news. I received another note from Doug reminding me of Schrodinger's cat. I had made a reference to it but couldn't remember the man's name. I know I have mentioned him several times before. Doug's comment is:

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". . . Yes it is still a difficult concept for me to understand. How one object can be in two places at the same time and how a computer register can both be 1 and zero at the same time, the cat is both dead and alive."

From Doug's note today.

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Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.

From: Wikipedia - Schrödinger's cat
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         2222 hours. What if the quantum superposition never ends? What if that is the way it is for the soul? I wonder if Ship can work that into Pouch 20?

         That will be something for you to mull over before you go to sleep, orndorff. As long as Ship uses several of these points as analogous suppositions or working hypotheses within the greater framework of inductive logic it may be entertaining to consider. - Amorella

         I think I may be mistranslating you tonight Amorella. I'm waiting until morning to mull this over. I'm tired and it's time for bed.

         Tomorrow then, post. - Amorella

         2235 hours. It is hard to hold these abstractions in my head, Amorella. I need to solidify them for enough self-understanding so they might be put to use for machinery built or made 20,000 years from now. Presently I don't feel very credible.

         Very credible, then you must feel somewhat credible to accept such a presentation in Pouch 20. - Amorella

         I have no idea.

         Now, this statement coming from you has some dark humor embedded. Good night, orndorff. - Amorella

         I am not sure I understand what you are saying here. I don't see the humor.

         Of course not. - Amorella

28 July 2013

Notes - Grandma's Story 20 completed / Whatever works

         Close to noon local time. Beautiful morning, small puffy clouds interspersed with blue. You walked in the park and actually took a path on top for a ways. More walking is good. The left knee hurts but not enough to have taken a pain pill. Presently you are at McD's on Kings Mill Road with lots of cars shuffling people from one place to another. The movement reminds you of ants at work. Back in the fifth and sixth grades you used to wonder how it was with ants and envisioned coming across a rather large anthill with three ants crucified on little crosses. This, of course, led to lots of speculation in your elementary and then junior high school mind. Carol just commented, talking about Steve Berry's book, The Columbus Affair, published in 2012, and how it has taken her to page 158, Chapter Twenty-five, to really get into the fun details of the story of "just who was Christopher Columbus?". The nearby Harley Davidson store is having a motorcycle rally today with lots of food and music, you can hear the live band from your car about a quarter mile away. This is a good time to work on Grandma 20, as it appears Carol wants to finish this particular chapter. - Amorella

         Late afternoon. You had a Subway picnic in the shade of your front porch, then, finally painted the four deck chairs to go with the table you painted more than a month ago.

         1644 hours. I completed Grandma's Story 20 moments ago and am pleased with it at the moment. I'm sure it needs a correction or two. I had a good time working the words down.

         Add and post, orndorff. Later, dude. - Amorella

Grandma’s Story 20 ©2013, rho, draft for GMG.vol.1

Fifteen years have gone by and Grandma knows Criteria and Renaldo never married nor consummated their relationship. They have become partners, story gatherers of human truths. In their travels, Criteria has taken Renaldo to Rome, Athens, Jerusalem and Cairo.

Criteria feels almost all narratives are derived from one original story, just as she senses all people are descendants of Adam and Eve. Renaldo thinks the accounts are spawned by your spiritual nature. He doesn’t agree with Criteria that a Master First Story existed. He parallels his thinking with Pythagoras who noted some numbers are special and thus held sacred and that, likewise, some stories are sacred. The two continually discuss these issues but never argue them; secretly fearing of offending the other to the point it would destroy their extended soul-felt friendship.

The two, on horseback, are on the road from Rome to the Abbey of Saint Maurice and from the abbey they were to head north to Notre Dame du Clarier, the Cathedral of Sion in Valais.

"The Bishops of Sion and of the Abbey of Saint Maurice are rumored of creating a speculation," said Criteria amusingly, “I wonder what this is about?”

