07 August 2017

Notes - Automatic, Underground / averting further disaster

       Mid-afternoon. Carol worked on cleaning closets while you slept most of the morning. You woke up at one just as she was coming up the stairs. You got dressed and had lunch at Penn Station before a quick shopping trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond and to Graeter's. You each had a kid's cup; Carol, black cherry chip and you the August upcoming Mason golf tournament special, Key Lime Pie. Carol is on page ninety-nine, Chapter Eight, of Grisham's The Brethren. Presently you are heading west and parked across from Whitaker's Mausoleum at Rose Hill. You are feeling better this afternoon. - Amorella

       1528 hours. I felt like I was coming down with a cold or the flu this morning. My lower back had a haunting feeling of returning sharp pain but it has subsided. Basically, I was out of sorts and needed the extra sleep. I will work on the phototexts today so I can move on though I doubt any real angelic experienced will be 'documented' by me in those earlier times. You would think the concept would have left me long before now, but obviously it has not.

       Such was the original moment, several really, where you felt enraptured heartansoulanmind. - Amorella

       1535 hours. Basically, I was just not fully in the world mentally. One thing I remember though, it was not wishful thinking, ever. It began as dread. How so, then, was this heartansoulanmind inspired, so to speak? I remember it as mental first.

       Heart first, boy; then mental. That was the beginning of an inner struggle. Your heart brought it up from its sense of the unconsciousness. Simply put, you, the existentialist, felt you had full control over who you were. This was, awkwardly, both a philosophy and a personal belief since the earliest of college days. You found plenty of reinforcement in your belief just as others do for their own beliefs. Beliefs become heartfelt from the mental as well as from the heartansoul. It is the mix that can cause the inner turmoil. I'm helping you take care of yours. - Amorella

       You are home sitting on the front porch, the clouds of the day are heading east. -- Spent some time talking to Tim as he's mowing the yard and stopped up for some ice water. School begins tomorrow for teachers and Thursday for students. - Amorella

       1650 hours. I remember the excitement of a new school year. I was always pumped, going in a week or so early and having all the classes work run off for the first quarter. Surprisingly, I was very efficient in my work habits. I would have seven to ten required expository essays for each quarter. They were graded lightning fast. They learned to write such essays because they had no choice. I loved it. Logic, grammar, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval and Elizabethan literature, first quarter. Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Romantic, Victorian and early twentieth century, rounded out second quarter of British literature. The course contained background and specifics of each literary period along with historical continuity. I had the same classes second semester with different students of course. Wow, that was fun, and that was the stable for almost all classes from 1970 until I retired in 2003 at Escola Graduada de Sao Paulo (Graded), Indian Hill High and Wm. Mason High. From a week or so before the school year began until up to two days after it ended I was on automatic, underground as it were. This hardly ever showed in the classroom where I loved the students and the literature in a true and genuine fashion. I thought of each student (or tried to) as a nephew or niece, a distant relative or family friend, sometimes even as a secret son or daughter. I never had to treat daughter Kim any different than any other student. They were students and I was their teacher and friend when they needed me to be.

       Post. - Amorella

       I prefer you change today's title from "The Excitement" to "Automatic, Underground". You need to remind yourself all those school days were automatic and underground base thinking, base professional reality. Post. - Amorella

       1728 hours. This is rather harsh, isn't it?

       It was your reality nine to ten months each year. - Amorella

       1729 hours. So what, it was a practical approach and it worked for me. It was an existential decision to follow, besides I would have not have survived the teaching world otherwise.

       You mean, "I had no choice." - Amorella

       1731 hours. Yes, I had no choice. I either became a professional bus or truck driver or I taught grammar and literature. I would not have been comfortable in any other line of work. I sincerely believe that to this day. - rho

       Post. - Amorella

       2130 hours. I have been working on the dates of the phototexts I have already used. It is a disaster. Thank you, Amorella. I feel I have to start over on this as far as the phototexts are used. For one, they should be in order.

       Precisely what I think, boy. You'll get it straightened out. - Amorella

       2133 hour. I am glad I hadn't got any further.

       Post. - Amorella

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