31 January 2015

Notes - Kim and the boys /

         Owen had trouble with a lot of coughing last night so everyone was up but Brennan. Carol has an appointment with the doctor Monday because a possible pulled or torn ligament in her left leg. Kim brought treats from a Powell bakery for a breakfast surprise – pumpkin bread and cinnamon rolls. The sky is clear and cold (heavy frost). Tomorrow night the forecast is for three to five inches of snow. Delaware is supposed to have four to six inches. Kim may leave early tomorrow instead of waiting for the snow and the roads to be cleared. You forget how it is to have young children in the house. Little but important wants and needs must be satisfied. – Amorella

         0843 hours. The women do a better job. Maybe I can get a short nap in before we do whatever it is we are going to do.

         You had lunch at a pizzeria; drove to Lebanon to see the train but a red caboose was the only piece at the station. They were excited anyway. Kim and the boys walked about a quarter mile of railroad tracks and climbed onto the caboose but the interior quarters were locked. On the way back you stopped at the park and fed the ducks and geese a loaf of wheat bread. Brennan got nipped when a goose tried to take a piece away from him. He was a little frightened by the incident but got over it after there was no more bread and the hoards of feathers quickly disappeared. On the way from the birds they stopped and played on the playground equipment. They had the place to themselves. Once home it was naptime and you, Carol and Kim had some quiet conversations. Once naptime was over you were off to the chili parlor for supper. They headed home afterwards concerned with the weather tomorrow and possibly Monday also. Kim starts work at Kenyon on Wednesday. - Amorella

         1942 hours. I cannot remember the name of the pizza place (next to Graeter’s off Cox Road or where we had chili (but it was not Gold Star but at the corner of Western Row and Rt. 42). This is the way it is sometimes. Carol’s working at her desk downstairs; I am ready for bed. The boys are fun but exhausting. We had a good day. I’m glad they at least stayed over one night. The weather, it turns out, is heading north so the snow won’t be so bad. Columbus may get one to three inches. Kim and the boys have colds, so it is just was well they left to wake up in their own beds. Speaking of such, if one or both are sick on Wednesday or Friday, we are on call to come up and babysit. Just like old times, but I think we can handle it.

         Relax, orndorff. Post. - Amorella

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