31 July 2016

Notes - Our Mechanics, Our Souls / stage manager

       Carol is readying to walk. You suggested Cracker Barrel for lunch because you have a craving for fried chicken and CB’s is an excellent home-styled meal on Sunday. – Amorella

       1303 hours. One of my favorites, much like both of my grandmothers used to make – fried chicken, mash potatoes with gravy, cooked carrots or green beans and hot buttermilk biscuits.  

       You are waiting for Carol at the community center and are wondering how ‘soul’ is going to fit in with two machines. Here’s what we’ll do the entire segment will be communication between Onesixanzero and Ship with a bit of Elderfelder dropped in. – Amorella

       1331 hours. Wow. I really don’t know how to pull this off. It sounds interesting though. I like that it is taking metaphysics out of the realms of both humans and marsupial humanoids. I have never really thought about this before – metaphysics from machines’ perspectives with Elderfelder as their once marsupial-humanoid guide with humans left out of it entirely. I think Uncle Ernie might like the unusual nature of the concept. It’s a far cry from HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it is not too far from Ava in Ex Machina. We are way beyond the Turing test here. – I am interested in how to pull this off. Eight hundred words sound about right in terms of length. I wonder if I should set it up in script with the machinery being the director – something with the tone of Our Town – no, that’s not reasonable.

       Our Town is one of your favorites. How about a working title of Our Mechanics, Our Souls by Onesixanzero and Ship with a bit of Elderfelder in the script? – Amorella

       1349 hours. This blows me away, Amorella. Shoot, I’ll have to let them write it.

       On stage then, two machines and a dancing doll. Of course the setting is twenty thousand years from now and across the Galaxy. Ship has all his memory so humans can be in the margins so to speak, but these characters are marsupial through and through. – Amorella

       1356 hours. Here comes Carol.

       You ordered an excellent old fashion Sunday dinner at Cracker Barrel this afternoon. Carol had her usual trout with two veggies and biscuits. Relax, take a break, boy. You’re still amazed at the concept for Pouch Twelve. Later, dude. Post. - Amorella

       1559 hours. “Our Mechanics, Our Souls” – what a title. Two machines (talking heads?) and a dancing doll on the stage, what a setting.

       If you were Onesixanzero and Ship what would you choose to be like on a stage? Elderfelder is a dancing doll with no strings attached. – Amorella

       1606 hours. They would want to assimilate with the Living and the Dead. For convenience I would keep Ship as male but allow Onesixanzero to be female.

       No, for the marsupial humanoid’s sake both must remain male marsupial in orientation. The female marsupial is a facsimile of the babe, Elderfelder. – Amorella

       1611 hours. I’ll have to think on this. I have to get myself into their roles or rather I’ll have to discover what their roles are.

       Post. - Amorella

       2103 hours. I have summarized what we have so far with Merlyn as the Stage Manager.

** **

We’ll do the entire segment will be communication between Onesixanzero and Ship with a bit of Elderfelder dropped in. – Amorella

Metaphysics from machines’ perspectives with Elderfelder as their once marsupial-humanoid guide with humans left out of it entirely.

I should set it up in script with the machinery being the director – something with the tone of Our Town.

The working title will be “Our Mechanics, Our Souls” by Onesixanzero and Ship with a bit of Elderfelder in the script – Amorella

On stage: two machines and a dancing doll. Elderfelder is a dancing doll with no strings attached. Ship has all his memory so humans can be in the margins so to speak, but these characters are marsupial through and through. – Amorella

Onesixanzero and Ship are male marsupial in orientation. The female marsupial is a facsimile of the babe, Elderfelder. – Amorella

Merlyn is the Stage Manager.

** **

       Add and post. All for tonight, also make this the first part of tomorrow’s posting. - Amorella    

30 July 2016

Notes - where would humor be / soul in Pouch 11 /

       Mid-morning. You are thinking about the competition between Julius and Augustus Caesar – thirty-one days each on the calendar. No way Augustus was going to take one day less. – Amorella

       0944 hours. Strange way to begin consciousness but this is it. Otherwise, we started our day with breakfast and reading the morning paper. Carol mentioned that we needed to take Kim and Paul out for a birthday dinner as we missed doing so for Paul and we will be heading out West on Kim’s. Rich G. sent an email asking about lunch next week, so that will be on the agenda. It’s been awhile – always good to have lunch ‘with the boys’. Ha! Caesar could have had such a thought about breakfast that morning.

