29 December 2015

Notes - the player and the Piper / freer spirit

         Dusk. You had a thunder of aches and pains, particularly in your hips and legs until late morning. You did do your forty minutes of exercises and your Fitbit has the stats – the cardio today is the same as it was yesterday. You had a late lunch at Penn Station then you drove to Best Buy to spend ninety of the hundred dollars Carol gave you for Christmas on the 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Super Wi-Fi, the Sony, Model BDS5500. – Amorella

         1720 hours. I had the BDS5200, it was the cheapest Blu-Ray Sony DVD player at the time and was not 3D. Supposedly, according to Best Buy I saved fifty-five dollars on this purchase. I doubt I did but it was the same price as Amazon is selling it for, eighty-four something, plus tax of course. It’s a year or two newer model with more goodies, basically that’s what it comes down to. I am keeping the new Sony eight devices remote for the moment. Maybe I can make it work. The problem is the device remotes have specific keys that the new remote does not have. I’m not going to throw out the old remotes of course, but I need to think some more on what to do here. (This is such a minor thing to be spending time on; it is almost embarrassing.)

         Trying to be practical and save money is hardly embarrassing to you from what I, the Amorella, see in here. – Amorella

         1731 hours. It is embarrassing to display this in the blog which is public.

         Good. Post. – Amorella

         1732 hours. Why do you say this is good?

         Because to write consciously and honestly with my help, boy; you have to pay the Piper, if you will, and your present ‘embarrassment’ is a small but important part of the payment. - Amorella

         1818 hours. I wish I could come up with a better use of my writing honestly from heartansoulanmind, from closer to my human spirit than to the world we all have to survive and live in through our personal circumstances playing against or with the lesser and greater circumstances within the natural world at large.

         Why? – Amorella

         1823 hours. I would probably feel better, feeling that what I am doing is completely a selfish act. Understanding human nature, my own as well as the greater Homo sapiens appears selfish because of the focus I suppose.

         You are sharing your blog with the world. – Amorella

         1937 hours. You are right, that should be enough, huh?

         Look orndorff, if you were ‘directed’ to script the blog then what good is that? How do you script your human spirit? Scripting anything (in the blog) other than the books’ contents would be, even in your own mind/heart) dishonest, would it not? – Amorella

         1946 hours. It would be dishonest to me because such a structure opens the way to a psychological personal sense of power over the script.

         You want no power. That is your own resolution from the beginning of this back in the 1980’s. – Amorella

         1949 hours. I had not been thinking from this perspective. Of course, in context, you are correct. My feeling is that power corrupts.

         It may corrupt. I understand your point. This is where you are most comfortable – with no sense of power. – Amorella

         1952 hours. This allows me, my spirit, to feel freer.

         Without a doubt, it does. – Post. Amorella

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