“A sin, no doubt,” mirrored Renaldo's chuckle. “If there is a good story, a sin is involved.” He had been assessing the founding his own story about their surviving the previous night's unusual tornado, but he couldn't conjure a sin to carry the wind of it.

            Reading his face Criteria declared, “In last night's cyclonic tempest, God have taken our bodies and souls.”

            Renaldo responded, “I thought that. Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato made allowances for the soul's survival -- a method by which the soul may travel from one body to another.”

            Criteria joked, “Metatempsycosis, modernized ideas from the Gnostics but not Rome.”

            Renaldo abruptly noted, “The Church says the body is resurrected, that the body is not separate from the soul.”

            “Pythagoras said the body was divided from the soul and that the soul could transmigrate from one body to another." A pause then, “I like Pythagoras because he sometimes taught to an all woman audience, that one of the philosophical monastic orders was all women and they held their property in common.”

            “We hold our property in common too, Criteria,” added Renaldo in laughter. “We are a monastic order of two.”

            “We are,” she said and snuggled in close. She added affectionately, “We are one in our hearts.”

            Renaldo warmly kissed her forehead, adding, "and our souls." They quickly fell asleep in each other’s arms.

            Criteria stirred at dawn, “Renaldo, are you awake?”

            “I was thinking about the soul and perhaps it is possible that an angel would hold of them if we both had died," said an obviously awake Renaldo.

            Criteria sat up in interest. “How, pray tell, did you come to that conclusion?”

            Smiling contentedly he said, “Because an angel holds each of us in his hand?”

            After bread and fresh water they climbed on the horses and continued north on the road from Rome to St. Maurice.

            That evening after a meal of stewed goat meat and onions at the White Cross Inn the Frank, Comets del Acqs III, interrupted them.

            His coat of arms clearly visible from a chain, he asks, “Good pilgrims, do you mind if I sit?”

            Both stood in politeness, “Kind Lord, of course not, replied Renaldo. “We heard you were staying at the inn. It is an honor to meet you, sire.”

            “You are a legend, sire,” professed Criteria, “as were your great, great grandfather and great, great grandmother, King Pharamond and Queen Argotta.

            Comets del Acqs eyed her carefully and commented, “I think you are a princess in disguise.”

            Criteria set a standard aristocratic smile, saying in Greek, “I am but a simple pilgrim, kind sir.”

            “And a scholarly one who knows her native language,” he replied. “I know your father and one of your brothers.”

            Renaldo gently interrupted, “Kind Lord, do you have a story for our scribing? I am sure Rome would enjoy the story from an illustrious a Lord as yourself.”

            He sat amused. Criteria and Renaldo sat. “I have a story. My grandfather had a daughter, Viviane of Avallon del Acqs. My great, great aunt married Prince Taliesin, the Arch Druid.”

            “Blasphemy in Rome, sire,” responded Renaldo while assessing the titled name, Viviane.

            Comet replied bluntly, “But not with the Franks, pilgrim. This is not Rome.”

            Criteria touched Comets del Acqs sleeve. “Indeed, Sir, it is not."

            “You are your father’s daughter, that I can see and I note that Pythagoras rests on the extra chair.

            “Plato and Aristotle too,” added Renaldo.

            Criteria quickly remarked, “Renaldo is right, Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras -- our two Greek columns and a pyramid,” and thankfully observed Comet del Acqs boisterous grin.

 795 words

         1739 hours. As if directed within I popped open Pouch Text 20 in Braided Dreams and at its conclusion a commentary with Soki about soul-shades. What is this coincidence?

         Perhaps, but drop it in here and we can see if anything can be done with it. - Amorella

         Should I have been going through all of Soki's comments in Pouch Text? Some may be useful.

         One never knows these things. - Amorella

         But you are doing the writing; the first book is completed in my head. I assume all three are completed.

