28 July 2013

Notes - Grandma's Story 20 completed / Whatever works

         Close to noon local time. Beautiful morning, small puffy clouds interspersed with blue. You walked in the park and actually took a path on top for a ways. More walking is good. The left knee hurts but not enough to have taken a pain pill. Presently you are at McD's on Kings Mill Road with lots of cars shuffling people from one place to another. The movement reminds you of ants at work. Back in the fifth and sixth grades you used to wonder how it was with ants and envisioned coming across a rather large anthill with three ants crucified on little crosses. This, of course, led to lots of speculation in your elementary and then junior high school mind. Carol just commented, talking about Steve Berry's book, The Columbus Affair, published in 2012, and how it has taken her to page 158, Chapter Twenty-five, to really get into the fun details of the story of "just who was Christopher Columbus?". The nearby Harley Davidson store is having a motorcycle rally today with lots of food and music, you can hear the live band from your car about a quarter mile away. This is a good time to work on Grandma 20, as it appears Carol wants to finish this particular chapter. - Amorella

         Late afternoon. You had a Subway picnic in the shade of your front porch, then, finally painted the four deck chairs to go with the table you painted more than a month ago.

         1644 hours. I completed Grandma's Story 20 moments ago and am pleased with it at the moment. I'm sure it needs a correction or two. I had a good time working the words down.

         Add and post, orndorff. Later, dude. - Amorella

Grandma’s Story 20 ©2013, rho, draft for GMG.vol.1

Fifteen years have gone by and Grandma knows Criteria and Renaldo never married nor consummated their relationship. They have become partners, story gatherers of human truths. In their travels, Criteria has taken Renaldo to Rome, Athens, Jerusalem and Cairo.

Criteria feels almost all narratives are derived from one original story, just as she senses all people are descendants of Adam and Eve. Renaldo thinks the accounts are spawned by your spiritual nature. He doesn’t agree with Criteria that a Master First Story existed. He parallels his thinking with Pythagoras who noted some numbers are special and thus held sacred and that, likewise, some stories are sacred. The two continually discuss these issues but never argue them; secretly fearing of offending the other to the point it would destroy their extended soul-felt friendship.

The two, on horseback, are on the road from Rome to the Abbey of Saint Maurice and from the abbey they were to head north to Notre Dame du Clarier, the Cathedral of Sion in Valais.

"The Bishops of Sion and of the Abbey of Saint Maurice are rumored of creating a speculation," said Criteria amusingly, “I wonder what this is about?”

“A sin, no doubt,” mirrored Renaldo's chuckle. “If there is a good story, a sin is involved.” He had been assessing the founding his own story about their surviving the previous night's unusual tornado, but he couldn't conjure a sin to carry the wind of it.

            Reading his face Criteria declared, “In last night's cyclonic tempest, God have taken our bodies and souls.”

            Renaldo responded, “I thought that. Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato made allowances for the soul's survival -- a method by which the soul may travel from one body to another.”

            Criteria joked, “Metatempsycosis, modernized ideas from the Gnostics but not Rome.”

            Renaldo abruptly noted, “The Church says the body is resurrected, that the body is not separate from the soul.”

            “Pythagoras said the body was divided from the soul and that the soul could transmigrate from one body to another." A pause then, “I like Pythagoras because he sometimes taught to an all woman audience, that one of the philosophical monastic orders was all women and they held their property in common.”

            “We hold our property in common too, Criteria,” added Renaldo in laughter. “We are a monastic order of two.”

            “We are,” she said and snuggled in close. She added affectionately, “We are one in our hearts.”

            Renaldo warmly kissed her forehead, adding, "and our souls." They quickly fell asleep in each other’s arms.

            Criteria stirred at dawn, “Renaldo, are you awake?”

            “I was thinking about the soul and perhaps it is possible that an angel would hold of them if we both had died," said an obviously awake Renaldo.

            Criteria sat up in interest. “How, pray tell, did you come to that conclusion?”

            Smiling contentedly he said, “Because an angel holds each of us in his hand?”

            After bread and fresh water they climbed on the horses and continued north on the road from Rome to St. Maurice.

            That evening after a meal of stewed goat meat and onions at the White Cross Inn the Frank, Comets del Acqs III, interrupted them.

            His coat of arms clearly visible from a chain, he asks, “Good pilgrims, do you mind if I sit?”

            Both stood in politeness, “Kind Lord, of course not, replied Renaldo. “We heard you were staying at the inn. It is an honor to meet you, sire.”

            “You are a legend, sire,” professed Criteria, “as were your great, great grandfather and great, great grandmother, King Pharamond and Queen Argotta.

            Comets del Acqs eyed her carefully and commented, “I think you are a princess in disguise.”