       Do you equate yourself with Julius Caesar? – Amorella

       0952 hours. You sound like my voice of conscience here Amorella. [Conscience: the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking. From H. L. Mencken – A Little Book in C Major] I like the quote better than the definition especially sense Amorella sneaks up as a voice of the conscience sometimes. Shoot, maybe that’s who she actually is (sometimes).

       Mencken has some truth to him in the above statement. You are surprised he does not have a comma after ‘voice’ something that Microsoft Word software almost always insists. – Amorella

       I like the irony in the grammar as much as in the Mencken’s statement. Ah, brevity is indeed the soul of wit.

** **

Brevity is the Soul of Wit The proverb 'brevity is the soul of wit' means that articulate and intelligent communication (speech and writing) should use few and wisely chosen words. It is associated with the play 'Hamlet,' by William Shakespeare.

In Shakespeare's day, 'wit' principally referred to intelligence, and the essence or soul of being intelligent is to convey your thoughts as briefly and efficiently as possible.

Selected from -- http://www.answersDOTcom/Q/What_does_%27brevity_is_the_soul_of_wit%27_mean

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       According to the above in Shakespeare’s day soul meant the ‘essence of being intelligent’. You know the quote verbatim but forgot the use of ‘soul’. – Amorella

       1014 hours. Sometimes I think it is coincidence, other times I think of it as a sneaky way to remind me about the soul and mindanheart. The mind has to come first, without the mind (reason and emotion) how would the heart conceive of conscience and conscience? Emotion has no kick without a sense of wit; without a sense of wit where would humor be?

       The darker the humor the brighter sits your day. Post, boy. - Amorella

       You had a long soaking bath and arthritic pain has lessened. Presently you sit and wait for Carol to do her walk and the community center. You have been reading one of Carol’s favorite online writers, John Mauldin and his “Out of the Box” column. The one you are reading is from a friend of his and its theme is narrative in the news and media. Let’s check it out since your interest is actually deeper than it appears. You can’t find much that isn’t under copywriter. - Amorella

       1341 hours. Basically, the news as well as social media is a framework for storytelling and storytelling by its nature is not facts, per se and can grind down to almost nothing but he said, she said. After that they day or two is over and everyone moves on to the next major stories. That’s how I see it from what I read. – I just discovered I accidently trashed and lost the article Carol sent so I hope she still has a copy because I would like to read it again (I read it twice). I write narrative too, but as I said recently, I am more comfortable keeping it in the fiction department. There are lots of assumptions of facts in the world. Strip away the sophisticated propaganda wound into a narrative in a ‘timely piece’ and what do you have? I have not thought about it recently so that’s what piqued my interest. (1354)

       Mid-afternoon. Late lunch at Piada Street Italian and you are now at Rose Hill Cemetery, usual summer spot facing west with the Whitaker mausoleum to your southwest. Carol is on page forty-five of Baldacci’s The Target. – You found about eight hundred and fifty words out of almost seven thousand words in pouch segment twelve that might be used in description. – Amorella

       1536 hours. I don’t know if it will be useful but perhaps so in the next two Pouches. I’ll just begin Pouch 12 with a blank document.

       1543 hours. Whoa. Reading over Pouch 11 I find this. I didn’t know there was anything about the soul in here. This is the key to Pouch 12. (Why didn’t I just read over this earlier?)

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“I have a meeting with Drenakite. It appears Onesixanzero and Ship have had entangled conversations ever since Ship took us to Earth.”
Blake states, “By entangled I assume you mean secret, Are they classified conversations or esoteric?”
“What do you mean?” she asks.
“Are they talking secret operations, you know, tactics or are the conversations philosophical or contemplatives?” Smiling, he pauses, “If they were old men they would probably be talking private about young women; old women, something to do with women.”
“They have been talking about defining their souls.”
         Blake smirks, “Esoteric. Does computer machinery think it has a soul?
         “Evidently some time ago,” replies Friendly, “Onesixanzero told Ship that since Elderfelder once learned to dance without a brain, then machinery could have souls without having bodies.”
A short time later Drenakite, Hartolite and Yermey join Blake and Friendly at her table. Here is what I know, says oldanwise Drenakite, “Onesixanzero and Ship have developed a belief structure that concludes that each be able to think and consider after their machinery stops. At that time they desire to serve the Dead as they serve the Living, both Marsupialese and Earthling.”

Edited from Pouch 11 nfd, GMG.2  underlined for emphasis

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       1549 hours. Here is an excellent example of not knowing what I’m doing consciously and yet unconsciously I must be aware of the focus for this segment is on the soul. It just blows my mind when this happens. I know better (I think), but . . ..

