14 July 2010


          You slept better although about one-thirty you headed downstairs to the chair and footstool for the rest of the night. No re-awakening though until morning. Breakfast and the paper (which you picked up for a change). Presently at Pine Hill Park where you walked and are waiting on Carol who is walking further and longer. Lunch with Rich G. today, down to your usual Indian restaurant on Rt. 42 about half a mile above the I-275 interchange.
         You had a note from an old high school classmate, Judy S. who was an English major like yourself who went on to be a psychologist in Rhode Island. You are pleased to be communicating with her again after fifty years. 
         Night. It is too warm upstairs so you are in the chair in the living room for the duration of the evening. Post to remind yourself of your doldrums. – Amorella. 

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