            Criteria set a standard aristocratic smile, saying in Greek, “I am but a simple pilgrim, kind sir.”

            “And a scholarly one who knows her native language,” he replied. “I know your father and one of your brothers.”

            Renaldo gently interrupted, “Kind Lord, do you have a story for our scribing? I am sure Rome would enjoy the story from an illustrious a Lord as yourself.”

            He sat amused. Criteria and Renaldo sat. “I have a story. My grandfather had a daughter, Viviane of Avallon del Acqs. My great, great aunt married Prince Taliesin, the Arch Druid.”

            “Blasphemy in Rome, sire,” responded Renaldo while assessing the titled name, Viviane.

            Comet replied bluntly, “But not with the Franks, pilgrim. This is not Rome.”

            Criteria touched Comets del Acqs sleeve. “Indeed, Sir, it is not."

            “You are your father’s daughter, that I can see and I note that Pythagoras rests on the extra chair.

            “Plato and Aristotle too,” added Renaldo.

            Criteria quickly remarked, “Renaldo is right, Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras -- our two Greek columns and a pyramid,” and thankfully observed Comet del Acqs boisterous grin.

 795 words

         1739 hours. As if directed within I popped open Pouch Text 20 in Braided Dreams and at its conclusion a commentary with Soki about soul-shades. What is this coincidence?

         Perhaps, but drop it in here and we can see if anything can be done with it. - Amorella

         Should I have been going through all of Soki's comments in Pouch Text? Some may be useful.

         One never knows these things. - Amorella

         But you are doing the writing; the first book is completed in my head. I assume all three are completed.

         The end needs no justification by the means. The end is what it is. You may glean some insight by developing a Soki folder. I do not know. We began focusing on the soul fairly recently. This is not those books. You can read them at your leisure if you wish.   - Amorella

         I can find the information any time, now I'll stick with the Soki in twenty.

         Drop in the piece, orndorff. - Amorella

** **
Soki here. People need to keep their bearings like Karlina [a human character in Braided Dreams], no doubt about it. I found Solfire, who is an old Soulshade. Solfire likes being referenced as a she. We have been discussing the subtle differences between the Living and the Dead. As a Soulshade, when she is protecting a female heart, she usually takes the aspects of a male. When she enters a male heart, she takes the aspects of a female. She tells me that sometimes she keeps herself as the sex assigned because the heart is more comfortable. Solfire thinks sex is more for comfort an orientation in the metaphysical realms.

         ‘People sometimes think I am an Angel,’ whispered Solfire, ‘but I am not. I am not constructed to judge people either. I am a being who protects hearts. I carry the heart, the kernel of who a person actually was and is, beyond the physical realms. My duty is to listen and protect hearts, marsupial or human, it makes no difference.

         Other Soulshades and I have been around since before Eve. You would not believe the many hearts I have held, and the unbelievably true stories I have witnessed. The stories the Dead carry are the only ones that make it safely to the other side. The rest of life is, as it were, a busy silence as far as a human heart is concerned. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, people forget the best of their deepest emotions and wishes and loves. Sometimes, people need to remember the worst of their lives too, to keep a balanced perspective. How else can a heart justly defend herorhis actions? Other Soulshades and I keep records. When the heart touches the soul, or visa-versa, a recording is created. Thus, the individual who does forget in life has a chance to remember life as it was relative to herorhis time and place in the physical universe. It is reasonable to be protective.

From: Braided Dreams, Pouch Text, conclusion of Chapter 20

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         You have read over this material and assume it relates more to the heart than to the soul even though the 'Being" in this case appears to be cast from the soul's light as a shade.

         I didn't know the soul creates a light that would cast a shade. You mean a shade as a shadow in context? Otherwise I would think of the word 'shade' as . . .

         A lampshade? - Amorella

         No, as a ghost.

         A soul-shade is as a ghost of a soul? - Amorella

         I don't know. "Lampshade" confused me.

         I was attempting to be helpful. - Amorella

         Oh. Doug's recently sent article comes to mind (1821) -- (2123) based on the following article he sent.

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Neutron Star Physics Governed By Trio Of Related Properties, Scientists Show
Space.com  |  By Clara Moskowitz
Posted: 07/26/2013 8:37 am EDT

Scientists have uncovered a new key to understanding the strange workings of neutron stars — objects so dense they pack the mass of multiple suns into a space smaller than a city.

It turns out there is a universal relationship linking a trio of properties related to how fast the star spins and how easily its shape deforms. This relationship could help astronomers understand the physics inside neutron stars' cores, and distinguish these stars from their even weirder cousins, quark stars.

