22 October 2015

Notes - seemingly a busy day /

         Mid-morning. The house is ‘cleaned up’ for Jill the cleaning lady. Carol is at breakfast with her friends, you are relaxing. – Amorella

         Shortly after noon local time. You are sitting at McD’s near Kings Island watching the cars go by after your walk at Pine Hill Lakes Park. Carol is reading the morning paper and you both cold dollar drinks. - Amorella

         1224 hours. If I had been thinking I would have brought McD coupons and we could have had two breakfast egg macmuffins for lunch.

         You have developed a full-fledged cold. Very exciting. – Amorella

         1231 hours. I have worked on this for a couple of weeks. Glad it’s finally here, perhaps it will be gone by the time we head to Florida.

         That’s only five days, boy. – Amorella

         1232 hours. Okay, maybe it will be gone by the time we return. I’m ready for a nap.

         Later. You drove to Potbelly’s on Mason-Montgomery for a take out regular chicken salad on wheat and a barbeque chip drove to the nearby McD’s for a shaded spot to eat, then a stop at Graeter’s on Mason-Montgomery before a return to the park for reading at the far north lot. While you were both stretching your legs from too much sitting you noticed the iPhone has Kim, Paul and the boys heading north on the Turnpike from Orlando to I-75 north. You called to confirm. Kim said she was going to call once they were on I-75. They left a night early having seen everything at least once. Their money was refunded and the saw Epcot this morning; leaving at two this afternoon. They want to get to Calhoun, Georgia tonight (north of Atlanta) and are stopping by tomorrow for supper out and an overnight, leaving in the morning for home. – Amorella

         1532 hours. We have been home for about forty minutes. The house is clean, so good timing on their arrival. Carol is checking out the bedrooms for sheets, etc. We are excited they are stopping tomorrow evening; always good to see them. I’m sure they’re tired but getting through Atlanta about ten tonight is the way to go and they’ll be through Cincinnati about four, before rush hour.

         Bedtime. You had a well-needed nap this afternoon. You both had left over Papa John’s pizza for supper and watched NBC News and “Limitless” and another you forget. About an hour ago you came up to work on a new app called “Disk Aid” and what it does is allow you to easily delete duplicate disks. In less than thirty minutes you deleted over one thousand files of duplicate material. You are amazed by the technology. – Amorella

         2254 hours. I cannot imagine how many man-hours this app saved me. Tomorrow I am going to buy a new external hard drive as the one I have is about a decade old and I will keep it as a backup for all earlier material. I presently have about 6400 files on my computer. I’m sure there are more duplicates but enough deletions for tonight. 

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