03 February 2017

Notes - general understanding / Ch.11.nfd /

       Early afternoon. You did your thirty minutes of exercises today and your joints and muscles were okay, much to your surprise. Carol is reading the new Consumer's Report that arrived today and you are off to lunch within the next hour. Last night you published your soul's words on your FB page and have had a good response for which you are pleased. - Amorella

       1259 hours. I decided to thank everyone who made a comment with a few words or a smile image. Friends are being very kind. One former student said she was glad my soul is female; I told her that's only from my perspective. What is strange is that when I reread what she (soul) wrote the words do seem like they are from my soul; that is, I feel comfortable saying she wrote the words.

       You can rest assured that the words were not from your heart or mind, boy. - Amorella

       1305 hours. Yes; I am sure that is the case. I can also tell from the wording, the cadence and nuisance, that what I call the soul has its own sense of being (personality/character/order/attitude/refinement).

       This is something worthy of personal study. Write a character sketch of each, the heart, soul and mind. - Amorella

       1312 hours. I'm not that interested. I have a general understanding of each, that's enough. I will say this, the soul does not demonstrate the sense of classic sinful intent that the mind (anger) or heart (passion) do. 

       I agree, perhaps that is enough. Post. - Amorella    

       1536 hours. We are home from a Cracker Barrel lunch -- very good -- Carol had her usual trout and I had cod for a change.

       You are tired. Take a nap. - Amorella

       Nighttime. You had a long nap but up before the national news. You both had left over pizza for supper, watched NBC News, "Blacklist" and episode eight of Netflix's "The Crown". Let's work on chapter eleven. - Amorella

       2142 hours. Good with me.

        2203 hours. We have completed chapter eleven.

       We have. Add and post. - Amorella

       2204 hours. This is interesting in that I am made more curious about Soki. Should I be?

       It is Soki's Choice after all. - Amorella

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Eleven nfd ©2017 rho Soki's Choice
         Yermey comes into view about five yards in front of the Cessna waving and smiling. Then he jumps up and down on the earth a couple of times and shouting, "The floor is solid; you are fine!”
         "It looks like grass, like a grass runway," says Pyl as she opens the aircraft door. Blake climbs out the other. Friendly follows, then Hartolite and Justin. Pyl puts her hand down and touching the grass. "It is real grass . . . with dirt beneath."
         Blake complains, "I don't remember putting the wheels down. I had just put them up."
         "Where are we?" asks Justin.
         Yermey reaches out with good will shaking Pyl's hand first. "Welcome to our abode."
         "This is a giant hanger with grass growing in it," declares Blake, "I'll be damned if it isn't. How'd we get here? I don't remember landing."
         "Things are not as they seem, asserts Justin. “I think we have been abducted.”
         "You are not being abducted," replies Friendly warmly. "We need to talk, and this is the safest place."
         "For you, maybe," charges Justin. "Where are the windows?"
         Restraining anguish, Pyl responds, "Calm down, Justin. Let’s hear her out."       
         Blake directs his question, "Are we being abducted?"
         "No, you are not."
         In growing anger Justin retorts, "Why the deception?"
         "First, let's show you where you are," says Yermey politely.
         Looking at Pyl Justin quietly bemoans, "They are probably going to gut us for dinner. That's the best outcome I can think of."
         Friendly smiles hesitantly and comments, "Yermey put real dirt on the floor; this is real living Earth grass because we want you to feel comfortable. You are our guests and you will be treated well."
         "Not well cooked," notes Yermey as he quips in a fun face, "We are not cannibals nor would we drop selected human parts on our dinnerware."
         "We hold the same virtues you do," notes Hartolite. "This is why we are here. You are not going to be harmed in any way."
         Friendly continues, “You each have a shared two-bedroom apartment if you choose to stay aboard; otherwise this will be a short stay. If after we explain and respond to your questions you will be allowed to return to your Cessna and we will see to it that you will be loosed into the lower atmosphere with everything functioning to land safely at Burke which is only twenty miles away."
         "Are you going to take our memories?" asks Justin in a slight but direct voice.
         "No need," says Yermey with a grin. "This is not science fiction. No one will believe you if you tell what you are experiencing here. Why would they?"
         "I am not so trustful as Pyl," answers Justin.
         Pyl and Blake allowed Friendly to fly the family. The surprise being aboard Ship sways the heart more trusting but both believe their minds keep them on a more even keel. Justin almost always has doubts; survival instincts lead the way. Machinery understands humans accept machinery and trust it most wholeheartedly in cars and elevators. This is his clue to interrupt. No one in here is really as consciously aware of this as Ship. He has the ability to find unseen parts and separate them. I, the Soki, can find an identity with Ship that is closer to home to me than with these two triples of humanoids.
         Ship interjects for the first time, "Trust is what we do, Justin, this is what I, Ship, am built for – to know and to understand the captain and crew whom I protect. I am in loco parentis just as a public-school teacher in your culture. It is my job to keep you safe from harm first. We have no weapons. We have no need of a military presence at home or here. We, meaning the captain, crew and myself are runners by the same nature that you Earthlings are naturally stand-and-fighters.”
         In loco parentis?" asks Pyl. “You, Ship, are a parent?”
         "The marsupial-humanoids, as you will come to call us, are single family social household run in a single-family sense of economics. We do the chores of the world and we receive an allowance and/or family care for this. We are the same species thus we are family. I, Ship, consider myself adopted.”
         Blake chuckles, "We have problems in and between our families too."
         "As do we, that's why we have a committee of twelve with two Parents elected once and only once every twenty years, a male and female. Three judges in courts clarify disputes. Our institutions are similar. Our practical form of Family has worked for us for thousands of years but we have no wish to impose our culture onto yours. We would rather run first. I, Ship, am built for safety and for running first."
         Friendly interposes, "Ship welcomes you. He will protect you and your culture while on board. If bad comes to worse, we will drop you off safely, with your plane fully intact and running and we will run off too."
         Anticipating Justin's next question Blake asks, "What if one of you attempts to harm us?"
         "Ship would protect you first,” answers Yermey. “You are our guests."
         Out of the blue Justin thinks, I am trusting this Ship machinery first, strange; it is like I would trust my car before I would trust a stranger to drive it. I trust my computer more than I do some people. He looks to Pyl and says, “Let’s see this Ship and hear what they have to say. What do we have to lose at this point?”
         Blake asks, "You say we are twenty miles from Cleveland's Burke. I want to see a window."

81 ease; 4.6 grade; 962 words
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