26 August 2013

Notes - how to build a thoughtful story? / more considerations

         You are at the China City Buffet waiting for Bud C. and Rich G. You are thinking on the Tesla S and wondering how it got its name after seeing a You-Tube video on its manufacturing this morning (sent to you by Sharon and Bill C.). The last time you were in an auto plant it was is Michigan with Tod S. your brother in law (since retired) who was a chemical engineer at the plant in the 1990's and earlier.

         Later afternoon. You had a good lunch with Rich and Bud, lots of discussion, grandkids, etc. You basically lived next door to both, as Kim and Jessie and Mandy were toddler age up into junior high school. Both are professional software/hardware electrical engineers. Once home you and Carol chatted for an hour or so while she was washing and drying clothes. Presently you are at McD's on Tylersville Road near the I-75 interchange. Carol is reading, page 191 of Brown's Low Pressure.

         You haven't thought much about the last segment, Pouch 21 and although you are interested it is not so much so as the first three last segments. Why is that, orndorff? - Amorella

         I don't know. One would think I would be keyed up about finishing the book, but it is a revision and I am not so in to publishing and all that. Most of the fun is in the writing. Plus, although I enjoy cleaning up the chapters into final draft status, especially for Owen and Brennan; it is not the same as being a first reader. I will have to adjust my head to it. I probably should be thinking about final draft criteria and objectives so I keep a consistency in tone and style throughout. Personally, the book would probably be more easily read as four separate novelettes but then how would readers see the connections? Part of the fun is working the connections in your head as you are reading, at least it is to me. This way there are so many more dimensions to the story -- a kind of logo block construction in the mind is created.

Maybe if the segments were of particular colors, like blue for the Dead; yellow for the Brothers; red for Grandma and orange for Pouch. And, shapes; each could be a mix of four shapes but not always the same, maybe three shapes like heart and soul and mind -- triggers to thought building. Doug and I have been talking about how a deaf person learns to think -- most say they think by signing, they dream in signs. Maybe there is another 'language' of sort that can show the reason or intent of the segment.

Maybe I can exploit this as a communication form so others can better follow the patterns and colors and come to their own conclusions about these books, one book at a time. I will have to read up on how the mind thinks. Grammar has to be the key with vocabulary and tone, setting, character etc. -- what are those short story characteristics? Each segment is as a short story. Random thinking here, but it might make the story easier to communicate. Maybe like the construction of a model railroad - tracks to junctions etc. -- a visual guide of some sort to allow the reader to check which roads lead to the twilight zone - that kind of thing. Okay, I'm done. (1652)

         You are moving into the hinterlands, orndorff. You are looking for a simple mapping device in which to register concrete and abstract thinking, physical and metaphysical thinking. The problem is that each heart and soul and mind can be in any kind of thinking; plus, the point is that the heartansoulanmind are much more efficient working together whether in the physical or metaphysical (spiritual) world. Carol is ready to go. Later, dude. - Amorella

         You are home. Carol is feeding the cats. You are suddenly thinking you had silly thoughts but fortunately you wrote them down so you can better see what you are attempting to say. - Amorella

         1721 hours. I am not looking for 'ten ways to see a thought' nor am I looking for some sort of spiritual road; how many spiritual roads do people need anyway? I guess I am looking for a way to build a thoughtful conditional of existential value. - rho

         This is better, more focused but not parallel tracked. For instance, I am one track and you are another. The grammar engine must run on both tracks. This is a simple concept. - Amorella

         I agree, and parallel track concept we both understand without the need of words. Maybe this is the only base we need in the story line.

         We can build on this. Post. - Amorella

         2124 hours. Carol and I just finished watching Masterpiece Theatre's first episode of "Silk" whose setting is in a law court in England. A point made was that the lawyer wants to lead the jury to a particular conclusion and to do this in such a way that the juries think they came to the conclusion themselves. My point here is that I do not want to set up the books so that the reader comes to a particular conclusion. I want the reader to search for herorhis own conclusion as the meaning of the books. I have purpose in writing them in that it is necessary for me to get the words out of my heartansoulanmind before I leave this world. Every word that I put down allows me to feel freer inside. I don't need any other purpose, but for the reader's sake I want herorhim to gain a greater mental dimension of what reality may be. I want herorhim to think and draw herorhis own conclusion about how reality is represented by our humanity and how it is represented without our humanity. We make the difference, not the world; otherwise we might as well be stone. (2134)

         More thoughts, more considerations. Put this on hold for now. We'll come back to it after we complete Pouch 21. Post. - Amorella

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