30 June 2010

Notes & Reflections

       You and Carol had your walk in the woods at Pine Hill Park, then ice tea and you split an oatmeal cookie at Kidd’s. From there up to the Black Barn in Lebanon for fresh corn on the cob and watermelon. Beautiful and comfortable Spring-like day.
         It is always good to be home and settling back into our routines. This morning when I awoke I sat on the side of the bed thinking enviously about how Jean N. and Sue N. are so articulate in communicating their recent pleasures and joy of the high school reunion. Wonderful to read the positive vibes. I cannot articulate such feelings in words. The more I think about the emotional and private aspects of the thoughts the fewer words I have to say because I cannot think of words that meet my definitions. I am perhaps too picky or I cannot judge my emotional content well. If the Afterworld were like a reunion I would be having the same problem but with no computer or worse, no fingers in which to communicate my thoughts with feeling(s) attached.
         In fact, the humor here is that I could, if I told the truth as I see it and summarize all six books in a short paragraph, then let it go. I don’t know what I would say but it makes no difference because my way around the narrow and direct approach has been three books of fiction, each divided into three parts, and now working on book four – another chapter and a wee bit of drafting, and I’ll be half through.
         You are rattling on sitting in the shade in a small park along the Little Miami while Carol is reading her newest Money magazine – a Subway picnic. You have not been home since ten and it is almost two.
         This is what we do sometimes; while away the day.  Then home we go, Carol to find work (such as laundry) to do while I take a nap.
         Sandy and Doug are in the fourth grade photo of your class at Minerva Park School. As a tribute to long lasting friendships why not include them (as you have their recent photographs) in today’s blog.
         I was thinking such, Amorella, but it didn’t seem right, not the thinking part, but how to include them in this work. I am quite happy to do so. To see how it is, more than fifty years really. We were in the fourth grade in 1951-52. Wow, Winston Churchill was re-elected PM and Eisenhower was elected President during that school year. Elizabeth II, for historical and continuity's sake, is still Queen of England. 
Minerva Park School, Fourth Grade:  1951-1952

My old friend Doug G. 2010. He is in the first row, third one in on the right at Minerva Park.

My old friend, Sandy H. J. and me. 2010. Sandy is in the second row, second in on the right. I am in the third row, third in on the left at Minerva Park School. 
         Also, presently in your thoughts are for those in your class who have died as well as the living. "My old beret off to all the Westerville, Ohio High School Class of 1960." With that, enough for today. Post. Amorella. 

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