12 June 2010


         Almost twenty-two hundred hours and you and Carol are finally settled in for the night at Madeira Beach. Your Florida home for two weeks every year. Carol’s sister Linda and her husband, Bill, as well as your nieces, Jean and Jen helped bring food and necessities over from South Tampa after a good night’s sleep and breakfast at Mama’s Kitchen and a later lunch at the ‘old Florida’ Crab Shack off the Gandy Bridge in Pinellas County. Later, after unpacking, you and Carol watched the colorful sunset. Closed the curtains and have been relaxing after the day and a half trip from Cincinnati.
         You spent a few minutes reviewing the previous entry which you had completely forgotten about. Tomorrow we will continue scene fourteen with Merlyn running into my counterpart, the Supervisor in female form. You just plugged in the photo I chose for my female form, Catherine Zeta-Jones, my male photo form is Daniel Craig. A Betweener has no form that humans can related to but the human mind created ‘something’ when the ‘Presence’ is understood in the unconscious mind. That is how it plays in here. This follows the earlier concept in the books and notes that it is the human mind that creates when the ‘Presence’ is felt. 
         The Supervisor, in this case, needs to create nothing as there is no need. No need to shout or even whisper either, as far as that goes. If you felt the Presence as Merlyn is about to ‘sense’ it, that alone may translate to a ‘Hello’, or whatever else might come to your mind, such as 'Who are you?' or even 'Boo'. Similar to your thoughts and class discussions on the introduction to Milton’s Paradise Lost about the intensity of ‘feeling’ the Presence of an Angel in the room. This was a standard metaphysical question by the metaphysical poets of those days. You have for a very long time found this quite interesting and almost always bring the poet/artist William Blake into such a discussion as some of his works were displayed in the British literature text book. Thus, tomorrow, dude. – Amorella.
         If I remember right, this female form is the same one the character Thales, saw on the trail earlier in chapter one or two.
         The same, so you can check for his description of her and make a comparison with Merlyn's but do not do so before hearing Merlyn’s description.        
         That ought to be fun and interesting too.

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