Neutron stars are born when massive stars run out of ftuel for nuclear fusion and collapse. They expel their outer layers, and their cores fall inward under the pull of gravity to become denser and denser. Eventually, the pressure is so great that even atoms cannot retain their structure, and they collapse. Protons and electrons essentially melt into each other, producing neutrons as well as lightweight particles called neutrinos. The end result is a star whose mass is 90percent neutrons.

Quark stars are bizarre theorized objects that are even denser than neutron stars, where even neutrons can't survive and they melt down into their constituent quarks.
"Quark stars haven't been observed," said Nicolas Yunes, a physicist at Montana State University who co-authored the new study with his Montana State colleague Kent Yagi. Their paper was published online today (July 25) in the journal Science.

Part of the problem is that scientists can't definitively tell the difference between neutron stars and quark stars from current observations, so some of the known neutron stars might actually be quark stars. However, the new relationship found by Yagi and Yunes could help distinguish the two super-dense bodies.

The researchers discovered that for all neutron stars there is a relationship between three quantities: a star's moment of inertia, which defines how quickly it can spin, and its Love number and quadrupole moment, which reflect how easily the star's shape deforms. The newfound relationship means that if one of these quantities can be measured, the others can be deduced.

Though scientists previously understood that these properties were connected, they didn't realize that such a standard relationship held true. It turns out to be similar to a relationship known for black holes, which are even denser than neutron and quark stars.
"For black holes there is a well-known definite relation, but that made sense because black holes don't have internal structure," Yunes told SPACE.com. "We all expected that that wouldn't be true once you have objects that do have structure."

Understanding this relationship for neutron stars could also help scientists study general relativity and the laws of physics in a strong gravitational field.

"Since a neutron star is very compact, it offers us a nice test-bed to probe gravitational theory in the strong-field regime," Yagi told SPACE.com via email. Previously, uncertainties about the internal structure of neutron stars prevented researchers from carrying out such tests, he added.

"However, since our universal relations do not depend on the neutron star internal structure, one can perform general relativity tests without being affected by the ignorance of the internal structure," Yagi said.

From: huffington post.com/2013/07/26/neutron-star  +
[my underlining above]
** **

What came to mind as I was reading is this:


The researchers discovered that for all neutron stars   
there is a relationship between three quantities:
a star's moment of inertia, (which defines how quickly it can spin),
and its Love number
and quadrupole moment,
which reflect how easily the star's shape deforms.
The newfound relationship means that
if one of these quantities can be measured,
the others can be deduced.
if I can come up the relationship among three quantities of the soul then if one quality (rather than quantity) can be measured the others can be deduced. Now, what are three qualities?  

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quantity - noun

1 the quantity of food collected: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume, bulk; quantum, proportion, portion, part.
2 a quantity of ammunition: amount, lot, great deal, good deal, abundance, wealth, profusion; informal pile, ton, load, heap, mass, stack.
quality - noun

1 the TV signal is of a poor quality | the quality of life: standard, grade, class, caliber, condition, character, nature, form, rank, value, level; sort, type, kind, variety.

2 work of such quality is rare: excellence, superiority, merit, worth, value, virtue, caliber, eminence, distinction, incomparability; talent, skill, virtuosity, craftsmanship.

3 her good qualities: feature, trait, attribute, characteristic, point, aspect, facet, side, property.

From: Oxford-English Dictionary - Mac Software

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         2146 hours. I don't know if I can do anything with this but if something can be used to make a fiction appear more plausible this is fine with me.

         The above shows how you have come to 'conjure' something, so to speak, for the good of the fiction and more importantly here, for the good balance you feel your mind needs to pull this off. The mind, in this case, is to observe the soul without the interference of the heart in this 'pseudo-study'. Is this the case? - Amorella

         What I am thinking is that Ship can come up with this for those on board but also secretly for himself to better understand marsupial humanoid and Homo sapiens' behavior. (2154)

         Tomorrow is soon enough, boy. Your spirit is in a 'rush to learn even in a fiction' as it were. You are an amusing little fellow sometimes, boy. You become passionately excited over the simplest of concepts: heart, soul and mind. You consider each a reality. Perhaps your readers will come to think of them as real also. What do you think? - Amorella

         I make fiction real (to myself) because I have to make myself (real to me) when in the deepest of myself rests a fiction. I am legally real though, a member of the Homo sapiens species living on this planet. Part of me is missing though, through sensory malfunctions somewhere along the way. I have lived my whole conscious life with this and have survived. Amazing. Living consciously is really an amazing adventure.

         True to form. Post, orndorff. Sleep well. - Amorella

         2203 hours. Your words are embarrassing to me. You are no more real than I am, that's what I think. How could you be?

         Good night, orndorff. Don't wake up dead. - Amorella

         I like that better. Thank you.

         No problem. Whatever works. - Amorella

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