       But, you are out of words. – Amorella

       1552 hours. I am taking a break to enjoy the scenery.

       Sounds like a plan. Carol is on page 84 of The Target. Later, dude. – Amorella

       2040 hours. I took a nap earlier, had cereal for supper, Carol had salad, watched the news and some home remodeling shows with Carol and now I’m almost ready to go upstairs and listen to some music while Carol reads her book.

       Almost an hour later. Time for upstairs music while Carol reads. Post. - Amorella

29 July 2016

Notes - intact / theoretically / Grandma 14, nfd / an Eternal

       Today was your mother’s birthday in 1918. You remembered but had to check to make sure. – Amorella

       0913 hours. I think Carol’s father’s birthday was about this same time, but I don’t remember. Checking – it is, 31 July 1917.

       You are indifferent. – Amorella

       0920 hours. I am indifferent to my mother’s birthday; she was indifferent to my own.

       Stark and honest reply boy as you recognise, though honest it is not necessarily true because only your mother can say she was ‘indifferent’ not you. – Amorella

       0924 hours. A more honest response is – I feel my mother was indifferent to my birthday, she still might be. This comment ‘she still might be’ flew from my fingers and as such, to me, it appears that these are my own feelings not my mother’s. I hold her no ill will – I think we were just not the interested in each other. Such is life.

       From above you can see your heart’s reactions more so than your mind’s reaction. The soul is indifferent to both. What do you think of that as a theoretical thought problem, young man? – Amorella

       0931 hours. Interesting, really. Does this mean the soul is indifferent in general or specifically? Or, oddly, that the heartanmind discussion is not worth the soul’s time of day?

       Your humor is intact. Post. - Amorella

       Late morning. Your weekly forty-minute exercises are completed. Jadah is curled up on the top of her box and pad just under the northeast window where until recently the sun rained down a covering, a puddle of sunlight most cats love. Carol is downstairs working on emails or reading, don’t you think? – Amorella

       1127 hours. One of the other, I’d be surprised if she were doing anything else, like napping for instance. The ‘theoretical question’ asked earlier, does this have to do with the books?

       It can, but you might as well relate it to the real life you know – it would add to the book’s ‘fictional’ authenticity. – Amorella

       1131 hours. In relationship to the book we are talking about Merlyn’s soul, right?

       No, boy. We are talking about your soul then relating it to the book. – Amorella
       Theoretically then, I have a soul.

       From my perspective you have a heartansoulanmind, otherwise, imaginary or not, I would not be here in the first place. – Amorella

       1136 hours. I am going with the concept that the soul encapsulates the heartanmind to allow an immortal substance (once free of the physical body and mind) to be as eternal.

       You err. The eternal is as a shell to the egg white and yoke, the mind and heart, metaphorically speaking. – Amorella

       1153 hours. Then the eternal is as a solid and the physical is composed of water vapor (gas, liquid and solid).

       For understanding purposes this will work. We need another word for solid – physics can be solidified. Eternal Solid is [theoretically]. – Amorella

       1159 hours. One cannot break into Eternal Solid.

       A more reasonable view would be, physics cannot break out of Eternal Solid. – Amorella

       1240 hours. Even heartanmind?

       Even heartanmind; which become encapsulated after physical death. - Amorella

       1243 hours. I am going to check with Doug on this theoretically.

       Post. - Amorella

       You have completed Grandma's Story Fourteen. Add and post. - Amorella

        1750 hours. I am happy to do so. 


Grandma’s Story 14 ©2016, rho, GMG.2

         The hosts, Sir Geoffrey and Lady Jeannine have John, fifteen, and Sarah, sixteen, who enjoy the younger spontaneity of Sir Geoffrey and Lady Allowyn’s Margaret, seven, and Duncan, ten. The four children are sitting at the smaller table and the adults are also finishing their courses at the old large oak table.

Lady Jeannine’s tastes show throughout, from the flowery wall tapestry on the wall right of the hearth and the oriental tapestry above the on the wall opposite, between the west corner of the far front window. She says, “We have some cake layered strawberries with cream for dessert.” The responses are appropriately silent.

         “What’s the history of this centered wooden box?” asks Lady Allowyn with a generous smile, “it is so beautiful in its plainness.”

         Lord Robert laughs, commenting, “And, I was about to ask about this wonderful old table – beautiful and striking objects, both.”