         The end needs no justification by the means. The end is what it is. You may glean some insight by developing a Soki folder. I do not know. We began focusing on the soul fairly recently. This is not those books. You can read them at your leisure if you wish.   - Amorella

         I can find the information any time, now I'll stick with the Soki in twenty.

         Drop in the piece, orndorff. - Amorella

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Soki here. People need to keep their bearings like Karlina [a human character in Braided Dreams], no doubt about it. I found Solfire, who is an old Soulshade. Solfire likes being referenced as a she. We have been discussing the subtle differences between the Living and the Dead. As a Soulshade, when she is protecting a female heart, she usually takes the aspects of a male. When she enters a male heart, she takes the aspects of a female. She tells me that sometimes she keeps herself as the sex assigned because the heart is more comfortable. Solfire thinks sex is more for comfort an orientation in the metaphysical realms.

         ‘People sometimes think I am an Angel,’ whispered Solfire, ‘but I am not. I am not constructed to judge people either. I am a being who protects hearts. I carry the heart, the kernel of who a person actually was and is, beyond the physical realms. My duty is to listen and protect hearts, marsupial or human, it makes no difference.

         Other Soulshades and I have been around since before Eve. You would not believe the many hearts I have held, and the unbelievably true stories I have witnessed. The stories the Dead carry are the only ones that make it safely to the other side. The rest of life is, as it were, a busy silence as far as a human heart is concerned. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, people forget the best of their deepest emotions and wishes and loves. Sometimes, people need to remember the worst of their lives too, to keep a balanced perspective. How else can a heart justly defend herorhis actions? Other Soulshades and I keep records. When the heart touches the soul, or visa-versa, a recording is created. Thus, the individual who does forget in life has a chance to remember life as it was relative to herorhis time and place in the physical universe. It is reasonable to be protective.

From: Braided Dreams, Pouch Text, conclusion of Chapter 20

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         You have read over this material and assume it relates more to the heart than to the soul even though the 'Being" in this case appears to be cast from the soul's light as a shade.

         I didn't know the soul creates a light that would cast a shade. You mean a shade as a shadow in context? Otherwise I would think of the word 'shade' as . . .

         A lampshade? - Amorella

         No, as a ghost.

         A soul-shade is as a ghost of a soul? - Amorella

         I don't know. "Lampshade" confused me.

         I was attempting to be helpful. - Amorella

         Oh. Doug's recently sent article comes to mind (1821) -- (2123) based on the following article he sent.

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Neutron Star Physics Governed By Trio Of Related Properties, Scientists Show
Space.com  |  By Clara Moskowitz
Posted: 07/26/2013 8:37 am EDT

Scientists have uncovered a new key to understanding the strange workings of neutron stars — objects so dense they pack the mass of multiple suns into a space smaller than a city.

It turns out there is a universal relationship linking a trio of properties related to how fast the star spins and how easily its shape deforms. This relationship could help astronomers understand the physics inside neutron stars' cores, and distinguish these stars from their even weirder cousins, quark stars.

Neutron stars are born when massive stars run out of ftuel for nuclear fusion and collapse. They expel their outer layers, and their cores fall inward under the pull of gravity to become denser and denser. Eventually, the pressure is so great that even atoms cannot retain their structure, and they collapse. Protons and electrons essentially melt into each other, producing neutrons as well as lightweight particles called neutrinos. The end result is a star whose mass is 90percent neutrons.

Quark stars are bizarre theorized objects that are even denser than neutron stars, where even neutrons can't survive and they melt down into their constituent quarks.
"Quark stars haven't been observed," said Nicolas Yunes, a physicist at Montana State University who co-authored the new study with his Montana State colleague Kent Yagi. Their paper was published online today (July 25) in the journal Science.

Part of the problem is that scientists can't definitively tell the difference between neutron stars and quark stars from current observations, so some of the known neutron stars might actually be quark stars. However, the new relationship found by Yagi and Yunes could help distinguish the two super-dense bodies.

