25 June 2015

Notes - a spooky start / attitude

         Six months to Christmas, boy. Doesn’t that sound better than, ‘Winter’s coming’? – Amorella

         0942 hours. You make it sound like Grandma has a change of heart. – I waited for your comment but none is forthcoming. This is a bit spooky. Still nothing. I’ll put this posting away for now as it is starting to have an Ouija board feel to it.

         Late afternoon. You had a busy morning cleaning up your closet in Kim’s old room while Carol got her hair done. You called Eclipse Window Tinting of Cincinnati and told them you would be down to have them look at the car. This worked because Carol had bank work to be done in Reading. Within two miles is Eclipse. Once at the tinting place Bill helped you pick out a tint that would look good for the front window as well as the sides and back then said he could do it today. You had to rush home and pick up the other car to drop it off, which you did. The car should be done in an hour or so and you can pick it up before seven. You are both excited that this worked better than you thought as you assumed it would be sometime next week during or after the surgery. You ended up with their best product just as you did before – a little over five hundred for the package. The focus was ridding the car interior of ultraviolet skin damaging rays, which this product will do. Also, the car interior will not be so hot leaving it in the bright summer light. This is something your already notice with the Avalon. Two years later and the product costs the same but it is a better grade of tinting product. You are happy this is being done. Carol is happy the Accord is actually driving like her old 2003 Accord, which she loved very much. – Amorella

         1729 hours. This is a surprise. Whatever Honda did yesterday, the car is in much better shape. It drives much smoother, much more like the 2003 and Carol is really pumped. I think the ’03 was her favorite car so it is fitting that the ’05 at ten years of age is running much like her ’03. For one thing, the car is running better than it ever did. The ’03 was always the better car and no one could figure out why. Both were six cylinder EXL models. I am glad this is working out for Carol and I’m fine with not buying another new car at the present time.

         For a spooky start the day hasn’t been half bad, boy. – Amorella

         1735 hours. The rains stopped about noon and the sun has been out most of the rest of the day. Tim came over and talked about mowing the yard this weekend, but the big thing is that his eyesight has returned to normal. I still have not fully recovered from last week’s mowing. I think I’ll have him mow the rest of the summer, which he said he would do if I liked. We pay him just as we would pay anyone else so it works out well for both of us.

         Post. - Amorella 

         2250 hours. We picked up the car at 1930 hours, drove home then to a quick supper at Panera. Carol had a salad and I had a bowl of soup. We are happy with the car. What is amazing is that when you look in the front window it appears slightly darker than the Avalon but when you look out it is clearer than it is looking out the Avalon, not a lot but we can discern the difference. Outside, the tinting gives the Accord a bit of attitude one would not expect. On the larger Avalon the tinting is less dominating, not by much, but enough to make it look classier. Tinting is very subtle. I played with Jadah who is waiting patiently for me to take her onto my lap. Carol is downstairs watching the news. Tomorrow is another busy day.

         Post. - Amorella    

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