16 July 2010


       Yesterday you could think of nothing to write about. Today is different, especially after you and Carol took in the new film, “Inception” this afternoon at the local Regal. You are feeling good because you could follow the film directly and throughout.
         It is inwardly a very joyous event to realize I have no problem knowing what reality is and what it is not in my head where it counts the most. The construction of the plot of the film was simple and the film was completely and always understandable within its own framework. This is the same as it has been with the books, since my first attempt, completing a book length fictional work (Anno Dominae) back in 1979-1980. I would like to construct a few sentences about my feelings towards “Inception” but this is enough for me.
         Still, you went ahead and made a couple of comments about the film on your Facebook page, and you make it sound like logic is the key to the ending.
         It is. Logic is the key to the end of almost every day. One reasons out whether it was a good day or not, that is after sheorhe defines ‘good’. Tracing the end of the film back to the beginning allows me to see the logical steps more clearly. If the critic has a good question, there is good reason for it. That’s what makes the movie fun. In life and in dreams we consciously come in after the beginning, thus it is difficult to know/understand where the beginning actually is.         

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