The researchers discovered that for all neutron stars there is a relationship between three quantities: a star's moment of inertia, which defines how quickly it can spin, and its Love number and quadrupole moment, which reflect how easily the star's shape deforms. The newfound relationship means that if one of these quantities can be measured, the others can be deduced.

Though scientists previously understood that these properties were connected, they didn't realize that such a standard relationship held true. It turns out to be similar to a relationship known for black holes, which are even denser than neutron and quark stars.
"For black holes there is a well-known definite relation, but that made sense because black holes don't have internal structure," Yunes told SPACE.com. "We all expected that that wouldn't be true once you have objects that do have structure."

Understanding this relationship for neutron stars could also help scientists study general relativity and the laws of physics in a strong gravitational field.

"Since a neutron star is very compact, it offers us a nice test-bed to probe gravitational theory in the strong-field regime," Yagi told SPACE.com via email. Previously, uncertainties about the internal structure of neutron stars prevented researchers from carrying out such tests, he added.

"However, since our universal relations do not depend on the neutron star internal structure, one can perform general relativity tests without being affected by the ignorance of the internal structure," Yagi said.

From: huffington post.com/2013/07/26/neutron-star  +
[my underlining above]
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What came to mind as I was reading is this:


The researchers discovered that for all neutron stars   
there is a relationship between three quantities:
a star's moment of inertia, (which defines how quickly it can spin),
and its Love number
and quadrupole moment,
which reflect how easily the star's shape deforms.
The newfound relationship means that
if one of these quantities can be measured,
the others can be deduced.
if I can come up the relationship among three quantities of the soul then if one quality (rather than quantity) can be measured the others can be deduced. Now, what are three qualities?  

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quantity - noun

1 the quantity of food collected: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume, bulk; quantum, proportion, portion, part.
2 a quantity of ammunition: amount, lot, great deal, good deal, abundance, wealth, profusion; informal pile, ton, load, heap, mass, stack.
quality - noun

1 the TV signal is of a poor quality | the quality of life: standard, grade, class, caliber, condition, character, nature, form, rank, value, level; sort, type, kind, variety.

2 work of such quality is rare: excellence, superiority, merit, worth, value, virtue, caliber, eminence, distinction, incomparability; talent, skill, virtuosity, craftsmanship.

3 her good qualities: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, property.

From: Oxford-English Dictionary - Mac Software

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         2146 hours. I don't know if I can do anything with this but if something can be used to make a fiction appear more plausible this is fine with me.

         The above shows how you have come to 'conjure' something, so to speak, for the good of the fiction and more importantly here, for the good balance you feel your mind needs to pull this off. The mind, in this case, is to observe the soul without the interference of the heart in this 'pseudo-study'. Is this the case? - Amorella

         What I am thinking is that Ship can come up with this for those on board but also secretly for himself to better understand marsupial humanoid and Homo sapiens' behavior. (2154)

         Tomorrow is soon enough, boy. Your spirit is in a 'rush to learn even in a fiction' as it were. You are an amusing little fellow sometimes, boy. You become passionately excited over the simplest of concepts: heart, soul and mind. You consider each a reality. Perhaps your readers will come to think of them as real also. What do you think? - Amorella

         I make fiction real (to myself) because I have to make myself (real to me) when in the deepest of myself rests a fiction. I am legally real though, a member of the Homo sapiens species living on this planet. Part of me is missing though, through sensory malfunctions somewhere along the way. I have lived my whole conscious life with this and have survived. Amazing. Living consciously is really an amazing adventure.

         True to form. Post, orndorff. Sleep well. - Amorella

         2203 hours. Your words are embarrassing to me. You are no more real than I am, that's what I think. How could you be?

         Good night, orndorff. Don't wake up dead. - Amorella

         I like that better. Thank you.

         No problem. Whatever works. - Amorella