24 June 2010


        You are packing for the flight tomorrow as well as for home as Carol will have to pack the car Saturday morning to stay at Linda and Bill’s. You feel you should take your MacBook but why not leave it for Carol to use. Your iPad should be enough. Once home you will be less distracted and can finish up the audio-draft that week and give a copy to Aunt Patsy and Uncle Ernie on 3 July when you are visiting Aunt Ruthie and Tony as your California cousin, Marilyn, will be home for a week or so. Post for now. Relax and enjoy. – Amorella.
         It is difficult not to feel obligation and duty to you Amorella. Even if you are nothing more than a personification of imagination I have great respect for what you have allowed me to accomplish in my writing and thinking.
         Duty and obligation are for your own kind and others similar. Duty to imagination you sometimes contextually feel is ‘angelic-like’ is a form of arrogance and pride. Wishful thinking, from my perspective, old man. I will not allow it in these notes or books as a lesson to you and anyone else who may be a reader. Do you think an Angel and/or G---D, (as) you may or may not believe in, would demand human beings as soldiers to support HeranHis Cause?
         I have no idea Amorella. I do not always agree with you. However, if such thinking allows me to better keep a balance within heartansoulanmind, which I need for writing as well as for my own sense of personal self, then I will continue to attempt to follow your wishes within the context of these books and notes.
         In doing so you are paying the piper, boy. Everyone pays one way or another. You are never an exception. Now, post. – Amorella.

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