28 March 2015

Notes - a Saturday morning /

         Morning. You were up early as is Carol. Breakfast eaten and the Saturday paper read. You have been listening to Canon in D, Piano Opus played by Brian Crain. The bed is made with a top cover no less. Carol is in the kitchen and you are up in the bedroom readying your mind for your exercises. Ah, the music will change tempo to the popular eighties. Later, boy, you have errands to do. - Amorella

         Later, morning. You had your bath and pulled and packed the towels and sheets off the flowers for protection from the cold. You also tidied up the yard for Kim and the boys. Carol is taking a well-deserved nap. – Amorella

         1109 hours. She has been doing clothes and such since early. The house is fine, particularly for family. Spooky is on top of Jadah’s old cage looking out the living room window and Jadah is curled up within it. The front is just to the left of the register and they both like the heat. The calm before the little ones arrive. The cats will be up under the bed after they arrive. The deck crew has to secure the new boards to the three benches and to refit the gate plus a few trimming pieces on Monday, then they’ll be done. Next we’ll tackle the master bath. The west wall is ten and a half feet in length. We will have to buy a shower and a corner tub with jets and have them installed. Also, we need a new regular tub for the other bath. We will have to buy new fixtures for both bathrooms as well as granite sink tops and sinks for both. New cabinets? New lights? And, we have to order new flooring for the master bath. Granite and sink are for the downstairs toilet along with new bath lighting. That should do it though we have to have the interior of the house repainted and touched up where needed. And, a chair we’ll need to get a chair for the stairs. Major projects all in all but much, much cheaper than moving and buying new. We will stay here (comfortably) as long as possible, that’s our nearer the end of life plan.

         Your mind has the plan set knowing the best laid plans for mice and men are like to go awry. – Amorella

         1131 hours. I don’t know if that paragraph goes in here. I was sitting thinking things out and my fingers are on the keyboard doing what they do but such things are not relevant to writing the great American novel as they say, or any other novel for that matter. I don’t even know what the great American novel is supposed to be. Besides, it’s already been written.

         You are referring to Moby Dick. – Amorella

         1134 hours. Who is going to top that? No one, as far as I am concerned.

         You added your initials then deleted them. – Amorella

         1137 hours. Adding them would be arrogant with a touch of pride that it is by an American author. Everyone has her or his opinions.

         Post. – Amorella

         1139 hours. Sometimes English grammar is a pain in the butt. 

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