27 October 2009

Eye-footed Man in Yesterday’s “Visual Thought: 1987”

Amorella here. This is a blow-up of the little round-faced man in the lower center of yesterday’s posting. Orndorff wanted the blow up to see how many finger digits the little fellow has. What follows is from orndorff’s note book written yesterday afternoon. (This may be tweaked slightly so it is more readable.)

Very odd [original sketch], I have to admit. I don’t know exactly what it meant and still don’t.

Perhaps I can help here orndorff. Let’s begin at the left top and work down. The horn runs into a snake-like creature that is cut, mostly in half though the left side is maybe eighty to ninety percent thicker. It is the brain of the creature that is cut off above the eye. The index finger on the right is from the right hand. The thumb on the left is also from the right hand. You are reminded of holding the ‘string and washer’ with these two digits.

The encased canopy with the eye ball is staring up at something unseen. The wide, circular ‘saucer-shape’ under the eye appears to have an outer mystical tone with the thick eyelashes surrounding it, as the unblinking eye seems to be popping out of the socket. On the mid-left the nose is facing one direction while the lips of the mouth are shut and facing another as if the face is contorted. Here, above the face, are closed eyes that appear to be turning away as it the eyes are running to become open-eyed feet on the seventh and eighth foot mark.

The small non-descript short-bearded fellow now has opened eyes and a smile with long arms outstretched as if to greet someone unseen but nearby. Notice the top of his head, the brain, is under the saucer containing the eye that has a sort of ‘fried egg’ appearance to you. Fried brain, perhaps?

A good joke, Amorella. I was thinking this just as you were (which of course is not that unreasonable). Also, the fellow’s left eyebrow is raised, small pudgy nose, and in the close up he still appears to have a smile. It seems to be an outline of myself with no meat and potatoes and weak or no bones as far as that goes. I am elastic like ‘rubber man’. It looks like I have long underwear on with elastic cuffs at my wrists. Originally, the fingers are what I wanted to blow up to see how many digits I have. I have five on each hand though at first it appeared there were six digits to me.

The open, slanted snowshoe-like eyes appear feminine while the eyes in the rounded head are oblong. You think you are seeing meat and bone as the eye pupils in the feet as if they had been severed at the ankle and the eyes between the snowshoe lashes are peering through the clear plastic snowshoes. Also, to you, the hands appear to be as well-worn pencil erasers, particularly on the higher, left hand.

With a blow up of the date I can readily see it was drawn on 10 May 87 but I cannot tell the hours exactly. At that time though I was using the 24 hour clock as a standard. As such it looks like I drew this sketch in the morning. I assume I did this in one sitting. Beneath the date is the scribble of initials “rho”.

You wonder about the elongated left arm because you are right-handed normally, though you are ambidextrous on the keyboard.

Elsewhere, to the right bottom mid-side of the full sketch, opposite the nose and lips you have drawn what appears to be the opening of a book between the eye-held canopy and a slightly ‘S’ bent tube that opens just above the date and initials. I do not have a recollection of the tube’s symbol, if any though it is attached to the opening of the book.

I can answer this one, Amorella. I appear to be blowing my own horn. This is not my intent, at least I surely hope it is not. The ‘fried egg eye’ appears a mystical symbol to me. It is like I had seen “something” accidently, that is the way I later write about this. I don’t know when I saw ‘it’ but I assume it was when I was very young though it could have been then, in 1987 since hypnosis (through the thumb and finger) leans towards something unconsciously noted. Another hypothesis for the tube in the lower right corner is that it is a vacuum and I am being sucked into the book. This concept borders the ‘gallows humor’ dimension so it is probably more correct.

The sketch was probably drawn during a ‘trance’ like when the books are being written. I think of the sketch as an explanation of what was about in my mind at the time. Perhaps I was just trying to piece myself together after my mind had crashed. I would hope no more sketches will be shown for awhile. The sketch makes me appear more brain/mind-naked than the words sometimes do.

When I think about this whole 1987 sketch though, as I see it through Amorella, is a kind of visual self-fulfilling prophecy. My brain/mind unconsciously ‘understood’ what I was going to do, write a book.
I am as a mirror unto myself though, and my thoughts don’t count for much. At most, the whole sketch shows ‘I thought I saw something in my head.’ Time to move on.

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