         Jeannine responds, “I inherited the table from my family.
         Robert replies, “Our old family stories speak of such a s table as this.”
         “This has been in the family for about four hundred or so years.”
         “Here in Oxford?” questions Lord Robert.
         “No,” replies Sir Geoffrey, “Scotland.”
         Lord Robert feels an unquestionable tingle up his spine then down. Strange.
         Noting Robert’s immediate discomfort, Allowyn places her hand on his. “Are you all right?”
         “Scotland,” he comments quietly, “this is where our table was supposed to be from.”
         Geoffrey questions, “Could this be the same table?”
         Jeannine immediately adds, “I think this table was bought here in Oxfordshire. We shall check our records.”
         Smiling through the awkward moment, Robert adds, “We shall check our own also.”
         “About the box,” says Jeannine suddenly beaming at Robert, “It has a story all its own.”
         Across from the other table John laughs, saying, “That box could hold a human skull.”
         “We have story about a skull also,” smiles Allowyn. “We          “Was it carried in a leather bag at one time?” asks Geoffrey.
         Lord Robert answers directly, “Yes,”
         Sir Geoffrey responds, “I’ll get our family records. Come along Robert, if you like.”
         “This is very strange,” says Allowyn cautiously, “We have a story about Merlyn the Bard having a box with a skull in it. It is just a story, mind you. How could this be? Surely it is a coincidence.”
         Jeannine carefully took and opened the box. “I was told never to open it, and I immediately considered the story of Pandora and decided right then and there not to open it. I never have until now.” She whispered, “I think John has opened it though.”
         Sarah came over to sit next to her mother while John played with Margaret and Duncan and looking out for the men to return.
         She comments, “My grandfather once told me that way back we were related to both the Romans and the Greeks.”
         Frowning, Allowyn replies, “He never told me that.”
         “I remember the story because of the skull she carried with her. She was a Greek princess. She and her husband supposedly met Merlyn the Bard once.”
         Allowyn quickly refreshes, “My brother has the oldest of the family history. ”
         The conversation changes to lighter subjects. Within a short time Sir Geoffrey and Lord Robert return. Robert speaks, “We are related. Our families go back to the time of Merlyn in Scotland.”
         “We discovered an older source folded away,” says Geoffrey. “We are related to an early Scottish lord named Reynnald.”
         “Such a magical moment,” declares Sir Geoffrey, “we must toast to our fortune to be friends first.”
         “A toast,” echoes Lord Robert. “It is fated that we are blood.”
         Allowyn stood smiling in a double thought. She says, “I have an announcement before wine and dessert are served . . ..
         “Mother is going to have a baby,” interrupts Margaret.
         Jeannette smiling and unsure of what was coming, quickly replies, “Margaret is right, I am pregnant.”
         Geoffrey exclaims, “I did not know. How joyous.”

         Red faced, Allowyn grins, “I am pregnant too.”
         “How can dessert top this?” says Robert with a hardy laugh, “Both of you.”
         The two men standing by the front window are silent and overwhelmed with the quite unexpected newly shared family realities.
This oak tabled wooden box holds this mind of mine
In our charms at the table, we dress up as nine,
This rhyme is not of Grandma’s invention,
 I, Merlyn alone, do dream it a mention.


       Dusk. You have Pouch Twelve with six thousand six hundred and eighty-three words ready to reduce knowing that perhaps none of it will be useful. – Amorella

       2117 hours. I read over Pouch 11. I’ll have to see what’s plausible, if anything. On another subject I am having a difficult time thinking about this metaphysics as if it could be theoretically plausible. Setting up any concepts and ideas for a fiction is one thing. I would rather not go any further than this. Why? First of all, I don’t know anything more than anyone else. – rho

       Neither does anyone else but that doesn’t stop them for saying this or that is true. – Amorella

       2124 hours. In a way this is no different than my greater predicament – realizing I love G-D, yet I remain an agnostic. I mean, it’s silly and beyond that foolish.

       But this a great part of who you are. Think of this as perhaps useful in your fiction and let it go at that – a thought problem, but nothing as profound as attempting to decide if a cat in a box is dead or living. Think of this as a “what if” theory and categorize it in fiction like you have done before. – Amorella

       2132 hours. I am more comfortable with this – a fictional theory.

       You can title it as such if you wish. – Amorella

       2136 hours. I can write it as a modern myth about souls and the humanity of hearts and minds.

       We can relate it directly to Merlyn’s dreams. Such as, how much influence does the soul have in Merlyn’s mind and heart now that he is long dead? – Amorella

       2141 hours. What use would a soul have for a human heartanmind to begin with?

