17 July 2010

Mostly the thought exercise on film, Inception, then Evening

       This morning you concluded your theory on the situation at the conclusion of “Inception” and have since spent time downloading the full plot summary as well as names and photos of the main characters from IMDB.com because you want to make sure your theory is well thought out and can be substantiated in the film.
         I realize this is just an exercise in judgment, but it is important that I completely understand my thoughts on the subject without having seen it a second time, which I plan to do. What I gained from this experience is that there may be one or two more levels I did not account for originally as I said four to five levels, but there may be a sixth level, the one where Cobb is back at the house with his father and children. To me, the van hitting the water is really his wife hitting the ground and dying. Cobb ends up in a deeper level he may never return from until he actually dies as his wife did. There is a difference between memory and projection of characters. The one really important memory for Cobb is that he induced his wife to the point where she could not decide what was reality and what was not, Cobb somewhere internalized this to the point he gave up the guilt associated with her death in order to see his children again assuming they are not projections but in the end not really caring whether they are or not as he leaves he one touch with reality, his top, spinning on the table. He never was charged with murder of his wife. He was running from himself and decided to stop running and just enjoy the concluding ‘moment’. The loop began with the beach ending with the old man, who is also in limbo, it ends in limbo too. Well, that’s my take. This is a fun diversion.
         A ritual of thoughtful reason helps. Tomorrow you may not agree with what you wrote today but you have it down enough on paper to make an entertaining argument if you wish. Later, dude. Post. – Amorella.

        Back at Natorp’s buying plants as Carol’s petunias died off. You want to begin the audio draft. Part of the problem is that the audio jack is not working and you feel uncomfortable listening to the audio aloud while at home.
         I need to just go upstairs where it is more private to do the audio and get done with it or come up with another plan. I don’t know why I have been slacking off, not really, other than just taking a break. Actually, I think seeing the film and focusing on it for a few hours helped break the sluggishness.
         While here prep for the audio and if time we can work on the first scene of chapter six. > Scenes four, five, six, seven, and eight of chapter five are prepped to begin audio. Let’s finish them today so we are ready to move on. – Amorella.
         Night. Earlier you and Carol watched a copied show from the USA network called “White Collar” and you both pleasantly enjoyed it. You never worked on the scenes though they are still ready. After the television you left for the living room while she tried another new show not of your interest. You ended up reading more of Mark Twain’s autobiography which in part focused on the death of one of his children who was in her twenties. He was in England and clearly had regrets and sorrows and many good, fond memories of this particular daughter.
         Yet, while I was within the lines and between them as I read I cannot remember the dear woman’s name. I could tell he was sad as he spoke the words for dictation and was keeping her alive not only by memory, but keeping her with him being bound up by his life story. She was an intelligent daughter, far more so than her father. She leaned perfect like her father’s wife, like her mother. I got that and keep it in understanding, but still I cannot remember the girl’s name, nor her mother’s either. I feel the better for reading the Autobiography even in the haphazard way I am.
         Enough for tonight. Post, and to bed. – Amorella.

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