15 September 2009

Faulty Mechanics (Such is gallows humor.)

Hello, this is Amorella. Richard is somewhat distraught that he can’t find the logic lecture notes he used to use in his classes. One of his hour or so long lectures was on quantum mechanics with the focus being on ‘what is real in reality?’

As he can’t located the notes I suggested he check online and he found what is suitable for this posting. He tried to contact the author but cannot.


The quoted material below is from a website titled: “A Lazy Layman’s Guide to Quantum Physics,” by James Higgo in 1999. [www.higgo.com/quantum/laymans.htm]

 “If you dare to think about it (you’re not really supposed to), you have to believe one of the following things:

Your consciousness affects the behaviour of subatomic particles
- or -
Particles move backwards as well as forwards in time and appear in all possible places at once
- or -
The universe is splitting, every Planck-time (10 E-43 seconds) into billions of parallel universes
- or -
The universe is interconnected with faster-than-light transfers of information.”


I, Amorella, can work within this quantum frameset because Richard ‘intuitively feels’ that all four aspects can and do work within the imaginative reasoning of his mind. They are made to do so throughout his fictional Merlyn’s Mind series as well as within the short story I just wrote for this blog.

I need to say something here, Amorella. It is within yourself that I see evidence of these four stated ‘beliefs’ by James Higgo. As you are going to speak on the human emotion of love within this quantum ‘thought framework’ it is you that will provide the self-support for such thinking.

My sense of consciousness affects your sense of conscious as well as the other way round, even if it is no more than a different perspective of the same consciousness. You don’t need quantum mechanics to see the effects of love on the human body. The placebo pill, as well, has been shown to work its wonders on the human body. The placebo is an upside down form of mind over matter, at least to a point. Quantum mechanics has nothing to do with love. An emotion is a condition not a thing. Emotions are not a form of physics, at least not from my point of view.

Compassion and empathy are by-products of emotions coupled with circumstance. Intuition may also be a by-product of emotion and some sort of reasoning process. I see the three, compassion, empathy, and intuition, as connected, but not to quantum mechanics.

You stated that the aspects of quantum mechanics as see above related to the ‘imaginative reasoning’ of the mind, but by your own definition within this blog, the mind as well as the soul and the human heart are not material substance.

I said they are as the properties of light, and as such may, for all I know, be particles or waves of some sort as is light. I used it as analogy not as scientific or even theoretical ‘fact’.

If someone is ‘overcome’ or ‘struck’ by love is that also the use of analogy?

I don’t know, Amorella. It doesn’t seem morally right to associate love with quantum mechanics or physics.

Why do you think this? Certainly in ‘real world’ human mechanics and physics have a lot in common with ‘being in love’.

I think I am missing something here.

I can tell you plainly what it is, your youth.

Whoa. Touché. Where do you come up with this stuff, Amorella?

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