       What use would a soul have for anything? - Amorella

       2142 hours. Perhaps ‘passions’ are an energy source.

       What use does an Eternal have for energy? – Amorella

       2144 hours. Perhaps ‘creative thought’ is as a pleasant breeze – providing comfort for something with no needs or wants.

       Something to think on, huh? Good night, orndorff. Post. - Amorella

28 July 2016

Notes - definition and meaning

       Almost noon local time and you just completed your fourth day of forty-minute exercises this week. – Amorella

       Late afternoon. You had an excellent lunch at Longhorn on Tylersville and Jen was your server. Carol had salmon and you had steak. Presently you are at Kroger’s on Tylersville after another trip, returning to pick up a water filter for the refrigerator at Sears Appliances at the VOA Centre.

       1725 hours. After lunch I was going to work on Grandma 14 but I’m reading the new Consumer’s Report that arrived today instead. I have had a lot of hits from Russia this week and I don’t know why. A couple of months ago I had many hits from Japan I can’t imagine what people are reading in here. The hits rarely if ever hit on my Stats report rather than on Goggle posts stats. I don’t mine one way or the other but I am curious as to why the national/cultural groupings rise and lower periodically as they do. Yesterday I was thinking on the heartansoul and how they could be individually or together evolutionary. That is, how could they change? In terms of metaphysics it reminds me of how, in the old days, people said Angels could change (fall from Grace) even though they are supposedly immortal. It comes down to immortal and eternal I suppose.  The dictionary definition is first followed by  examples from the thesaurus.

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immortal – adjective

living forever; never dying or decaying: our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls.

immortal – adjective

1 our souls are immortal: undying, deathless, eternal, everlasting, never-ending, endless, lasting, enduring, ceaseless; imperishable, indestructible, inextinguishable, immutable, perpetual, permanent, unfading.

2 an immortal children's classic: timeless, perennial, classic, time-honored, enduring; famous, famed, renowned, legendary, great, eminent, outstanding, acclaimed, celebrated.


eternal – adjective

lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning: the secret of eternal youth | fear of eternal damnation.

• (of truths, values, or questions) valid for all time; essentially unchanging: eternal truths of art and life.

informal seeming to last or persist forever, especially on account of being tedious or annoying: eternal nagging demands | she is an eternal optimist.

• used to emphasize expressions of admiration, gratitude, or other feelings: to his eternal credit, he maintained his dignity throughout.

• (the Eternal) used to refer to an everlasting or universal spirit, as represented by God.

eternal – adjective

1 eternal happiness: everlasting, never-ending, endless, perpetual, undying, immortal, abiding, permanent, enduring, infinite, boundless, timeless; amaranthine.

2 eternal vigilance: constant, continual, continuous, perpetual, persistent, sustained, unremitting, relentless, unrelieved, uninterrupted, unbroken, never-ending, nonstop, around/round-the-clock, endless, ceaseless.

Selected and edited from Oxford-American software

** **

        2135 hours. The above definitions give strong examples showing my inability to reason the difference between immortal and eternal. Somewhere within my heartansoulanmind I discern a difference.

       From where I observe, boy, the difference is found in the soul alone. The heart and mind are immortal; the soul is eternal. For all intents and purposes human, the soul is without beginning and end; the heart and mind are less and thus immortal. – Amorella

       2147 hours. I do not know this as a fact.

       Hearts and minds are facts of everyday life in terms of being human. Examples can be found wherever there is a fellow human being. – Amorella

       2151 hours. I need to better define the soul (for myself).

       Begin by not using the term ‘human soul’. – Amorella

** **
soul – noun

1. seeing the soul through the eyes: spirit, psyche, (inner) self, inner being, life force, vital force; individuality, makeup, subconscious, anima; Philosophy pneuma; Hinduism atman.

Selected from the Oxford-American software

pneuma - noun        

1. (philosophy) a person's vital spirit, soul, or creative energy

Word Origin

C19: from Greek: breath, spirit, wind; related to pnein to blow, breathe

Selected from Dictionary.com


Ātman is a Sanskrit word that means inner self or soul

Selected and edited from Wikipedia

** **

       2256 hours. I want to learn a better definition for myself as to what a soul is based on what Amorella suggests, that while the soul is eternal, the heart and mind are immortal.

       You took time to watch Chelsea and Hillary’s speeches (at least until Hillary accepted the nomination). Enough for tonight. Post. - Amorella