30 September 2017

Notes - on a B H C

       You had a relatively quiet day. You are not sure what goes on behind the scenes that allows the universe to continue to exist. You can easily imagine the Dead not having a sense of consciousness because it is not a necessity once dead. That consciousness of being is a sort of mental trick to help one survive to procreate the species. The natural tendency is for the species to survive but there is no reason observed for this to occur other than a literal self-fulling prophecy. Life (consciousness of being) is for the future of life (consciousness of being) in a general sense. The basic human condition is that you are here living or you are not here period. Sense and nonsense have little to do with it as far as the species is concerned. Life flows until it puddles and evaporates. The spiritual world is not a part of the world of the living, don't you think? - Amorella

       2205 hours. This is a very good question Amorella. Consciousness appears to allow us to become aware of the spiritual world but if consciousness is a natural mirror to/of being then it is a reflection of a self-reflection as far as the individual 'reflector of consciousness' is concerned. This leads the group to know/understand even less with a constant germination of more self-reflections doing what reflections do, absorb only partial reflections. Errors in perception are built in both individually and within any given group of individuals. It is a mostly perpetual machine energizing humor and irony. As such, in this grand assumption, I see the spiritual wrapped in humor and irony. Neither is a positive or a negative, just an engine in which both irony and humor abide -- a spiritual joke. I can live with this and if when I am dead, I am indeed dead, then I am comforted by both unknowingly. (2220) Better a plausible and entertaining joke than nothing at all. That's consciousness for you.

       Self-entertainment is a basic human condition. You and everybody else can be full of it. Perhaps under the best of circumstances it is allowed to expire quietly and with some dignity that the species can rise to the occasion from time to time. Post. - Amorella

       2224 hours. Eventually, blog-wise, you will have the last silent word here.

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