02 June 2010


        Almost noon. Up early with the cat feeding, breakfast and paper, then a longer nap on the living room floor than usual, almost an hour and a half. You were going to rake and trim but the lawn people just sprayed the yard and you are supposed to wait. Next, after lunch, have the tires rotated as it has been about eight thousand miles since December. Rick C. has suggested more FB friends from IH and you want to be reasonable about saying ‘hello’. Also, you have two new friends, your age, colleagues from Mason High days and you were happy to say ‘hello’ to them also.
         FB is just one of the joys of retirement. I am surprised by how much difference it makes in my days to see those names. Each one brings back memories one way or another. And, some correspond when I throw a question up there I am dealing with. Nice to see also. Love minds at work. We all have different interests and points of view. Each individual is as a fingertip of the species.
         What about the other senses?
         Those too I suppose. Back to the collective unconscious or even collective consciousness – although the world media provides a bit of that. Being aware through the various media is like traveling I suppose. Being exposed to differences and similarities should be a good thing. And, how is this going to be in this last scene of the chapter? I would imagine it is a shock to wake up Dead and realize there is more to it than you thought (for a very long time). What about the bridge-building? It is one thing for a few shamans to move from cultural place to cultural place, but it is quite another for many others to do so. I suppose the analogy with plane travel among the living will fit here. Just ‘knowing’ is enough for some people while others like to move from place to place to experience for themselves. Like FB it might make for cultural connections without actually moving from place to place. A primitive though sophisticated internet would do nicely, but how to make it fit among the Dead. Wireless thoughts. Extra-sensory perception, something of the like. Even like the Living try to communicate with the Dead. I forget what that’s called – a séance maybe?
         The problem is that I don’t want New Age crystals with the Dead. They should be beyond that thinking. It has to do with ‘thought’ communication. Light and thought, something along those lines will do, something Chaos, something Quantum. Theory, at least.
         You have been thinking with your fingers working for so long you are on automatic, orndorff. Let this sit for a time. Come back to it after the wheels have been rotated. Later, old man. Post. – Amorella.

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