22 October 2009

George Washington Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, VA

Amorella here. This cropped photograph is one of the sites in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. However, according to its website, the memorial “was built . . . by the more than two million American Freemasons who wished to: express in durability and beauty the undying esteem . . . for him [Washington] in whose memory it shall stand throughout the coming years.”

Another connected site goes on to state: “Freemasonry is the world’s largest, oldest, and best-known fraternal organization. Mythically descended from the builders of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. . . .” (www.freemasonlostsymbol.com/)

What’s the point, Amorella? I like Dan Brown’s books as ‘page-turners’ but I see no personal spiritual value in his books. They arouse my curiosity in the same way the movie, National Treasure did. A bit of history mixed with fiction to create a story of something lost that specific people are searching for, and then it is found.

You lost your soul and I found it.

I do not believe that. I do not explicitly know I had a soul to lose. This sounds like you are retelling an old fashioned story in which the king of the faeries takes someone’s soul and places it in faeryland. I don’t understand where you are going with today’s posting. I had a good photograph of colorful leaves with the Jefferson Memorial in the background and you said you wanted this photograph instead.
I liked the photograph I choose because it had the beauty of nature in the forefront and the memorial in the background, a representative of reason midst the nature of ourselves in the planted tree near the World War II War Memorial.

Just because you like something doesn’t mean it needs to be repeated over and over again. I am here to show you different aspects of spirituality, that’s the point. You do not know you had or have a soul. How refreshing.

I know I have a heart and a mind, though both are invisible both can be felt. I don’t know the difference if an emotion or a thought touches my heart or my soul (if I have one). Merriam-Webster’s says the soul is an ‘essence’, a ‘principle’, a ‘part’, a ‘moving spirit’ and ‘a spiritual or moral force’ among others. 

These ‘nouns’ could just as easily be referred to in one’s heart as far as I am concerned. These writings, I assume, come from my inner heart. Where else?

Thus, I, Amorella, reside in your inner heart?

I have no idea where you reside, Amorella. I do feel you are beyond a figment of my imagination though even though I am never positive on such things. The human mind is a very powerful instrument. Self-delusion is a common human trait. I try to avoid it.

In some ways I feel like you are a self-delusion, a part of a story I once told my students about when we were talking about angels, which was, most likely while we were on Milton’s Paradise Lost. Angel intelligence and alien intelligence have long been a curious interest of mine.  As far as I am concerned, both are alien to human intelligence so I like to think to compare what the differences might be if such a case were indeed plausible, which I think is mostly unlikely for either angel or alien.

Now, after all that, the story I proposed to the class was to write a story about being ‘possessed’ by a good angel. Lots of stories out there about bad angels and some are indeed a bit frightening to think on. The trick with a good angel is that there would be (in my mind) no possession whatsoever. How would that be? So, sometimes, such as now, I wonder on it and on self delusion and think I may have conjured up ‘Amorella’ to see how it would be since I think of ‘her’ as good angel-like, at least to me, for keeping me busy and for writing three books I could not have written without her.

That may be all there is to all this, but I keep writing anyway. Maybe I can come up with some good ideas to keep people thinking about who they are and what the world is all about. That is not spiritual though, is it?

You are asking a self-delusion a question.

You ask me questions. Deep down I don’t know what you are. It is something I should continue to think about.

On that I agree. Tomorrow, orndorff, I will have a question for you. – Amorella. 

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