08 May 2014

Notes - a good day

         Shortly before noon and you are at Bob Evans in Westerville waiting for Fritz after dropping Carol off at Kim’s and saying hello. – Fritz showed up early. He had a salad and you had an omelet. Kim and Carol are at Polaris but they will meet you at Alum Creek Park. – Amorella
         1325 hours. The park stirs lots of childhood and right through college memories, mostly good ones. I suppose we stop up and see Cathy and Tod. While working for the city I cleaned toilets down here sometimes and spruced up the park in the mornings. First memories though of standing in front of the crowd and watched Uncle Ernie and his brothers play on a softball team. Uncle Ernie had a very fast and controlled pitch. I was four and five years old during those times. Everyone came to watch the Ernsberger boys play. Uncle Ernie is the last one. We had sports, fireworks, games, picnics and reunions at the park and shelter house. Pre-school activities were at the log cabin. (1339)

         You are thinking about working on chapter sixteen since you brought it along but now is not the time, boy. You did stop at a central crossroad (by the large pine for shade) fifteen to twenty yards north of the mausoleum entrance to Otterbein Cemetery. You like the fact that part of you will be buried there and that the whole of you can, presently, drive off the grounds. You wonder if there is any more to add to this next chapter. You wanted to tell Fritz about the Thunder myth but the opportunity did not avail itself. Besides, you like to hear Fritz do the talking mostly because you have always liked listening reasonable voice and his personably colorful laugh. The cadence is clear and thoughtful as it has always been, at least since high school. He is considering retirement, which you think he should have done a year ago. Fritz likes to talk on various levels (as always), at least with you. His father Fredrick James Milligan, Sr. retired from law when he was seventy. Fritz thought about it but did not. - Amorella

         Getting on time for bed. You are home and for the whole trip, some 280 miles you average 40.1 miles per gallon. You and Carol are both quite pleased.

         You met with Carol and Kim at Graeter’s where Carol had ice cream and Kim and I had gelato. After dropping Carol off at Mary Lou’s you stopped in and had a chat with Cathy and Tod until time for dinner. Fewer people this time because the picnic is a week from Sunday. You are to bring four-dozen chocolate chip cookies and be there by eleven. You and Carol were half way home before it was completely dark. It has been a good day. Time to relax and get some sleep. Post. - Amorella

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